I can't locate the editorial on the internet or the LDN web page so if you can find it please let me know where it is so I can post it.
The 10-30-15 edition of the LDN had an interesting editorial. It was complaining about Republicans who are being affected by the main stream media bias. Not only does the LDN editorialize about those complaints it also added a snarky cartoon regarding the same. This, coming from one of the most leftist slanted newspaper, only shows just how biased LDN really is. They try to make a case that there really is no "main stream media" because none of the Republican candidates voiced a definition of what it is but anyone following the news especially political in nature sees what is going on. Most of the newsprint and TV news is controlled by the left. When people complain about the "main stream media's" bias the answer from the left is that it does not exist and that people are over reacting. The first thing that is noticeable is that the LDN is only complaining about Republicans and not Democrats. Did the LDN editors stop to think that Democrats do not complain about mainstream media because the mainstream media are cheerleaders for the Democrat party. The LDN asks the question "who are the mainstream media"? They even ask if LDN would be considered mainstream media. DUH! LDN is one of the most obvious and consistant abusers of fairplay and unbiased news reporting on the market today. Anyone who has followed X's Ludington torch can verify that. LDN is playing the blame game by accusing the accusers and trying to convinced people that the "mainstream media" does not exist and the Republicans complaints are not legitimate. Another fine job by the LDN of trying to cover up and conceal the truth.
Willie, what the heck are you reading the COLDNews for, did you lose a bet or need birdcage liner?
I haven't checked it out yet as I have been out helping to make wood at my remote fortress of solitude. If nobody else does, I'll scan the editorial when I get back to civilization. Had fun last night watching the Evil Dead trilogy on Starz! once again, which is extra good and fun when viewed in a cabin deep in the woods, followed by the first episode of a new series called Ash v. Evil Dead.
It's been raining and cold all day and is forecast to be the same all night. My question to you is: Has Chief Barnett called off trick or treating yet (as he did two years ago)?
Who signed the editorial? Begnoche? Yeah, he's the worst of the bunch over at the LDN, from San Antonio, Tx., not even closely affiliated with Michigan politics, with a distorted and over the top cynical view of Ludington's citizens, and the city officials that feather his nest with advertising. Either that or have three or four sign the editorial as a group effort, that's been seen numerous times too in the past. That way no one can point at one person's warped perceptions, because they align like a team in their editorial. Anyway you look at it, silly and biased to achieve their fixed agenda.
San Antonio, Tx.???
I was lead to believe that before his Ludington gig Begnoche was a TV personality. Always thought he reported the daily news in Iraq. Bagdad Begnoche. Guess I was misinformed. :=)
I had a few conversations with this Steve Begnoche some years back when X was first being badgered by the LDN and the COL on FOIA's. One was in person, the other by phone. Talk about a one-sided conversation? Yeah, try talking for about 20 minutes, started out as a 5 minute conversation. Begnoche let's you get in about 2 sentences in 20 minutes, the rest of the time, he's talking full blast. As about as pure a narcissist as they get. He's in love with himself, a legend in his own mind when it comes to life. So, there's no sense even trying to talk sensibly with him, he knows it all, and makes no bones about it. You just sit and listen, and he'll rattle on forever, lol.
I bought the paper because someone told me about the editorial and said I should read it because it shows what the mindset is for those in charge of the LDN. I didn't notice who wrote it but I'm sure it was a group effort by those who have a say at LDN.
The article as usual states, "editorials are written by Steve Begnoche, Mis-Managing Editor, Managing Idiot. Direct inquiries to him.
I had meant to notice that I posted the article by Begnoche, but my post was obliterated by my Torchiba computer and lost to the ether. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I would say that Steve Begnoche was somehow jamming my computer, because I put up his picture and referenced it to looking like a comic book character from the old Popeye comic strip named Alice the Goon.
This was after I went over some of the ridiculous questions asked the Republican candidates for the highest office in the land by the ultraliberal panel, including one referencing Trump as a comic book character. I remember the various candidate forums I went to for 2012-2014 hosted by the COLDNews, which offered little opportunity for the public to truly understand their candidates.
Thanks X. It's just so typical that the LDN is trying to convince people that the biased/liberal/mainstream media does not exist and that the Republicans are just trying to make the non existent biased/liberal/mainstream media look bad. HUH? How is that possible if it is a figment of the public's imagination? It's like an indicted Mafia member trying to convince everyone that the Mafia is not real and that it's just everyone's imagination. Really, LDN? Just how stupid do you think we are? The editorial states that "politicians, media and attorneys are at the bottom of the trust in polls of the public" and just why would "media" be included with politicians. Could be all the slanted, deceiving, lying, biased reporting, along with half truths and the withholding of and false reporting of the news. If there ever was a shining example of a media company that fits that description we need not look any further than Ludingtons own, the LDN.
I remember a few years back, maybe 5, when I called the owner of the LDN to ask about their slanted and biased editorial regarding X again, and other city hall matters. (Nice guy, also a local biker, and other similar interests.) He was polite, and listened to me in earnest, then he told me the reasons for this editorial. Seems that he, as the LDN owner and CEO, was outvoted on the contents of the editorial. Huh, I thought? Yes, he wasn't in agreement, but had been outvoted by his own staff, including Begnoche, Klevorn, and Brezinski, or whatever. I said really? Yup, he had the tail wagging the dog, and so the biased and unfair editorial back then. Well, what does that say about our journalists these days? If you want to call them journalists. And also CEO's on running their own company, and newspaper? He sold out the LDN within the year after that, and who can blame him? However, in private industry, the boss should make the final calls on decisions, and esp. editorials imho. If you let the people working for you run the business, you can't expect positive results most of the time, like putting the wolf in charge of the chicken coop.
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