Any thoughts on how this parent handled his situation

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I have mixed feelings on this. I'll post later after I've given it some thought. Excuse the language. If your sensitive to swearing then this isn't for you.

Awesome, totally freakin awesome!

I can understand his frustration - but I think it lacked maturity on his part. Her parents created the monster she has turned out to be. I'm completely behind taking all her extras away and punishing her. But making a video and posting it on facebook doesn't seem like adult behavior in my opinion.

I think the dad was correct about his daughter doing choirs and not getting paid to do them. Most teenager get attitudes now and then, it's up to parents to handle them in a mature manner. I think he is wrong about his reaction to the facebook message. First of all, the message was not intended for her parents even though it was addressed to them, she was mad and letting off steam. If that's the worst she does when she's angry then I would not consider her a bad kid. I see a couple of problems in the Dad's and girls relationship. The fact that his grounding methods include long periods of time is not going to work with a teenager. According to the dad the last gounding was for 3 months for a what he says was something childish she had did. 3 months to an adult is like a year to a teenager and cutting her off from the outside world during her long grounding was not the best course of action. Another problem I heard was the dad mentioning of a "stepmother". I have seen to many instances of stepparent / stepchild problems and this may have played a roll in the girls anger toward her parents. Finally, the act of destroying his daughters computer and posting it on Facebook was not the act of a mature parent. His reaction to her letter was much more extreme than her reaction to his discipline. Teaching her to destroy property when you become angered or frustrated is not the right message to convey. I think the dad is way to sensitive and over reacted to the situation. Nice pistol though.

Apparently, common sense or the lawyers got involved, the video has been removed by user.  If you can find it and repost, do so, because it does sound interesting.

The Dad read her letter, then shot her laptop and said she was going to have to pay for the repairs he had just done to the laptop and the bullets. I saw it on facebook and had a message with it on GOP news report. It was even on TV.

Many supported his stand on this especially since he read her post and told the truth about what he had done for her (including upgrading her laptop for her) even said that one statement she made was true. I think more felt the kid should have been allowed to be lazy and have everything handed to her on a silver platter.

He was in an open field when he shot up her laptop but I imagine mom and step mom did not expect it to go worldwide. As for the kid...I wish more parents had backbone like he did...I even accept his profanity and appreciate he controlled himself by destroying the means the girl used to degrade him.

ACLU probably contacted the girl to defend her for daddy picking on her.

Thanks masonco for finding that video. I'm going to try and repost it. I've been trying to send it to other people to get their opinion. You've got to consider the girls attitude could be from parents giving her anything she desires, so, that is what she expects. In my experience I have come to the conclusion that 90% of the problems children experience or create is a direct affect of how they are raised and treated by their parents. This father is a good example. His daughter expects a certain life style and if she doesn't get it out flows the criticism on Facebook.

BTW, i think the whole thing is a setup, Planned in advance by him & her for his internet Co to take off. He just did not expect it to go *that* viral. But was hoping for a bit of publicity. Read his FB page and you'll see what I mean.


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