Its sad that individuals continue to come here and just want to be disruptive. If you disagree with what is said here, come here and make your points, backing your point with fact when applicable. Regardless of where else you may post at, it does a disservice. If by chance your a member of the Soup and coming here, it makes YOU worse then anything you may think of people that post here. If you are from there, there are a few there that come off as being better then anyone here. By having to come here and be disruptive, you lower yourself well below anything anyone of us here could possibly be.
By no means do I think everyone here is perfect. I do not agree with everything that everyone says or does.... but they have the right to say or do what they want within reason.
If you want to come here, contribute. I make my points and I back them up, you should be able to do the same. In other words, grow up a little.
Thanking the truly sober Dave's, X's, and Masonco's for their divine wisdom and patience, with has no end sometimes on the Torch. At least for this brief (again) disruptive moment. We, the majority on the Torch, and I hope I truly speak for most, have much patience, willingness, and faith, in something called God!, to try to make pledges for peace and harmony with other Talk Forums, those that would seek to disrupt and destroy true American virtues, such as rights of free speech, and freedom of the self, one whose warped purpose is to divide and conquer objective positive motives. Then make liberal slaves of us all! Thank God almighty, we have something besides hate and fear mongering to get us through this, now and into the far future. Nice try again Soup Poopers, you still rank skanky at best.
Permalink Reply by XLFD on September 30, 2010 at 5:19pm
I apologize to all members for the baseness of the recent spammings that have occurred here at the Torch. Bear with us (pun not intended, at first), while we deal with the juvenalia of a disturbing (sic) individual. We have always been, and will always remain, an open site, with everyone able to join and express themselves in a manner that follows the rules as expressed in the terms of service.
Edie, I was going to use the avatar myself. Because I reallyam the clumsiest person in the universe. I even tried to be a server once and I can only let you imagine how hilarious/messy that turned out. I have wanted that avatar since the day I first saw it.
And I don't really believe your(Edie) using the avatar and what you said in the thread at LT were in anyway proper etiquette to show respect. It's along the same lines as calling a black person nigga, its okay if your black, but if your a cracker its totally disrespectful. Same goes here, you can "roast" your friends but it's not right to do it to those who aren't your good friends.
I also saw a post in this thread here that has since been deleted that was by AQ. I felt it was totally disparaging to Blinky and his family.
I think both side should just STFU if you can't say something truly kind when someone passes. I have seen it from both sides as well and it makes me wonder if maybe I am the only person at either forum who knows when to stfu. I hope my child grows up to have better manners and be more respectful than any of you from both sides because if she don't I would give her one hell of a punishment for acting the way everyone has in all the death related threads.
What behr was doing if it was him was wrong (re:AQ's mom) and now what you guys are doing is just as bad only your being more passive aggressive. Maybe everybody ought to think about how they would feel if someone said the stuff ALL of you bickerers have said about the others family.
Usually I find the banter amusing. This time I am absolutely disgusted by both sides.
I feel this is somewhat appropriate in light of those who came to cause disruption and personal attacks just because they can do it on the internet anonymously.
I trust that if you feel this does not fit in here, then perhaps it will find a place where it can open a few eyes.
Yes, I find it disturbing that people are letting their children aged 7 or so have facebook pages and splattering the kids pictures all over the internet & FB. I have my facebook locked down and still don't even say my kids name on it. She has a page under a made up name that she is only allowed to play games on and has a couple of my friends as 'friends' but it is still supervised. I dread the day when she makes her own.
This is a sick world we live in. (and then we have those who say it's the teachers faults the kids do poorly in school...puhleeze). The poor teachers are not sent malleable balls of fresh clay, they are sent clay that has been rolled in the mud, stuffed with sand and rocks, and then fed preservatives and GMO food and doped up on amphetamines because the parents are to busy working to keep up with the Joneses to actually raise the children properly.. We are lucky the teachers even show up for work anymore. We should bow and thank them for tolerating the kids (and the self absorbed parents) all day.
Sadly these self centered parents are contributing to the junk on the computer. It is appalling to see the videos teens (and those called adults by default of age) post on UTube, social sites and even chat sites like this.
What most kids don't realize it affects job potential and they can be tracked (and prosecuted) even if they post their nasty stuff on sites like this. Now the ones that posted those videos may see barbed wire and share small cells with nasty people for many years. Also those that posted will have trouble finding jobs because they now have a reputation that will never go away.
Fyi, guys, I just repeated verbatum what I saw posted by Blinkey's gf at the Soup, re; her financial situation, homelessness soon to come, etc.. With regard to the avatar, Blinkey himself explained it as his brother's behavior over at LT. So, having said that, I don't see what I said was offensive nor inaccurate. But, if you think I need to apologize, so be it. I never hated the guy, from start to finish. He made his own bed, so to speak, and hounded several of us on other forums like he was following our every post, stalking more correctly. Disarm did likewise. But, it did not deter us from our endeavors to speak out on subjects of interest and bring our facts to the table for debate. I just didn't see that in most of his posts. They were blatantly rude and filled with hate mongering at times, not always, but mostly lately. So, RIP Blinkey, and I hope your family finds prosperity and peace in the future.
I find it interesting that they can do that and much worse to anyone who not one of their "liberal" group, but when someone does it accidentally to them, they cry and get even with cyberbullying type threads and posts.
But then again, when there is nothing else to do but search the web to find someone to attack that has to be an extremely lonely and boring..
Yes aquaman posted it verbatim - but he also put in a jab about Blinkey not being a man, since he hadn't provided for his girlfriend. Since Blinkey is gone - the only one that comment could hurt was his girlfriend - hasn't she had enough hurt. The cyber-bullying on all sides needs to stop, aren't we all adults. I think we should all offer our opinions and leave out the name calling.