As promised here is a repost Brad's post listing contacts and deadlines.
Reply by Brad on Wednesday
Yesterday I sent the first of my emails to Tamara Jorkasky Grant Coordinator and the Trust Board. I plan on sending others before each grant hearings and definitely before December 7th. Unsure if I will be able to, but wondering if anyone can attend the grant hearing December 7th?
EVERYONE opposed the desecration of the West End NEED to send emails or letters to Tamara and the Trust board. The only way to stop this is to stop the grant. The city council, manager, employees will NOT listen.
Here again is Tamara’s last response to me.… ”The City of Ludington did submit a grant application for the Stearns Beach Recreation Area at the dead end of Ludington Ave. Recommendations will be made by the Trust Fund Board December 7. There are other Trust Fund Board meetings prior to that meeting. All meetings are open to the public. Here is a link to the meeting schedule,,4570,7-153-65134_65142-318972--,00.html. Let me know if you have any other questions.
The application number is TF16-0035. The Board does not make recommendations on projects until December 7 and it is open to the public. If you have items that you want to bring to our attention you can e-mail or send letters and I will include them with the grant application as part of our review. If you would like to bring things to the attention of the Board you may attend any of the meetings. I would recommend attending a meeting prior toDecember 7. I would recommend the October 19 meeting."
Grant Coordinator:
Tamara Jorkasky, (Region 2&4) Grants Mgmt
Section MDNR
Constitution Hall
525 W. Allegan St., P.O.Box 30425
Lansing, Mi. 48909
Trust Board:
Dr. William E. Moritz, Director
Department of Natural Resources
P.O. Box 30028
Lansing, MI 48909
Brad Canale
2028 Audubon
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
734-647-7038 - Business
Steven Hamp
1520 Harding Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
313-961-0500 - Business
Samuel Cummings, Chair
CWD Real Estate Investment
15 Ionia, SW, Suite 630
Grand Rapids, MI
616-726-1700 - Business
Erin McDonough, President
Michigan Oil and Gas Association
124 W. Allegan Street, Suite 1610
Lansing, MI 48933
517-487-1092 – Business
Or at:,4570,7-153-65134_65142-39501--,00.html
I feel it is also good to email the board members.
Thank you Shinblind and Aquaman for above contact info and thanks to everyone’s opposition. We all must be resilient.
Deb DelZoppo, a great commenter opposing at CC mtgs. of recent, posted over at Vanished Lud. fb page tonight that the WEP was denied today? I don't know. Should find this fact out for sure asap. Tamara needs to know to deny this project as many times as possible if the decision is still pending.
Don't celebrate just yet, they don't officially reject these applications until much later in the process. Perhaps somebody at the DNR has indicated the project is DOA, but don't count out our city leader's tenacity for getting this project underway, and the enticements offered in the application.
Deb is misinformed Aquaman.
A few days ago the DNR received funding for projects approved in December 2015. This year is a new struggle and we must keep up the good fight. If you would, please provide Deb with a link to Brad's post on whom to contact. We need as many allies as we can muster to fight this issue again this year.,4570,7-153-58225_58301-381356--,00.html
In other places they are getting support from the DNR Trust Fund to save Lake Michigan coastal dunes from private development. This is in today's news:
WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP, MI – Saving two pristine acres of beach and dunes from pavement and new construction has been a long haul for advocates -- but the work is nearly complete.
On Tuesday, April 5, Gov. Rick Snyder signed legislation allocating $300,000 from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund to help buy the two acres, which include 200 feet of low-bluff Lake Michigan shoreline.
For more than 20 years, locals have planned an expansion of the White River Barrier Dunes Sanctuary. They've gone to court, raised money and led tours through the tall dune grass and sand.
"The finalization of this funding is a big relief," said Mike Cockerill, White River Township supervisor. "After 25 years of struggling, we were finally successful. I again want to thank all of the residents, the foundations, the Land Conservancy of West Michigan and legislators like (Rep. Holly Hughes) for their strong support."
The Land Conservancy of West Michigan raised an additional amount, roughly $700,000, from other grants and private donations to reach a sale price of about $970,000 earlier negotiated between lawyers representing the township and the private owners.
"The community, and especially the individual donors came out strong at the very beginning of this project," said Land Conservancy spokesman Colin Hoogerwerf. "This project has just been of real interest to the community because of the threat of development.
"The long term impact is that this is now protected from development."
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