Is the new health plan good enough for Congress?

I've been following this effort for a little while now. Congressman John Fleming, a Republican  and physician from Louisiana, is leading a campaign to force members of Congress to enroll in the health plan they are forcing on the American people. Below is his latest mass e-mail to those who signed a petition to force Congress to have the same coverage as the rest of us.

My thought is that even if they end up having to comply, they're all so wealthy that they could pay out of pocket for whatever the new plan does not cover without batting an eyelash. Do you think there will ever be a level playing field?


As the author of H Res 615, a resolution calling on Members of Congress to enroll in the public Health Care plan, I have an important update.

Due to an overwhelming response from
Americans across the country to my office, the health bill recently
into law will indeed force members of Congress to abandon their federal
health benefits and enroll in the newly created exchanges.

While we have won the first round, we may have not won the war.
There is a move afoot to “fix” the language of this

That's why it is important for me to communicate
with you and provide you with information as it is available to me.

A great way to do this is to follow me on Twitter at

sign up today....let’s be sure this provision isn’t

Together, we can make sure the people’s voice is



Member of Congress

P.S. If you’d like more information, please take a minute to visit my newly redesigned website at or check out my
page at

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No as I understand it, members of the Congress and their families are exempt from the medical coverage we have and will not have to pay the taxes or premium costs we will. That is why they don't care. This coverage is for life for them and their families.

It seems once we vote them in for 1 term the automatically get guaranteed free lifetime medical care.
Being that the common citizenry can be fined and imprisoned for violating provisions of the new law (meant to be so helpful to us all), it would be unreasonable to think that they should be above it. Let them get in line and experience our new access to the health system.

Instead, many will have their own 'black-market' health professionals attend to them, while we have to suffer with the doctors left in the system.
Just saw this article. If you wish to post it in LT feel free since I have my personal critique over there.
Another article about health care costs from site

Again if anyone would like to start a thread with these two article over in the LT area, feel free. My "followers" from site to site will twist it into a Masonco degrading if I start the thread.
Awww, Masonco, you can start whatever thread you want to, I'll always support you, and so will many others too, don't mind the numbskulls, for lack of more politeness. Hey X, that's real satire, "thinking it would be unreasonable to think that they should be above it". ROFL/LOL/LMAO

Thanks for your links. Interesting reading. If you feel strongly about these articles, you have every right to post on LT. I personally would never post a discussion on that forum because of a bad experience I had there. Why don't you just post your discussions here, where you're among friends, instead of making yourself vulnerable to attack?

I'd like to keep my discussion on topic, though. I don't believe Congress should mandate anything for U.S. citizens without complying with the mandate themselves. I'd like to know others' thoughts as it pertains to the health care bill. Also, what do others think about Congressman Fleming's efforts?
b/c I can not keep up with monitoring the personal attacks when I start ANY new threads anywhere. It is not just here or at LT. It is at another place too. I quit starting new threads in my other site for the same reason. (It is not an NING site). I'm not afraid, just don't want to give these people the enjoyment of "following" me around. This way they have to look harder to locate and belittle my posts.

Besides. I have another place under a different name where I have contact w/ my son and his wife. My son is in Iraq and his family lives 1200 miles away. AND I have a very ill husband to care for.

Thanks for the support of all of you. I am tired after dealing with these individuals for a couple years. My largest offense was to mention my faith in a FORGIVING God and that we should do the same to those who harm us BUT that does not mean we need to continue to expose ourselves to their abuse daily. I forgive these individuals with the specific but need to step back so avoid them the honor of offending or hurting others.

So Please use my information to start new threads here or in LT. The information needs to be shared and it does not matter to me if someone else takes the "credit". At least the information will get out there.


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