If You Think Raising the Debt Ceiling Higher was Good, You Have to Play this Game




Jenga with GIANT blocks!  Oh sure, you can keep growing it higher and higher, but one of these times, the foundation just won't support it and everything will come crumbling down.  Here is a history of the raising of the debt ceiling by the Congress;  when will it end-- well many see it tottering now and few ideas on the next move.  Maybe its time to take off some of those blocks on the top and firm the foundation.


  • August 2011- $16.694 trillion
  • February 2010 - $14.294 trillion
  • December 2009 - $12.394 trillion
  • February 2009 - $12.104 trillion
  • October 2008 - $11.315 trillion
  • July 2008 - $10.615 trillion
  • September 2007 - $9.815 trillion
  • March 2006 - $8.965 trillion
  • November 2004 - $8.184
  • May 2003 - $7.384 trillion
  • June 2002 - $6.4 trillion
  • August 1997 - $5.95 trillion
  • March 1996 - $5.5 trillion
  • August 1993 - $4.9 trillion
  • April 1993 - $4.37 trillion
  • November 1990 - $4.145 trillion
  • October 1990 - $3.23 trillion
  • November 1989 - $3.1227 trillion
  • August 1989 - $2.87 trillion
  • September 1987 - $2.8 trillion
  • August 1987 - $2.352 trillion
  • July 1987 - $2.32 trillion
  • October 1986 - $2.3 trillion
  • August 1986 - $2.111 trillion
  • December 1985 - $2.0787 trillion
  • November 1985 - $1.9038 trillion
  • October 1984 - $1.8238 trillion
  • July 1984 - $1.573 trillion
  • May 1984 - $1.52 trillion
  • November 1983 - $1.49 trillion
  • May 1983 - $1.389 trillion
  • September 1982 - $1.2902
  • June 1982 - $1.1431 trillion
  • September 1981 - 1.0798 trillion
  • September 1981 - $999.8 billion
  • February 1981 - $985 billion
  • December 1980 - $935.1 billion
  • June 1980 - $925 billion
  • September 1979 - $879 billion
  • April 1979 - $830 billion
  • August 1978 - $798 billion
  • October 1977 - $752 billion
  • June 1976 - $700 billion
  • March 1976 - $627 billion
  • November 1975 - $595 billion
  • February 1975 - $577 billion
  • June 1974 - $495 billion
  • December 1973 - $475.7 billion
  • October 1972 - $465 billion
  • March 1972 - $450 billion
  • March 1971 - $430 billion
  • June 1970 - $395 billion
  • April 1969 - $377 billion
  • June 1967 - $358 billion
  • March 1967 - $336 billion
  • June 1966 - $330 billion
  • June 1965 - $328 billion
  • June 1964 - $324 billion
  • November 1963 - $315 billion
  • May 1963 - $309 billion
  • July 1962 - $308 billion
  • March 1962 - $300 billion
  • June 1961 - $298 billion
  • June 1960 - $293 billion
  • June 1959 - $295 billion
  • September 1958 - $288 billion
  • February 1958 - $280 billion
  • July 1956 - $278 billion
  • August 1954 - $281 billion
  • June 1946 - $275 billion
  • April 1945 - $300 billion
  • June 1944 - $260 billion
  • April 1943 - $210 billion
  • March 1942 - $125 billion
  • February 1941 - $65 billion
  • June 1940 - $49 billion
  • December 1939 - $45 billion
  • December 1919 - $43 billion

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LOL.  And when this tower tumbles down, it will fall on the back of your kids.  And history will remember the thoughtless clods who let it get this bad as modern-day King Georges.

All because we are a two party system. When one or the other is in power they spend money like drunken sailers looking for love. I've said it a thousand times, this two party system will ruin America. They feel entitled to control us and expect us to bow down at the election alter to appoint them with no real choices, until now. Go Tea Party.
The TEA party sucks as much as the rest, they are just a facet of the rep's/con's. The only way around the two party system is for people to start voting for the Greens, Libertarian or Independents. That being the order I pick at every election. And, if one of those are not available to choose then I pass up the question, because voting for the rep's or dems is like voting for either torture by lashing or waterboarding, either way its not any good.

Read a interesting tid bit today, put a smile on my face.

Every one has heard of a gaggle of geese, herd of cows, and so on. Does anyone know what the proper collective noun for a group of baboons??


Honestly.... a congress


How approrpriate

The Tea Party currently is seen as a subset of the Republicans, but don't be surprised if it becomes a third party if another 'mainstream' republican gets the nod for the president, and their agenda gets ignored.  That's good news for President Obama, as the Republicans will lose if they nominate another GWB or McCain clone.  And we'll more than likely get a Congress of baboons as well in 2012. 


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