Just what we needed, another dose of winter weather. From the sounds of things, it could be quite messy by the end of the night with anything from rain to freezing rain/sleet to a foot of snow headed our way. It will surely make my commute tonight so much more fun then usual... I can hardly wait.

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Welcome to Spring in Michigan.  The next two days look to be a wintry mix of driving fun, with temperatures for the next four nights after tonight dipping into the teens.  Take advantage of the nice weather now to restock your firewood and put your weatherstripping back on.

firewood ready forgot to get hamburg and a few other things, but was to focused on other basics rather than getting more groceries.


(Hubby is not well at all and might end up in hospital again before end of week.)

yay! With four big dogs one must be super vigilant in the poop scooping department, but I can admit there were a few times the snow covered it during storms before I could find it. Now that I have found all those half degraded piles of mush and scraped them from the dog runs as best as possible without digging the yard up in the process I can say I am pretty confident that there are no residues being tracked into the house. I have been to some residences that have made me disgusted with the pet owners lack of cleanup skills, As I could not make it to the door without stepping in something if I wasn't on the lookout. I can pat myself on the back and say I am dang good at keeping the runs clean.


But, the MUD, oh the horrible wet sloppy mud that they track in,I buy cheap rugs or carpet remnants each year to either pitch at the start of summer or hang over the fence under the eves of the house to get washed out, it is a lucky thing I have hardwood floors in this old house or I would have a mess.


Come on snow, I could use a break from the mud prevention!


Sometimes I even have to get a towel and wipe all there feet if they were digging. oh the mess of spring, but soon, very soon, dry ground!

I'm having to mop my floor every day lately.


Thanks, I forgot about the mop as I only recently bought one and stored it to the back room, one of those stupid self ringing twisty thing ones. I should have went to an industrial supply and got a good one with a mop bucket like they have at schools. I use a bunch of old towels.

Family Dollar and others have vinyl runners for $5, they are 2' W. X 6' L., some buy several for high traffic areas, much less work than mopping daily too. Of course, during winter months, and rainy seasons, Mom always insisted we take our shoes off at the door, stocking feet on carpet/flooring doesn't track anything..........lol.

Can't have any runners or loose rugs. They get tangled in Hubby's LONG oxygen line plus he would trip on them.


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