September 11, 2001: Where Were You Then and How Has That Day Affected You Since?

The ten year anniversary is here.  Maybe you are tired of all the fuss and feathers about that awful day made in the news of late, but it was the biggest national event many of us have lived through.  Share your experience, and how it has affected you since.

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When it happened I was still stationed out of Novi, MI. We were at the shop when it happened and everyone just sort of left and went to the nearest bar with a TV so we could watch the coverage. 10 yrs later I now live in NYC and sub-contract for PANYNJ. I have friends that were in the towers when they were hit, when I listen to their stories it still gives me goosebumps. If I was never stationed in NY I think this time of year would just bring back memories of the tv showing the images of the event. But since I now live and work there it makes you more observant and sensitive to events happening around you, when we had the earth quake a couple of weeks ago our first thought was that a bomb had went off in another terminal and we were feeling the percussion effect of it. We were quite relieved it was an earthquake.

I was arriving at the Ludington K-Mart (remember that?) that morning with my girl (same one I got now, but ten years younger) serenading her with my very bad sing-along of Creed's "With Arms Wide Open" playing on WMOM (I believe).  They then cut into the tail end of the song and reported that a second plane had crashed into the towers.  We stayed out and listened in disbelief, as they related the events up to that time.  After a few, we then went into K-mart, and did what most people were doing checking out the electronics section and their TVs for the latest. 

After a good while, we went to eat at Taco Bell, and I noticed in this Saturday's LDN a former TB worker related her experience that day.  I had been a firefighter for nine months at that time, and was stunned later on when the towers crumbled killing all those people including the rescue workers.

Nine-eleven is sometimes difficult to revisit, it's like remembering the death of a close relative.  Sure, it'll get you sad and perhaps melancholic, but it's worth remembering for the great memories you shared before.  

Was on my way to WSCC when I heard it on the radio some hours after it happened, I thought it was a story of something else, then when I realized it was something that was happening that day I  turned around and went to steve's bar in scottville because I knew they would have had a TV there and it was near to where I was at. I wanted to make sure it wasn't just a story about history or something.

I woke up just after the first plane had hit.. turning on the TV I find them talking about an accident where a plane had just hit one of the world trade center buildings. As I watch, the 2nd plane hits and realize as everyone else does that these were not accidents. I continue to watch as the events continue to unfold, never thinking that the towers would actually fall but to all of our horror, down they did come. I basically watch what was happening the rest of the morning and a good part of the afternoon before I finally decided that I needed to get out of the house for awhile. I headed down to Muskegon just to see what was happening, most stores and businesses had made the decision to close early.. mostly around 6 pm out of respect for the victims. Gas stations were particularly busy as everyone wasn't sure what was going to happen with gas prices... thankfully most station owners stayed honest and didn't try and gouge the customers although I do believe I recall that there were a few stations over the state that did.

Anyhow, as far as how the event affected me... I think it helped to make me more compassionate.. and also to be more aware of what's going on in the world. Some people would like to forget about the whole thing, partly just because they are tired of it... saw one friend post on Facebook that he was getting tired of seeing all the press about 9/11... apparently he doesn't quite grip the magnitude of the event. To this day, as Lisa mentioned in her post on this thread, people in NYC are still on edge when it comes to unusual situations and events in that area... the recent earthquake is one example and the stupidly thought up idea to buzz NYC with Air Force One is another.


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