Many of you more then likely saw in today's news that NPR fired liberal
journalist Juan Williams today for comments he made recently on the
O'Reilly Factor in regards to muslims. NPR made a bad decision. By no
means did he deserve to be fired for what he said. He simply stated what
a large number of people feel when they are at a airport and see
Muslims there... being someone that surely is in and out of the NYC area
on a very regular basis, he recalls the events of 9/11 as clearly as
anyone. He specified that he has no issue with Muslims and that he only
has the feeling very briefly. Lets be honest here, how many of you have
had a feeling of uneasiness when traveling into a unfamiliar city and
you notice that the area you might be entering is rundown and that there
might be a certain segment of society that is in the majority. Anyone
that hasn't ever felt uneasy either doesn't travel or simply isn't being

NPR needs to be reined in... there little money fest with American Tax Payer dollars needs to be checked into and NPR needs
to put more programming that is aimed at conservative and libertarian
views being that NPR is suppose to be a reflection of the American
public, with a emphasis on children programming and some minority
programming as that type of programming at the time of starting such
networks were not very common. Since that time though and specially in
recent years, NPR radio might as well be NLR.. as in National Liberal
Radio.. since that seems to the programming that they want to produce.
Oddly, if the Fairness Doctrine was to ever come about, NPR would
probably face the most trouble converting its programming over to a fair
and balanced style. The Fairness Doctrine wouldn't have much effect at
all on Fox news as they regularly feature both liberal and conservative
people on their network, including Juan Williams.

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Mr Williams firing would make a lot more sense if it wasn't for a fact that Nina Totenberg a few years back made a comment that Republican Jessie Helms or his grandchildren might get Aids from a transfusion. It would seem that the rules at NPR are quite selective as its only a problem when its doesn't fit their agenda. And anyone would be silly to think that Williams frequent appearances on Fox didn't have something to do with his firing.. i'm sure it had plenty to do with it. It should probably be noted just for the sake of progressiveness that Juan Williams was the only black on NPR... so now NPR isn't even all that progressive.

Defund NPR and PBS. Let them make their own money... specially PBS, they have programming that could more then pay their own way.

I actually caught that interview the night it aired and saw it as it was, a person describing his own honest personal feelings. He did not try to justify the feelings, in fact he seemed ashamed that he felt so, and his interview as a whole was very sympathetic with Muslims. NPR certainly didn't like Juan consorting with the (perceivedly right wing and recognizedly highly successful) enemy, FOX News.

NPR shows what a restricted outlet it is when even the ladies of The View find it troubling. Juan is left to me on just about all issues, but he is fair and balanced in his views. He will make an excellent addition when his full talents are showcased on FOX News.
I think in the long run, the action NPR took is seriously going to be a big mistake for them. I think his firing had a lot more to do with his regular appearances on Fox then with the actual comment he made. He's shown on many many occasions to be a decent and fair person and about as far from being a bigot as you can get. His numerous commentaries and such clearly show he cares about minorities of all types. The comment made by his boss shortly after his firing further shows how they really felt about him... suggesting that questions should be asked of Juan or his psychiatrist.

Anyhow, I can see NPR and PBS loosing it public funding money over this situation... and really, I don't think they need it these days. PBS could easily stay afloat with the money it could make off of Sesame Street. At one point Sesame Street had over 1000 product licenses on the market. Maybe Tickle Me Elmo can pay his own way now.
Good point about all the money they can make with the Sesame Street marketing alone. They do make an excellent case themselves on why public funding can be as bad as private funding as regards loyalty to the 'sponsor' and the 'product they sell'.

Their 'sponsor' being Big, Progressive Government and their 'product' being one-sided propaganda.
Add on some of the 'donors' like one George Soros who indeed did donate almost 2 million dollars just after the comments made by Juan and just before Juan got fired.... and keep in mind Mr Soros owns a website that keeps an eye on Fox in particular... not hard to see a bit of a connection between things when you put them in perspective.


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