Why does everything need to be "Blessed" these days? Really? Blessing of the Bikes. Blessing of Law Enforcement. Blessing of Fire Personnel. Blessing of the Animals, and the list goes on and on.
With all these "Blessings" why are there tragedies? Which leads to the next question do these "Blessings" really work? Would there be more motorcycle accidents, more animal abuse, more fires, if these "Blessings" were not get my drift.
Per the usual Kim Cole made front page news with his "Blessing of Law Enforcement."
I would be "Blessed" if Kim Cole would provide information on what is going on with the Hansen Road incident back in the spring. The "Blessing" would be an awesome "Blessing" for the fact this incident caused swat teams, and MSP Heli's to converge on Mason County, along with the entire area surrounding this incident, causing great alarm to the neighbors, the schools both in Ludington and Scottville.
Futher, tax dollars paid for by the Citizen's of Mason County who pay your "Blessed" salary Kim and your unwillingness refuse to "Bless" the Community that you "serve and protect,"(tongue in cheek here) refuse to "Bless" the Citizens with at least a "Blessed" update
So "Bless" us Kim Sheriff with the latest update not only on the Hansen Road incident, but also the "Blessed" eviction; which is now almost two "blessed" weeks ago!
P.S. The poster on Facebook questioning Sheriff Cole Related to his "looking stoned," was a hoot!
So, Bless" away everybody! Claire the Bookgirl surely was not "Blessed," while selling her educational books in the City Limits of Scottville or Ludington. "Bless" Claire for her "Blessed" treatment by both City's Officials.
Have a "Blessed Evening."
Maybe we could have a Blessing of the Atheists. Turn it into a National Event. Some weekend after Labor Day would be nice.
Or a Blessing of the Heathens, Wiccans, Druids, Pagans whoever wants to come. Liven things up a bit. Give them free reign with the beach bonfire. Would be a hoot.
I know right! The "Blessing" of the beach bonfire. Why not?? Sounds "Blessed" good." A National "Blessed" event. Can't be discriminatory though.
The non-taxpaying "Blessed" Methodist Camp aka Epworth would also need to be included in the "Blessing." Just sayin'. Wouldn't want to offend the "Blessed" Methodist"s.
Seriously, this "Blessing" crap is so far out there. Do these "Blessing's," seriously affect the outcome of any of these "Blessed" blessings.
The bigger question much cash flow, time, etc... was expended by law enforcement, LFD, to attend this "Blessed up" Blessing Ceremonies at Friday Night Live?
Laughing my bloody silly "Blessed" arse off!
I touched on this subject last June, when I wondered when the blessings would end (Blessings of the Bizarre) and threw in the cemetery walk for good measure, but I like your take on it, and the observations about Sheriff Cole, who continues to be adored, idolized, and revered by the local media that he routinely withholds meaningful updates from.
I have to agree with the Facebook poster, the picture Shoreline Media ran of der Kimster, and other recent pics, have him looking inebriated at the least. I would dare say drunk with the power to ignore calls for transparency and accountability, where he has been batting a thousand since his Deputy Mike Fort assaulted, unlawfully imprisoned, then re-assaulted and unlawfully re-imprisoned a totally innocent drunk emergency room nurse in January.
I would add two more venues to the COL's Blessing itinerary.
First I would have "The Erecting of the Snow Fence" the first weekend after Labor Day as Ludington goes to sleep for another year.
Then I would have "The Burning of the Snow Fence" a symbolic burning of the rattiest section of snow fence or the whole shebang, burn it all for that matter, as Ludington awakens for the upcoming year. Have it on either Lake Jump Eve or Lake Jump Nite.
I am sure somehow that they could work in a Blessing at either event.
I would recommend a blessing of the bellies. Some of the local higher ups in the emergency response business haven't seen their packages in years.
You forgot blessing of the Vettes in Pentwater. I think the main purpose of the "blessings" is just to take a moment, perhaps an hour or two, and reflect on a more safer summer ahead for those vehicles involved all too often in fatal accidents. As for other LE blessings etc., that too is for safer outcomes of the work place. If local LE didn't push so hard and often on every detail and traffic stop with Gestapo tactics, perhaps we would all be safer. It's up to it's leaders, both Cole and Barnett, to hire more responsible people that will treat locals with fairness and compassion, instead of treating them like castoffs from Hell.
Your above statement is hilarious. The " packages" kills me with laughter! Thanks for that!
"I would recommend a blessing of the bellies. Some of the local higher ups in the emergency response business haven't seen their packages in years."
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