The following thread is my own personal opinion, you may differ, that's okay, you have that right, and I like to hear you bring it out.  The Ludington Torch does not officially endorse anyone or any proposal, but its members are encouraged to have their own opinions and reasonings, so don't read this and say that this site favors Fiers or doesn't like Cole.  We haven't silenced or gave preference to either of those  parties, and we've made fun of both.  After tomorrow, the point will be effectively moot, and we can find something new to agree to disagree on. 


You may have been visited by Sheriff Jeff Fiers or a representative of his in the previous month or so and handed a three page hand-out that you can also find on his Facebook site, I add my own personal notes in green and in brackets:


Hello, my name is Jeff Fiers and I am the Sheriff of Mason County. I would first like to thank the good citizens of Mason County for electing me Sheriff. When I took the Oath Of Office on the 23rd day of December, 2008; I solemnly swore (or affirmed) that I would support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Michigan; and that I would faithfully perform the duties of the office of Mason County Sheriff, In and for the County of Mason and the State of Michigan; according to the best of my ability, so help me God.

This is an Oath I have taken very seriously. I also made a promise to myself - “I would do the best job possible for the residents of Mason County; and I would not let this position go to my head."

I feel that I have successfully lived up to my Oath of Office and I never let this position go to my head.  [No contradictions of this by the Cole campaign yet.  A public official who trumpets the importance of the Oath of Office, lives by it, and means it, is a good find.]

It would be my privilege to continue to serve the residents of Mason County as your Sheriff. I urge each and every one to read what I have done and to ask other county leaders questions as to what we have accomplished by working together.

As during the last election, I will not request endorsements, nor will I accept any financial contributions towards my campaign. During these tough economic times, I would never ask someone for financial support. I only ask that you look around you at the people in need and contribute to a local organization that helps those less fortunate.  [The Ludington Torch follows the same philosophy, which is why you don't see pop-ups, ads, and other foolishness on our margins.  Use your excess money to help others or save it for your future.]

I would also ask that if you agree that I am the right person to continue as your Sheriff, that you pass this information on to friends, family, coworkers and network contacts. I will not have as much time to campaign during this election due to the commitment I have made to the citizens of Mason County. Serving the PEOPLE will always come first.  [A good policy.]


I am seeking election under the Republican Party. Many would ask why I am switching party lines. The Office of Sheriff is a Constitutional Office. As I said earlier, I take my Oath of Office seriously. I have seen major encroachment from the Federal Government on our Constitutional Rights. I cannot be a party to these encroachments. Our Second Amendment and Tenth Amendment Rights have been under attack and we must protect our Rights. Our Constitutional Rights are sacred and we must make a stand to protect them. Also, I have discovered over the last three years that I lean towards Republican philosophy more than Democratic philosophy. That said, I believe strongly that I must be true to my ideals and all that I hold dear, as a responsible citizen and, as your Sheriff.  [Tenth Amendment rights are too often ignored, do you know what this says?][This explanation for changing parties seems legit to me, too bad many other so-called Republicans often forget such ideals.]


Over the past three years, many changes have occurred in the Mason County Sheriff’s Office. Some of these changes have not always been popular with department staff. It must, however, be noted that for the past three years we have come in at or below budget each and every year. I have been a good steward of my employers’ resources, using Mason County taxpayers’ money wisely and efficiently. By doing so, we have not had to reduce staff or cut services in these hard economic times. Many departments cannot say that. We have provided quality service within our means.[I absolutely love it when a politician acknowledges that the money they are using is yours.]

I have reduced one administrative Chief Deputy and made this a working Sergeant position within the jail. We have restructured policy to reduce overtime. We worked within the union contracts to work through time lines to fill vacation vacancies with the scheduled work days, and without having to pay overtime. [Reducing administrators and overtime is good for the taxpayers.]

By managing the budget wisely, we have accomplished many things. Some examples are, equipping all patrol cars with updated mobile radios, except for a detective car and administrative vehicles; Digital camera systems have been installed in most of the patrol cars, as well as patrol rifles; upgraded report writing and computerized accident report forms software. We have upgraded the fingerprint live scan, upgraded inmate phone systems and monitoring systems in the jail. We have also obtained up-to-date Self Contained Breathing Apparatuses for the jail, updated all dive equipment for the dive team, and acquired a 22ft Zodiac patrol boat from Raisin Township Police Department  [Sounds like he's spending some money on the department.]

