In old westerns it was usually easy to pick the good guys from the bad guys, because of the cowboy hats they wore. The dashing hero wore a white hat, the vile villain wore a black hat. Later westerns introduced the anti-hero, who had few if any of the qualities expected of a hero and were often unconventional and contemptuous of accepted social standards and values, such as Clint Eastwood and Terence Hill (Trinity) western films. Their hat could be any color.

Many of the people who have gotten involved with the Tea Party movements would have likely considered most protestors as villains before this last year. Now that they are involved, they realize it is a valid way of proving one's point, and adapted their viewpoint accordingly.

Back in early 2008-late 2007, I was starting my eighth year on the Ludington Fire Dept. and I was hearing some disquieting things about a former building inspector of Ludington named Jack Byers. Most of this would occur before or after our bimonthly meetings and most of the specifics about it I cannot honestly remember. The LFD was made up of the former building inspector, the Mayor of Ludington, and at least four members otherwise employed by the city, so they would chat, usually with little discretion. Byers, who had been fired and had filed a lawsuit for violations of his rights according to the Whistleblower Act and the Open Meetings Act, had his hat painted black. Of course, the city officials wore the white hats from what I heard.

In the summer of 2008, Ludington was recuperating from a flood, and I was recovering from the inaction of garbagemen and dishonorable code enforcers (see first attachment below). By the time my own odyssey officially began, on August 25, 2008, the city council had decided that very night to accept a settlement of $250,000 paid to Jack Byers, which would not be officially announced until mid-December (so the tourists would not have to deal with it?)

By Mid-December, I had experienced flagrant violations of the Whistleblower Act myself by the same government, and several other violations of law. I had seen officials actively ignore laws created for the public safety. I had heard from a few others about Jack Byers; positive comments which painted him as a man of principle punished for following the rules and working for the public good, not some opportunist suing a city govt. over some minor infraction. (see news attachments below)

Jack Byers, contrary to what the city would have you believe, wears a white hat. He was the type of employee you want for public service, who puts ethics and the law first. Our current crop at the top includes an unelected, unpopular City Manager, a Mayor in his last term who had no opponent this last election, and a treasurer who was appointed instead of elected when the outgoing Treasurer resigned a day after the last election. Is democracy alive in Ludington?

By the time I complete The Lawbreakers series of episodes, you can decide the color of hat I wear, and the color of the hats my public adversaries wear. Each episode will end with a few questions open for discussion concerning that episode, and will be well peppered with laws and documents. I present the series to let one and all know what they may be up against if they do upset any part of our public institutions, to encourage your own disclosures of irregularities of local or state govt., and to highlight the collusion existing between these institutions that should not be as they are constructed.

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Look 4ward 2 it!
Light my pumkinhead up anytime!
What a bizarre story!

I look forward to future enlightenment. I hate not knowing what's going on.
I just watched "To Kill a Mockingbird" this last week and it reminded me of what I know about your story. In the movie, Gregory Peck memorably plays the part of Atticus Finch, a very moral lawyer-- is that an oxymoron?-- who defends an innocent black man in a small town courtroom. One of his quotes I recall apply to your situation (tahnks Google):

"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. Its when you know you are licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do."
Its been too long--I haven't seen that movie since I was a kid; thanks for the quote and the encouragement. Episode 1 begins either tomorrow or Monday. Thanks all, and don't hold back any relevant questions or negative feedback you may have-- just keep an open and discerning mind.


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