The Chiefs are in the Play-Offs: Ludington Chiefs Go After a Rogue Flame

The Ludington City Council had a meeting tonight where I got up and gave my five minutes of public comment, which follows after the local news having a field day.  You can read the headlines and see the video of Chief Barnett's tirade tonight at other area news outlets, so I place them here for your perusal.  First from the Mason County Press:

 "After years of being bashed by citizen Tom Rotta, Police Chief Mark Barnett and Fire Chief Jerry Funk publicly admonished the outspoken self-proclaimed community activist during tonight’s Ludington City Council meeting.

Tonight’s admonishment stemmed from Rotta’s recent questioning of the legality of the police department’s volunteer reserve unit. Reservists are typically used during special events. While they are not regular police officers they still must meet certain qualifications.

Barnett spoke at the end of the council’s meeting. He said he respects a person’s right to free speech but believes that Rotta abuses that right.

“My concern is with Mr. Rotta and his random use to say whatever he wants… while he has every right it doesn’t make it right for him to be able to do that.”

Rotta operates a website that allows people to anonymously post their complaints about local happenings. Often Rotta’s posts attack a person’s physical characteristic or questions their integrity.

Barnett said he fears that Rotta’s attacks have hindered volunteerism in the city. “It doesn’t seem right.”

The police chief said Rotta, on his website, has made remarks about his personal appearance and even called him a pervert, in relation to an issue of cameras being located in common areas of some city bathrooms. “My wife and my family don’t appreciate that… It hurts me and my family… You should be ashamed of yourself.”

Barnett said the volunteer reservists are volunteers who give their time and that Rotta’s questioning of those individuals is shameful.

“I would like to apologize on behalf of Mr. Rotta to those people who give up their time,” Barnett said. “If you want to be part of the solution than you should act appropriately.”

Fire Chief Jerry Funk said he served on the police reserves for 30 years. “That’s 30 years of giving up holidays and weekends,” Funk said.

“I resent that he says those things about the volunteers who give up their time,” Funk told MCP.

Funk’s and Barnett’s comments were met with applause.

Rotta’s quest against the City of Ludington began several years ago when he was pulled over and ticketed by a Ludington police officer for failure to yield on his bicycle. At that time he was a member of Ludington Fire Department.

Mayor Ryan Cox, at the request of City Councilor Wanda Marrison, allowed Rotta 60 seconds to respond, the same amount of time Cox allowed Chief Funk. Rotta stood up to the podium but then refused to comment.

The other news agency, the City of reported similar stuff and added a video of the police chief's oration:

Ludington Police Chief Mark Barnett said at the end of Monday's Ludington City Council meeting to resident Tom Rotta, who starts most meetings with claims against city officials, his words were hurtful to him, his family, city police officers/reserves, volunteer firefighters and all he "bludgeons." 

Barnett apologized to those hurt by Rotta's comments. 

"Shame on you, Mr. Rotta. Shame on you," Barnett said.

Ludington Fire Chief Jerry Funk also spoke out and said he, too, was offended by Rotta's claims against city officials, noting Rotta's comment that Ludington police reserve officers are "vigilantes."

Funk said he worked 30 years as a volunteer reserve officer, including every Fourth of July during that time.

"We are there to help people," Funk said.

He commended Barnett for his comments. 

City councilors clapped for both men.

Rotta was given an opportunity to give a 60-second rebuttal, but after he went to the lectern, he declined, saying he wanted more time.

I must have really had a fire and brimstone speech tonight.  Frankly, I think it fell slightly below that.  I was told I comment on both the chiefs' public appearance, yet I can't remember ever doing that.  I have commented about those on the other side of the bathroom cameras at Waterfront Park are perverts, so one can infer from his diatribe, that he has watched those cameras, some pointed at urinals and pointed inside the stalls.  It is perverse and illegal to record in such areas, so those who do can rightly be called perverts; the Ludington Police Department have imprisoned others for the same type crimes and likely refer to them with the same vernacular. 


And yes, I called the reserve police officers "vigilantes", because that is exactly what they are, but here is the full public comment I gave:

"At the end of the last meeting a couple of you stood up and made some statements which should have been refuted at the end of the meeting by the facts, but this city council in its open and transparent style refuses to allow public comment after they have conducted the business of the meeting. The County, PM Township, and Hamlin Township, your three partners in developing a joint comprehensive master plan, all allow comments at the beginning of the meeting and the end of the meeting. A goal in Ludington's master plan is that "residents of Ludington will benefit from an open, available and transparent communication process with City leadership and staff". Muting the public from the conversation after you conduct your business and made your own public comments is unfair and contrary to that goal.

