The following post was made on Kim Cole's Sheriff Campaign Facebook page on or about August 18, 10 days after Cole had won the primary, left on by a local woman named Tarra Staggs:

""I would just like to share one of my fondest memories of Sgt. Cole. It was Thanksgiving Day 2003. He pulled up to my grandmother's home to ask me some questions. I was confused as to why, but very cautious. You see that was the day I finally got the courage to leave my abusive and manipulative husband. I was 21 with 2 kids ages 3 and 1. I had my pajamas on still when he arrived as that is all I left in and with. He began to ask me about a alleged assault that supposedly happened earlier in the day to my ex. I explained to him that I left him that morning and had no idea what he was talking about. I then told him I did not want to answer any questions without an attorney as I knew how coneiving this man was. Well because I chose to exercise my right to silenence he pulled me out and aggresively arrested me in front of my children and family. He did not have evidence of a crime, he violated my constituntional rights by refusing me an attorney and ...

continuing to question me, the complaint was not made until several hours after the alleged assault happened, an arrest warrant should have been sought before that arrest. Procedurely and legally there was not a legal basis for that arrest. I was in his car while he questioned me. He could've just told me I was under arrest and spared my children from the trauma. I have many great memories of my rights being violated by Kim Cole, but this one has stuck with me the most! Thank-you Kim Cole for the memories. Nothing beats cold spam like turkey on Thanksgiving Day, the day this woman finally was brave enough to leave. Thank you for serving your county and getting this "criminal" off the streets. (Those charges were dropped and I was never charged as nothing ever happened)."
It was took off the Facebook page after a short time and it was commented on  here, at the Ludington Torch.  Kim Cole had denied that he was the officer who Tarra remembered and had pulled the file himself to make sure, sending me an E-mail to set the record straight.  I finally received the records on Thursday, and can confirm that Tarra was not accosted by Kim Cole, or interviewed by him.  But Kim Cole did give the responding officer, Deputy Fort, the advice, as his superior, to arrest Tarra that day.
You will note that Fort's report, when he gets to Tarra's mother's residence, notes Tarra declared her right to an attorney.  You will find that Fort did not honor that right, in the taped 'interview' of their interaction did not read her Miranda rights, arrested her without explaining the charge against her, even though he includes in the report that he said he was arresting her for felonious assault, even though there was no indication of such MCL 750.82  (no weapon was used on Seth by his own admission). 
Fort also decides to ignore the timeline, if you read the report from Thanksgiving in total, you will find he says she got up around ten the events happened between 11:00 to 11:30, she leaves about ten to 15 minutes later, he finally calls a little after 12:00, allegedly because she yanked the phone line out.  She claims she had been at her mom's with a few witnesses present, since 11:00.  Fort never bothers checking out this aspect, and seems to have a directive to make an arrest that day, even if he has to ignore Tarra's rights to do so.  This is why I think Tarra blames Kim Cole for the events that happened that day, because he had said there should be an arrest made, and Fort carried out that directive.
The first 19 pages show that Tarra had filed what seems a valid domestic violence charge on her husband, but the Prosecutor denied it.  Three weeks later, he files a report on Thanksgiving about being dragged from the bedroom by a delicate part of his anatomy by her.  It seems a lot more likely to me that he may have filed a false police report in retaliation, to shame her in front of all her family ; he sure doesn't seem too believable to me.  But I'm not a MCSO detective.
Here's the full police reports below; do your own detective work, and feel free to add or argue some points.  I honestly think Tarra has the right to hold a grudge against someone who advised she should have been arrested on a felony charge for something which likely held no merit.  The lack of any further action supports this.  Deputy Fort, if he still works as a police officer, really did a cruddy job here.

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Wow X, I believe you have missed your calling. You should stop all this and sign up in a police Academy and share your powers of deduction par excellence with the world.... you sir are a lost talent and get that light out from under the bushel basket, I am amazed at how clear you see things and in turn articulate them for us lesser in the know people to understand. THank you for making me think 

Chuck, not a lot of deductions needed here, although I have deduced you are being facetious.  But instead of focusing on your hero (me), focus more on the records, and as I ask, make your own conclusions.  Counter my assertions if you will; do you see nothing wrong here?

The more I read the more you make Sence

Without rereading it - other than the spelling is atrocious, the husband stated 2 different times as to when the event occurred 1st 10am and then 11:30.

Personally I don't buy the idea that she grabbed his junk and pulled him down the hall. I would think if she grabbed his junk and started leading him around against his will - I believe his first reaction would be to knock her out, but I am not a man so that's just my opinion.

His interview had him saying he was wearing pajama bottoms, so I think if she shook hands with the bishop and didn't let go, she would have to have had a very firm grip and some cooperation to be pulled into the other room.  Since he didn't indicate strong discomfort in the process, I find it much more likely that he embellished the incident and any damages-- which can only be speculated on since I was spared pictures or description of the damage. 

He did say she woke up at ten, and from his narrative, it sounds as if the events started shortly after that, but later states it was around 11:30.  Meanwhile, at her grandma's about 10-15 minutes away, Tarra states she has been there since 11:00, and has many Thanksgiving dinner guests to prove or disprove that assertion.  The interview with him, which happened mid-afternoon, never confronted inconsistencies in his narrative. 

Wow knock her out? Women are more violent than males lol


I'm for the most part a completely non violent person (anyone given the right circumstances can be driven to violent acts), I was basing my opinion on years of hearing men speak about, and their responses when someone inadvertently hit that sensitive area. I just have a hard time believing his story.

Lol you said willy
Guys do talk it up lol as for me if that happens to me I'm down for the count. In one of my classes at the freedom martial arts hitting/grabbing there is an act of deadly force and should always be avoided


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