Navy SEALs hit Obama for making Osama Bin Laden raid political

This might come back to bite Obama in the general election... specially if this video goes viral and gets aired nationally on cable TV or even on over the air TV.

PHOENIX, May 2, 2012- On Tuesday, the political group, Veterans for a strong America, released an ad saying, “Why does Obama take so much credit for killing Osama Bin Laden?” 

One year ago, Operation Neptune Spear resulted in the killing of Osama Bin Laden.  The  Al-Qaeda terror leader had been hiding in Abbottabad, Pakistan, killing.

One year later, President Barack Obama is launching “Operation Spike The Football”, as a tough re-election campaign.

The first attack is President Obama's political ad attacking Mitt Romney, claiming that presumptive Republican nominee wouldn’t have ordered the kill to take out Bin Laden.  

The ad, narrated by former President Bill Clinton states that Obama took the “harder and the more honorable path,” in killing the terror leader.

The ad then displays a banner of text reading, “Which path would Mitt Romney have taken?” 

The ad continues with clips of President Obama announcing the death of Bin Laden, highlighting just how much Obama overused the word “I,” instead of the United States for example. 

Ever since Osama was announced dead, Obama has run around on a victory lap claiming that it was his leadership that ultimately killed Bin Laden. 

When in fact, Obama only authorized the operation to take place; he was not there. The troops killed Bin Laden. Obama and the White House haven’t given credit to where credit is due. 

The Navy SEALs.

Unfortunately for Obama, serving and former Navy Seals aren’t keeping quiet about his political victory lap, as they’ve come out against Obama. 

"I think every president would have done the same. He is justified in saying it was his decision but the preparation, the sacrifice - it was a broader team effort," a former Navy SEAL and Team 6 assault leader is quoted as saying the Daily Mail Online, "The President and his administration are positioning him as a war president using the SEALs as ammunition. It was predictable."

Another serving SEAL Team operator says about the president:

"Obama wasn’t in the field, at risk, carrying a gun. As President, at every turn he should be thanking the guys who put their lives on the line to do this. He does so in his official speeches because the speechwriters are smart. But the more he tries to take the credit for it, the more the ground operators are saying, “Come on, man!” It really didn’t matter who was president. At the end of the day, they were going to go.’  

Even the far-left Editor-in-Chief of the Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington, slammed Obama for making the OBL raid political, saying, ‘ turn it into a campaign ad is one of the most despicable things you can do.’

To top off Obama’s inaccurate victory lap, according to the CNSNews’s database on Afghanistan war casualties, 69% of war casualties in the country have happened under Obama’s watch since taking office in January 2009.  

That’s nearly 1,275 of the total 1,844 deaths since Operation Enduring Freedom started in October 2001. 

It isn’t clear yet if Obama’s choice of taking all the credit for the Osama Bin Laden raid has resonated with the American electorate and has actually resulted in support for the president. 

However, what does remain clear is that Obama’s victory dance isn’t going to end anytime soon. It will continue to be political fodder in the months ahead of November. 

Obama isn’t going to let Americans forget that he was the president that ordered the killing of the man who massacred 3,000 Americans on September 11 as they go to vote. 

At any rate, it is "despicable" to see the President use the men and women that protect us everyday as political ammunition in his reelection bid. 

Email Henry D’Andrea at and follow him on Twitter (@TheHenry)

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Any sitting president would have taken credit for it. My nephew is a SEAL - I didn't hear any him or any of his team complaining about The Commander in Chief taking credit for it. 

In his press conference after the assassination of Osama, Obama took an awful lot of personal credit.  Politicizing it by putting it in an ad, and insinuating that Romney (who has a solid hawkish streak) wouldn't have did this, is absurd. 

I could see an ad like this being used against Ron Paul effectively, but Barack would have been better served by keeping his ego in check.  Obama, however, spells "humility" with four "I"s.

Victory has a hundred fathers, defeat is an orphan. Would Obama so repeatedly take credit for a failed Bin Laden assassination? Does in fact Obama take credit for the highest unemployment in American history, the highest deficits, the highest National Debt, the highest amount of new regulations on business and private citizens, the longest war in American history in Afghanistan, and abroad, the highest amount of foreclosures and bankruptcies in history here? If your answer to any of these questions is NO, then ask why he is saying YES to credit for Bin Laden so often nowadays. It's ALL he has leftover, after 3-1/2 years of failure everywhere else is why. His newest campaign word is Forward, meaning not repeating the past, and going forward for prosperity, unlike Romney. If Romney wants to repeat some of the past Republicans successes of Reagan, Ike, Bush and many others, I say anything is better than the Forward progress Obama proposes.

Obama recently touted that he would like to emulate President Lincoln, a Republican from long ago as we all know. Apparently Mr. Obama doesn't know that the best and most famous leadership from Presidents we have had in history have "taken less credit than they deserve, and also more criticism than they deserve." Tonight on Huckabee, a recently retired general and also a Navy Seal still active both criticized Mr. Obama's "ball spiking". Even after Obama himself said last year upon the killing of Bin Laden that "we as Americans, don't sink to that kind of action". Again, his hypocrisy is totally over the top, not doing what he tells us to do as Americans, but doing it himself when it suits his purpose. It should also be revealed that in the summer of 2010, Intelligence already confirmed Bin Laden's location, yet it took this President some nine (9) months later to actually make this important decision, one that he delayed for so long, with so many asking why, that he was finally almost forced to do it. Any such ridiculous time lapse would normally allow the target to escape and relocate, yet he was asleep as President again, for way too long, and almost lost the terrorist supreme again.


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