I am talking about the stench that emanates from City Hall.
Anyone notice that both the planned water treatment and waste water treatment projects have been delayed. The former due to anticipated delays in material acquisitions and the later pushed back to late 2017 at the earliest due to bond authorization.
Does this mean that we will get a rebate on our future water bill since they were raised to pay for this project?
In a fair world we would. But we are residing in John Shays universe.
And he anticipates needing funds to pay for the city's portion of the West End Scheme.
Hmmmm. The Stench Also Rises.
I definitely wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a rebate. City Hall has been full of stinkers for some time now and hopefully things will change for the better after the next election.
The NEXT ELECTION would have to be of differing individuals of integrity to run for office against this sad and pathetic bunch of LAZY CORRUPT councilors. That just isn't happening again, and MOST are running for office UNOPPOSED as USUAL! It's TOO DAMN BAD! This is the first election in many or ever years when people across the NATION have opposed regular politicians that LIE AND CHEAT the PUBLIC as usual!!! So, we can't expect change and progress for the LOCALS! It cannot happen until and unless the CROOKS are ousted, recalled, or just quit. That doesn't happen unless people are given the TRUTH and AWAKE! The LDN sure isn't going to report the truth, just like most of the Corrupt and Stupid media types.
I recently made a complaint about the WWTP to Gov. Snyder's office. I got a couple of replies of emails, with thanks, and also a look into this mess for Lud.. Instead of an independent investigation by their office, they just had the faith in the DNR to help cover-up the problem even LONGER! Today, I got a letter from the DNR. Basically, it identifies the facts that Lud. is remedying the problem thru meetings with Shay, with more propaganda about temporary fixes and perfumes to the ponds. Also, that the new plan for 2017 will be a FINAL cure for the entire matter. It also stated our lead in the water problem doesn't exist at all. No independent investigation, and no interviews and visits to locals here in Lud.! That's the way the Governor sees answering the public on health issues of significance that the public brings to his attention. Pretty pathetic imho.
From the missive you showed me, it looks as if the state officials are looking solely at the press releases of the city for their answers to your questions. They don't even give an indication they know what sort of system has been put in place at the WWTP, but going by the words and projections of our city manager on faith. Have they learned nothing from Flint? Aren't they the least bit concerned about the statistical spikes of lead in our young children over the last years? You would expect more from a letter with a lot of important state officials in the CCs.
If the DNR hasn't issued a renewal permit for a WWTP in 5 years, that in itself should be a Red Flag to the Gov's. office, as well as his cohorts. Yup, a lot of CC's to other officials, all content with whatever the CM says is going to happen, sad, and defies the intent of going to his office with this valid complaint to begin with.
UPDATE: I talked with a DNR official named: Brian Jankowski, Supervisor in Cadillac. WOW! Here's his number to call: 231-429-0982 or email: jankowskib@michigan.gov. For the people with gonads, here's his update. He's sick and tired of the lies people are spreading about our WWTP not having a current permit. He's also sick and tired of people complaining about the stench, the Bayou problem, WEP, our sewers, and he's on Shay's list of favorite persons to rely on for info. pertaining to it all, incl. lead in our water, Shay told him it's all okay. So, you guys can call him too, and find that a conversation of 30-45 minutes will only get you a loooong list of delayed actions, a united front on the poor finances of Lud., a host of biological and chemical excuses, and you're lucky if you get in 2-3 questions/sentences in that lengthy conversation. I am hoping Brad, Willy, Jfc, XLFD, WW, and others will call him and ask why he is protecting Shay and the local elected officials NOW! Please do call him, you won't believe your ears and how far up the ladder these problems are being protected by the MDNR. An agency with the power of God, against the public, and will do absolutely NOTHING against an official appointed person/municipality!
Thanks Aquaman for making my Monday even more of a "MONDAY"....
The city ticks me off for what they don't do and my belief was that the state is just slow and inadequate at reacting to issues (like most government is or was), but now blood is shooting from my eyes.
I will be contacting, but who can we contact above him? Someone higher in DNR or AG?
And actually thanks for input, ...no really.
Mr. Jankowski must have reasons why he holds those opinions? Did he cite any proof or documentation for his conclusions or reasons he thinks people are lying. With his attitude he should be reported to his superiors. If he has been so easily duped by Shay then I wonder how influential Shay has been in swaying the committee that is deciding the fate of the Ludington Ave's west end?
I was hoping some here this week and into the future contact Brian, and see what you get for responses to all our mutual concerns. Brian said he is more aligned with the WWTP issues, but seemed to be informed about many other issues too. The only type of written response you might get would be a lengthy and standard operating type letter of authority and delayed excuses, like I did. Except he may email you back? I don't know, and am not wasting more time on him after the first time last Friday.
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