Attorney Wilson started off by saying that the people's charter took the power to appoint reserve officers to the police department from the mayor and thereby into the hands of the police chief. But the city charter and code in no way gives such powers to the police chief, just the power of direction of officers. Because there is no accord in the charter for reserve police officers of any type, the dominating authority is expressed in section 10.8 which says "The positions and duties of Administrative Officers for which provision is not made herein, shall be established by ordinance."

As there has never been any ordinance codification of the reserved police officers of Ludington, and exactly no public records that the City will share regarding this group, they are an illegal, opaque, organization which should be repugnant to this public body. A vigilante is defined as an individual that undertakes law enforcement without legal authority. The Ludington Police reserve officers are vigilantes. If I organize a group of uniformed and armed officers and send them out into the community to enforce the laws of this nation, state, and locality, without any sort of legislative authority lawfully behind them, I don't think this community would tolerate them for long. It would likely be called a ‘gang’.

Particularly, since there are some here in this room that just might be rounded up. Chief Barnett's Vigilante Squad starring Mayor Cox should similarly be either legislatively organized or disbanded. Having secret, unaccountable-for vigilantes being controlled by our police is not a good thing.

Councilor Castonia followed by admonishing me for basically three things, punctuated at the end by the other lame duck councilor. He stated I get up at this podium and state that everything should be voted on by the people, and that it's his job to vote on things.

While I am a fan of direct democracy, I am an adherent of constitutional republics of which this city allegedly is. If the City Charter calls for a popular vote, then the members of this public body can vote on it-- on equal terms with a few thousand other citizens in an election. If you don't allow that public vote, then you as public servants are breaking the law, and the chief's or anybody else's gang of vigilantes in Ludington may come and arrest you accordingly.

The second point he brought up was that he's never seen my name on the ballot, and that wouldn't surprise me. I ran for Ms. Holman's councilor at large position in 2011, and I was not allowed to enter the City hall or police station without authorization, which was denied me several times just before the election. This was due to a policy that Councilor Castonia oversaw at the Committee level that kept me out and denied me the right to vote in that election at my polling place, this City Hall, so even I have never seen my name on the ballot.

What got me targeted was to point out the unethical business dealings of the City, courtesy of our City Manager and two public servants with the last name of Tykoski, one who runs a sign business. Councilor Castonia did see my name on legal process just a few months ago, when he was served right here for taking part in willfully violating the Open Meetings Act.

The third point was that he said that I should be part of the solutions and not part of the problem. From my perspective, the problems with Ludington have been originating from this very city council. Whether it be from what I have pointed out in this chamber over the last two years entered into the public record with pride, or what I have pointed out at my blog for the last five, there can be no denying the fact that this council has only raised taxes and fees for our citizens in that time, even holding truth in taxation hearings to raise them when the Headlee Amendments rollbacks kicked in. That trend will be continued tonight when this council passes the change in water and sewer connection fees which covertly raises connecting replacement taps by over 30%."

My finishing paragraph was never spoken due to my five minutes having ran out, and too bad because it had a bit of joviality.  Frankly, I think it's a pretty sad situation when the police chief and fire chief says that I am attacking volunteerism, by questioning why these armed vigilantes are not in any way accountable or have any minimum standard of training or qualifications (that the public knows of) or any legislative fiat for their existence.  It would be so easy for this city council to pass an ordinance making reserve officers legitimate and set some requirements, and for Mayor Ryan Cox to admit that his mayor job and his police job are incompatible and resign from one or the other.

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We're on stage three, meaning stage four is soon to come.  But the City of Ludington still does not get it, nor will corrupt, overbearing agencies ever.

Your right they just don't get it. That's because they have been in the position of authority far to long. These kind of people love the attention they get when they claim how much they have given to the community. Please. Spare us the phony humility. This kind of thing happens all over because they feel they are above the law. The egotism of these people who  want to feel important is a major factor behind their actions and they also think that noone can do the job better than they can. They applaud themselves because, frankly, nobody else will. I appreciate hard working folks that contribute to their community with honesty and openness but this bunch of yahoo's don't even come close to being honest and open. They are so self righteous. A perfect example is the west end of Ludington ave. They are proceeding with plans to massively alter the beach and surrounding area without seeking the advice and consent of the public and this goes for much of what they have done. How can any City official allow hidden cameras in public bathrooms even after they were discovered. Cameras that a vast majority of people would be shocked to find out about or approve of. Don't let these thugs get to you X. They attack you because they have no legal answer for what they are doing and they are trying to deflect attention from themselves onto the person who is simply trying to get them to act in a legally responsible way. Watch your back and make sure you have good protection for unwelcomed  intruders into your computer. These people are so frustrating. You just want to grab them, get their attention and yell at them "do the right thing and do it legally".