We have also been able to send Road Patrol Deputies, Detectives, and Correctional staff to more training; or bring training to them. These are just some of the tasks we were able to accomplish by managing our budget dollars wisely.

In my view, the Mason County Sheriff’s Office and the Mason County Board of Commissioners now have a strong, positive, and effective working relationship. Living within our means has also helped other departments of government in Mason County by not having deficit spending. We must live within our means. This means that we must spend no more to perform a public service than is necessary. We must face up to a difficult situation.  [All good things, and indisputable.]

I have worked very hard with the citizens of Mason County in forming Community Watch Groups. These Community Watch Groups bring citizens and law enforcement together in a common cause and help keep our communities safe. This concept has been introduced to all 15 Township Boards. Now it is up to the citizens to get involved and assist us in making their communities a safe place to raise their families and live a peaceful life. Get involved with the township board meeting and assist me in getting Community Watch Groups up and running throughout Mason County. The Ludington City Police has Community Watch Group in the City of Ludington and hopefully the City of Scottville will follow suit. Branch, Hamlin, Sheridan, and Grant Townships have come on board and we have seen improvements already [Citizen policing saves dollars, police work.].

I attend as many of the 15 Township Board Meeting as possible every month. This has kept me connected with all parts of the counties Township Board members and citizens [OK, this is a weird hobby, but it does help him understand things going on in the county].

I have kept a strong working relationship with the Ludington Police Department, Scottville Police Department, Michigan State Police, surrounding counties law enforcement agencies, and our local fire departments. By working together, we have solved many cases by sharing our resources and man power – benefiting all parties [This is not actually as easy as it sounds, all such entities are different].


When re-elected, I will continue to do everything with in my power to live within my budget. I will continue to encourage townships, villages, and the people of Mason County to get involved with Community Watch Groups. By working together, we will continue to make Mason County a safer place to raise our families. I will continue to work with the Mason County Board of Commissioners. I will also continue cooperative efforts with the Ludington Police Department, Scottville Police Departments, Michigan State Police and surrounding law enforcement agencies to keep crime in check.

In closing, I encourage you to share your thoughts about making our county a safe and productive area to live. I have an open door policy. If I am in my office and you come into speak with me, I will always make time to speak with you unless I am in a meeting. I encourage people who read this to contact me with any concerns or comments they want addressed. Please feel free to contact me at any time at 757-4479 or email me at: with your name, phone number and the best time for me to call.

Thank you,

Jeff Fiers, Your Mason County Sheriff

LEADING WITH FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY Mason County Sheriff Election 2012 Paid for by the Committee to Re-elect Jeff Fiers Sheriff 1947 S Darr Road, Scottville, MI 49454

This handout greatly appealed to me for its fiscally conservative and socially responsible messages.  But it's not completely what I base my personal support for Sheriff Fiers on.  I came to him in June with a couple of problems, here was the first, sent June 6th, via E-mail:

"Sheriff Fiers,

I would like to register a complaint about one of your road officer's driving which occured Saturday, May 26, 2012 at around 4:00 PM on Chauvez Road between Morton and Brye Roads. I was riding bicycle with a friend on the far right side of the right lane going west with no oncoming traffic to be seen, when a vehicle passed us on the left, with very little room given to us on the road. The car was within two feet of myself, and took up the majority of the lane, even when it would have been much safer to pass us by giving us more space and go more over into the left lane.

Now, we had been passed by over a hundred cars already that day without incident, but the closeness of this car when it needn't be so close, was a bit upsetting. MCL 257.636 says that: "The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass at a safe distance to the left of that vehicle." Frequently, bicyclists traveling on the road have to move over from the far right to avoid debris or bad road surfaces, or even pass other bicycles. These are all lawful activities. And yet the driver of the vehicle that overtook us, may have collided with either of us if we did, all because that safe distance was not maintained.

The vehicle that passed us that day was a MCSO patrol car, and it was not running code. I find it a bit troubling that just three months after a Mason County Corrections Officer ran into a pedestrian, leaving the community with some unanswered questions ( that the only vehicle that passes us uncomfortably close happens to be one of your patrolmen. I would appreciate it if this problem can be addressed by your leadership and/or driver's training, as this wasn't the first time I have been passed too closely by area law enforcement. Thank you."

He replied the next day by E-mail saying:  "Hello Tom,

I will pull our GPS logs and see which Deputy was in this area. I will make sure this issue is addressed. The safety of bicyclist, pedestrians and other motorists are always concerning to me.

