So this was my comment to Behr on him deleting selected posts of mine:

seriously? why do you feel that need to keep deleting my comments back to you? Are you so scared, do you want all your followers to think that you are superior to me and everyone else that has something to say back to you that you don't agree with. The big ass thind was so out of line because eveyone knows you out-weigh me by at least 170 lbs. so I know you must be self-consious about your weight - but really? get over yourself because you really arent much of anything..........................

And his response back:

Seriously? Please read the rules here - threats to another are not allowed - swearing is kept to a minimum - you've already gone past your qouta. As far as me being afraid of you - NO - you do not frighten me in the least - Easy for you to come in here and attack members when you don't have the guts to say it to their faces - but I am not afraid of you lil lady.
I am not bothered by my weight, infact I enjoy it, I love the skin I am in - believe me it doesn't bug me - hell I date people who appreciate my size. I run this site - if you don't like it go to the torch. I'd have no problem telling that to you in person :) I should hope I am bigger than you, though sounds like you been feasting on the donuts yourself.

I haven't deleted any of your comments directly to me - ONLY the ones in the forum where you threatened myself and other members. I can see why you got banned from LT - keep it up and it will happen to you here too - You are nothing special.

Only people I've had problems with online was Quido (Richard Rawlings) and Aqua - who both threatened a member's life here - I gave both a chance - so if you don't like the rules get the fuck out before I throw you out - otherwise get along with the rest of us :)

And mine right back at him:

Maybe you need to look at your rules to - because the "threat" you so say I stated is not, I dare anyone of you on here to say anything you have said about me to my face! How is that a threat?, did I say I would do something if you did? I think not. I just don't think you or anyone else on here is man enough to say it to my face, you hide behind your little life running this web site - there is a real world out there, how about you enter it?
Get off your ass and do something, all you people over here do is talk and no action - I find it quite amusing though because all the comments you deleted were ones that were the truth, but you or your little followers cannot handle the truth. You might wanna watch out cuz your head is about to get bigger that your ass with all this self righteous shit about running this site - you are so big & bad! hahahahah NOT!! you are a coward just like the LDN, Shoreline Media & all those others that like to try to control everything to make themselves look better, when in fact they are just weak!!!

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Questioning the status quo, confronting authority when it fails to answer your questions, pointing out hypocrisy-- tsk, tsk, not anything we would condone here :-)

As for Guido and Aquaman, I don't know the full extent of what happened with either of you, but your sentence has been commuted on appeal to this authority.
Normally I stay out of this stuff, but this is too tempting. Angela, I was glad he deleted your posts over there. You were having a tantrum about someone elses avatar. I am glad he deleted the comment because it was just annoying to read them. The vehemence you were showing was unnecessary. It remineded me of a po'd kid stomping there feet because they can't stay out late.

If you really feel so strongly about the retard avatar why not handle it in an UN-emotional and diplomatic way instead of coming out swinging. You may have actually gotten blinkey to change it if you didn't have such a hissy about it.

my .02
tantrum? because I voice my opinion & am passionate about something that isnt right? Really? How the heck can you be diplomatic with someone who uses those words? DId you even see the original post where I supposedly threw this tantrum or are you just listening to what others over there are saying?
Also "you are a coward just like the LDN, Shoreline Media & all those others that like to try to control everything to make themselves look better, when in fact they are just weak!!!"

ummm Isn't that *exactly* what you are trying to do? Trying to control what someone else has as an avatar based on your opinions? Didn't this whole thing start over blinkey's avatar and the fact that you claim it is offensive? Isn't that *you* trying to control the other people, places or things?

Why did you *choose* to be po'd? That's really up to you whether you 'allow' something to bother you.

What I don't get is why you don't take the responsibility yourself of not looking at it instead of trying to control what someone else does? It seems that would be a much easier path than arguing over an avatar.

Go out and volunteer your time or money in really *doing* some good instead of trying to be the grammer police. You will feel better.
I don't know the whole story about what happened over yonder but do know something of what happened. If I recall, Blink's avatar said something along the lines of 'are you physically retarded" or something to that effect. I can understand why someone would take offense to that... specially if they might know someone that is challenged. Its a little ironic coming from what one would think was a liberal too... most liberals don't usually use words like retard do they? How about if someone posted a avatar of Obama that read "Barrack the Negro"? Negro was commonly used years ago by blacks in this country and over the years since has become better known to be of a racial slant. Although again, if your a liberal you can get away with using it... just ask Harry Reid. Getting back to the point, Angela was right to say something in regards to Blink's avatar. Could she of done it in a different way? Probably... hindsight is always 20/20. Would the end result been any different? Knowing Behr, probably not.
this wasn't a control issue, just pointing out something that I felt was wrong. I have always volunteered for special olympics - those guys/girls are great! and I dont't take kindly to someone being offensive towards anyone that has any type of disability and will defend them til the end.
Anybody who deals with developmentally disabled kids and adults can empathize with Angela's viewpoint; I don't think its difficult to see how someone might be offended by Blinky's avatar, and Angela's (and my own) involvement with such folks tend to raise one's ire when someone picks on them insensitively. Blinky can keep his avatar, and has, but that says more about his character than Angela's.

Blinky's willingness to have complete sympathy towards ACORN's alleged willingness to advise a pimp about tactics for importing underage women from third world countries led to another woman taking him to task for his insensitivity to the complete degradation and dehumanization of these children. Telling him jokingly to go back to his kiddieporn sites was perhaps over the top, but she was as angry as Angie over his complete cluelessness.
There are times when I wonder how people that claim to be liberal, in part because they care for others, can live with themselves when they are not bothered by such things like the deal with ACORN. Anyone on either side of the aisle so to speak should be sickened by what the ACORN people in the videos were willing to do.

I think your right X about why Angela was upset with Blink's avatar to begin with. I have a cousin that is handicapped and it bugged me a little too. There are times and places to speak or post certain things and putting a avatar up in a public forum (or at least formerly public forum anyway) that makes light of challenged people is probably the not most appropriate thing to do.... it lacks class to say the least. It's like when I see people at work wearing some real profane or nearly pornographic T-shirts... there is a time and place for that type of shirt. Walking around a store with a shirt that says I will **** for alcohol is probably not going to be my first choice of places to wear that.
I should probably clarify that I don't see the workers wearing the offensive shirts, its the customers... probably made a few of ya wonder.. lol
thank you! :)
I of course can't say i'm surprised.

I swear that he just doesn't "get it". Like I mentioned before, he wants to turn his lil liberal site into something big yet this area is pretty conservative. They even have a thread over there about Ludington being so conservative. I just don't think there is a real market for that type of site around these parts. To each his own though I guess. He can sit back and admire the Torch when its passes the Soup in members and popularity :-) although he'll probably wonder how we did it :-P


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