With the discovery of Brent Scott's early retirement from the Ludington City Council, the knowledge that Mayor John Henderson is looking to appoint someone from the Third Ward to stand in for the last few months of his tenure, and the realization that I am a resident of the Third Ward, I have come to a conclusion: I wanna be a Cow-nsler.
Being banished from City Hall serves as no immediate disqualification for this position, just a hurdle I have to vault over. The main problem is to get His honor, the Mayor, to consider me for that august body of distinguished townfolks. To that end, I wrote the following letter today to show my interest and point out a few of my qualifications.
You can get my E-mail address from your neighbor, John Shay, if you need to contact me quicker, to make sure I don't get snatched away for other jobs and projects, your honor.
This was sent late today to his residence. I am ordering my purple robes in anticipation, and preparing my speech. "I wish to thank all the members of the Third Ward who voted for and got me this position "Thanks go out to all the seven people outside the Third Ward who got me this position, I will serve them accordingly...".
The LDN have shown in the past that they are not journalistically bent. Both times they have featured me in their stories, they have massacred the facts while taking dictation from John Shay.
As for my address, I would have edited it, but the crazies have already shown they know fair well where my residence is. Plus, it shows I live in the Third Ward.
If you hadn't heard yet on WMOM or any of our other local information sources, my alter-ego, Tom Rotta, is one of four people in the running for the 3rd Ward Councilor position. Here was my e-letter from the Asst. City Manager Jackie Steckel yesterday (I enjoy the part about coming to City Hall for the interview, with no regard for the current active 'Letter of Trespass'):
Tom - Please find below a letter regarding your interview appointment for the 3rd Ward Councilor position. If you have any questions or are unable to attend this scheduled appointment, please contact me as soon as possible. Thank You Jackie
Phone 231-845-6237
Fax 231-845-1146
April 6, 2011
Mr. Tom Rotta
Ludington, M 49431
RE: Interview Appointment – 3rd Ward Councilor
Dear Mr. Rotta:
Thank you for your interest to fill the vacancy of the 3rd Ward Councilor. We were pleased to have received four interested applicants and will be interviewing each of them. Please accept this letter as written confirmation of your interview appointment.
Your interview is scheduled for 5:00 PM on Tuesday, April 12, 2011. Interviews will be held at the Ludington Municipal Building located at 400 S. Harrison Street , Ludington.
You will be interviewed by an Interview Committee comprised of Mayor John Henderson & Councilors Castonia, Holman & Taranko. City Clerk Deb Luskin and City Manager John Shay will also be sitting in on the interviews. Please note that the interview process is open to the public.
We anticipate the interview will take approximately 30 minutes.
We look forward to seeing you on April 12th. If you have any questions, or will be unable to make the scheduled appointment time, please contact me at 845-6237.
Jackie L. Steckel
Asst. to the City Manager
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