Thank you for letting me know,

Jeff Fiers    Mason County Sheriff"

A week passed, and I hadn't heard a thing more so I sent out:  "Sheriff Fiers,

Just a follow up. I don't necessarily care about the identity of the deputy, just want to find out whether he/she was identified and was apprised of the situation, and expressed any kind of contrition. I would also like to know whether there has been any effort to broadcast any sort of "share the road" message with the MCSO (or the local public) at large, particularly with the recent motorcycle and pedestrian fatalities in the general area. Thanks for the initial reply, and your expected reply to this follow-up."

And he concluded the day after:  "Good Morning Tom,

This situation has been addressed by my Chief Deputy in charge of the Road Patrols. He also contacted every crew about safety concern with sharing the road while on regular patrol and responding to emergency calls. I did send out a public service announcement to the local radio stations, leading up to the Blessing of the Bikes weekend. I hope they broadcasted it. I do not listen to radio much and did not hear it. This was more targeted towards motorcycles. This gives me something to consider for future PSA announcements.

I do want to thank you for letting me know about this situation. Many times I do not get notified of situations like this one and it goes unaddressed.

Sincerely,  Jeff Fiers

Mason County Sheriff

And so I was appeased.  The next problem came up only three days later dealing with deliveries of paper to the COLDNews:  "Sheriff Fiers,

I recently received your campaign flyer, and was very impressed with what you have done, and what you plan on doing. I hope you get your job back.

I know you are probably busy with your campaign, and I don't want to interfere with that, but I petition you for helping with a safety problem that affects many here in Ludington. Yes, I know we have our own police force, but I have been told by our police chief that he would not respond any further to any of my complaints, and he has proven a man of his words in that respect.

Here's the safety problem in pictures and words on this link:

I have also sent a complaint to MIOSHA and expect to seek more help from other agencies in alleviating this troubling safety issue in my community and just down the street from you, if neither of you, working with the business who inflicts this hazard on us, can find a solution. Thank you very much."

Again I was appeased by his reply: "Hello Tom,

I received a call from Chief Barnett, while I was at the Sheriff’s Conference. He did speak with Jeff Evans about this situation. It sounds like they are working on a solution.


Jeff Fiers    Mason County Sheriff"

In the two months since, I have been passed by several sheriff cars out in Riverton Twp. and thereabouts with no complaints.  I have not noticed the problem at the COLDNews repeating itself.  Mind you, I have corresponded with City of Ludington officials over more important stuff, and been ignored at all turns; I have had even less luck with the County Prosecutor.  But here I had a responsive person react to my two safety concerns, actively, then passively.  The problems got solved.

But my first actual run-in with Sheriff Jeff Fiers came back on the ten year celebration of 9-11, last September.  At the Waterfront Park, he, the Mayor, and Chief Barnett went to the microphone.  Chief Barnett and the Mayor gave fairly trite speeches that I have forgotten, but Sheriff Fiers, bless his heart, had such a horrible time giving his material without choking up and crying.   I could see myself up there doing the same thing over the memories that day evokes, because I'm doing that right now as I write this.

Is that weakness?  I don't think so, it shows empathy, and as his opponent has thrown out, humanity is a large part of leadership.  And the fact that the Mayor and the LPD Chief didn't do so, only makes me think more highly of the act by Sheriff Fiers, since he probably knew from the start he wouldn't be able to get through it without breaking down in tears.  Tears for Fiers. 

Everybody wants to rule the world.

Welcome to your Jeff

There's no turning back

Even while you sleep

We will find Fiers

Acting on his best behaviour

Turn your back on service unions

Sergeant Kim Cole wants to rule the world

It's my own design

It's my own remorse

Help me to decide

Help me make the most

Of freedom and of pleasure

Elect Jeff Fiers for your Sheriff

Sergeant Kim Cole wants to rule the world


There's a room where the light won't find you

In the basement while the showerheads come trickling down

When they do I'll find tires behind you

So glad we've got Fiers in charge

So sad they had to fake it

Sergeant Kim Cole wants to rule the world

I can't stand this indecision

Married with a lack of vision

Sergeant Kim Cole wants to rule the world


Say that you'll never never never never need vests

Or a dive team why believe it ?

Sergeant Kim Cole wants to rule the world

All for freedom and for pleasure

Reelect Fiers for good measure

Sergeant Kim Cole wants to rule the world

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