Watching the video, it appears that this poor young lady was assaulted by the Paul supporters. Of course we then find out that she wasn't there to support Rand Paul, she's actually a MoveOn.Org supporter that is there to protest. Protesting isn't against the law of course and she had the right to be there. She claims that she basically only wanted to get a picture with Rand Paul with her sign in the picture. The sign she was carrying mentioned a company called Republicorp which is not an actual company, simply one made up by Moveon that is suppose to represent how the republicans and big businesses are hand in hand (as if the democrats never take money from big companies/organizations... unions anyone?). It should also be noted that she made her appearance wearing a wig so that she could represent herself as the CEO of Republicorp. She wasn't fooling anyone of course with the fake looking wig and showing up in not very nice looking CEO clothing. Now watch the next video:

Notice now how she wasn't simply just waiting to get a picture with Rand, instead she goes up to the moving vehicle and tries to stuff her sign literally into Paul's face through the open window. Not a simple protester now. While I don't agree with the way she was taken down and stepped on, she did put herself into a position where she could be physically removed and was. The supporters were a little to forceful in their efforts to restrain her and are looking to be in court for the actions they took. Anyhow, the guys that took her down are not the ones that first removed her, looking at the video, it looks like a guy in the suit is the first to get her away from the vehicle and the guys that 'do the damage' take it from there. Will assume that the guy in the suit was part of Paul's security team. Since the release of the initial video, we've also come to find out that the young lady has been a bit of trouble before.. she was in a situation in China as well as a situation involving Greenpeace.
Its people like this young lady that make decent protesters look bad. Its one thing to protest and do so in a nice civil matter. When you have to do lie to make your point, its simply taking away from your message.

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As of this point they are forecasting about a 60 seat pick up by the R party in the House, giving the Rs a solid majority by about 40. If that holds, maybe we can reverse some of the losses of liberty, rights, and freedoms that have occurred to all Americans over the last few years.
I'm all for that X, plus the Senate picked up at least 3 seats so far, maybe 3 more expected, close calls, too early yet.
It looks like the Rs will also pick up governorships in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and right here in Michigan, along with some H of R seats. Pickups in traditional blue states in the northeast look promising for them as well. The senate looks like it will remain held by Democrats, but not by much. Either way, we still have a divided government, and that is good for the people in this day and age.
Apparently the controversy over the stomping incident didn't affect how people voted in KY as I believe Paul won his race fairly easily which is the way it should of been... voting on the policies, not on an incident that Paul had no control over.
If I was down in KY I would have looked at these two videos and wondered WTF isn't Rand's opponent getting grilled on the actions of this squirrel-girl. She is on the same wacko level as Squeaky Fromme, the Charles Manson disciple who pointed an unloaded gun at President Ford back when I was a little girl.

Interesting dovetail, Squeaky? Well, she didn't go quite that far, in her defense, but she could sure use a good Witch Dr. analyst imho. Maybe a Wiccan could help?


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