I actually welcome their personal attacks, and the slanted press coverage that comes with it.  It illustrates exactly what the problem is, for those who wish to dig further, and that's most everyone that matters.  You have to get used to the fact that a significant portion of the community will not, and believe any line that they are fed. 

It's odd, but I don't remember commenting negatively on either chief's personal appearance, but I can recall the Fire Chief commenting on my choice of shirts many times. 

Tom, so you are upset they fired back at you?  I can't believe it took them this long to do that.  Are you aware that Ludington isn't the only Department, not only in the county but in the whole State of Michigan and the Untied States that has a reserve unit?  I am not sure what the problem is with the reserve unit you have.  You are upset they have a reserve unit that have volunteers who help work events that saves the city money and it also puts more people in uniform form for police presence at events like the 4th of July and Gus Macker.  I am sure that their reserve unit has training and classes just like the City Officers.  A reserve unit isn't out patrolling alone and taking calls and making arrests.  Tommy, when did they personally attack you last night?  You are the one that personally attacks all sorts of officials and city workers and when they have a comment directed towards you to stick up for themselves, their workers, and their volunteers you get all sensitive. The best part of the entire night was both Chiefs comments and at the end they give you the floor and you can't say a word due to not having two weeks to do "research" on.  This all started because of Mayor Cox, who you wanted to get the Mayor position, is a reserve who shows up to events as a volunteer to help the city.  Next you will want him to stop teaching because some decisions the city council may make could effect the school system right?

John streeter, how is this town a scam and a hating town and don't understand and cant look at?  What is this "scam" you are referring to.


You really must read the posts and information to understand what is going on. All X is requesting, is for the "reserve" to exist legally. There is nothing in Ludingtons ordinances that allows the creation of a reserve. That's the issue. X has never said anything personally against the chiefs. They are the ones who are going after X because he has revealed the fact that they are operating in an illegal manner. He's doing something every citizen  has a right and duty to do. What you fail to understand is that the City officials have been operating many aspects of the City's business contrary to the law and Constitution. I repeat the problem is not X, it's those who control Ludingtons politics.

I respect your opinion on X, but how is the city having a reserve unit illegal?  Like I said, do some research and you will find how almost all departments in the county, state and in the United States have a reserve unit.


Other cities have reserves but they are sanctioned and permitted by ordinance. Ludington has failed to provide any law or ordinance that would allow for the creation of a reserve unit. All of this could be easily taken care of if the City would follow the law and pass an ordinance authorizing the police reserves, then X would have no disagreement with the Council and there would be no need for the Council, Chiefs, X, you, I or anyone else to discuss this topic.

Very well condensed Willy, hit the nail straight on! It's too bad their own vanity won't allow for any deviations in legality and common sense! That my friends, is true POWER and AUTHORITARIAN personalities!


If you want to be taken seriously, go through the last two years of the videos of city council meetings and try to find a 'personal attack' leveled against city officials coming from these lips.  Otherwise, get the chiefs a towel, they are about ready to come out of the sauna.

Oh man, we getting all ready for this....Tommy is going to come swinging!! Look out city council and chief! Probably another law suit heading their way.  Tommy needs some cash.....

Both Chiefs need to be reminded that a city council meeting is for discussing and deciding public policy and the actions (or inactions) of public officials.  It lowers the dignity of both officials when they refuse to explain those actions or policies, and instead focus on the individual bringing it to their attention. 

As to your neglect to find any personal attacks said by me over the last two years at the City Council meetings, I guess reasonable people can discount everything you say as nonsense and propaganda.  Your very statement of "Tommy needs cash..." is quite demeaning even for you, and explains your motives a lot more than it does mine. 

Before Chief Barnett even mentions anything about a forum, he says:  "What I don't think that they envisioned is to create a verbal club, somebody could bring out at will... and bludgeon people indiscriminately." 

Later, but still before any reference to the forum:  "My concern is, with Mr. Rotta, is the random use of the ability to say whatever he wants about whomever he chooses whenever he chooses to do it."  These may not have made it on the COLDNews video. 

John Streeter may make my head spin sometimes with all of his Twitter-sized posts, but if you think those two posts of his make his general patter immature, let me remind you of some of the immature gems that you and others posted over at the "EyE on Ludington" site when that was active, and some of your posts here that have been short on content but high on criticism of other long-standing Torch members, like this one you just posted:  

 "Don't let it swell your head Willy.  I still often view you as a mere puppet."


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