Got to thinking that we need to name the dune.
You know the one, The one by the West End Scheme. Humanize the sandy little fella, make 'm the poster child for the Sandcastle Children Museum. Watchful Protector of the playground. Demonize Shay along with it, him wanting to sidewalk our poor dune. Plant a bunch of invasive species so the dune will get sick and die. Erect a beer tent by the dune so kids can't play there anymore. Dig out the Dune for a Tiki Bar so Ludington could be like the rest of the towns because Evil Shay has issues of inadequacy.
Anybody know anyone who writes children's books?
Anyway I'm not good at this naming stuff. Someone else has to pick up the slack and run the ball in for a touchdown. I'd name if Finster if it was up to me but even I don't think that is a good name for a dune.
In the meantime.
"This statute,. the Sand Dune Protection and Management Act
(Act No. 222, P.A. 1976; M.C.L. 281.651 - 281.664)
provides the Department of Natural Resources with the authority
to undertake specified steps which will assure the wise use and
protection of Michigan's dunes and dune-like formations."
"The fundamental step in administering this program is that of
designating the location of "sand dune" areas in the state. The
statute defines a sand dune area as -- "an area which includes
those geomorphic features composed primarily of sand, whether
windblown or of other origin and which lie within 2 miles of the
ordinary high water mark on a Great Lake." This definition is
significantly broad in nature and is subject to several interpretations."
The State of Michigan got out of the job of protecting sand dunes by law. The 1976 law was fully repealed in 1995.
You have a very good idea about Ludington's dune, it should be personified to make even more people aware that the ultimate goal of the current leaders is to micromanage and/or landscape areas better left alone, eventually endangering the fragile dune.
If Moonbeam Kathy wasn't so busy licking Shay's boots, we might get some ideas from her, lol. If you want a simple female name, Little Sandy could be a start? The idea could also be to adopt a dune, looking for volunteers to keep the area clean and kept-up, unlike the DPW does now, with a groupie-like organization like they have downtown at the vacant lot used for concerts and a garden party.
The State of Michigan did not get out the job of protecting sand dunes. In 1989 they redefined the region considered Critical Dune Area dropping a lot of Mason County from the list including the Ludington Area.
In 1994 it was amended Part 353, Sand Dunes Protection and Management defining what is allowable in developmental, silvicultural and recreational activities. It was again amended in 2012.,4561,7-135-3311_4114_4236-9832--,00.html
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