A recent small LDN article referring to the Mason County Campgrounds related the story that the outhouse/bathrooms are in dire need of repairs, not really replacement. The roof leaks some and it could use repainting, and it's a bit on the small side nowadays. But, the story goes on to state that an entirely new unit will now be built, with about 60% of the cost coming in grants, the rest by us taxpayers in Mason County. The proposed cost of the new outhouse is, Get This, $215,000, more than most of us have or would pay for our own HOMES! NO, it's not a typo to my knowledge. Oh, to be fair, it will have a small deck to stand on in case the unisex bathroom is full, and also a registration office to check in for the campers, BIG DEAL! Anyone think I'm extreme complaining about this in this type economy, and given the place and small 4 month a year usage it will get? Anyone ever see that campground full? Even in the height of the season, it's in Buttersville, and I've NEVER seen it FULL!

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Why they need a larger shed is beyond me. I go by there quite often to take photos of the area and everytime I pass by there noone is in the shed and noone is waiting to get in. I't's a  nice campground but it's  not like LSP.

Very true.  I've stayed there before during the season. 

My idea:  Have a dependable campground host(ess) set up on the first campsight to handle operations and scrap the whole entry building idea.  Demolish the freaky thingMoney saved, and everyone is better served.

OMG, anyone take a careful look at X's pic. of the roof? That in itself bespeaks of the jollies associated with such a shack, there is absolutely no way anyone with half a brain could build this flat roof with no possible way for water to run off and stop the decay of the roof and structure itself. No wonder it's wrecked. But to add insult to injury with a $215K structure, well, like I said, shameful at best, and pathetic to boot. Besides, who is going to sneak into the campground w/o paying when this is so far detached from any other local campground known in the area, it's never really filled even during August last time I visited.


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