Muslims/Islam, Mormons, Anglicans, Lutherans, Baptists, or the Orthodox CHurches, Catholics, Jews, Jesuit, Methodist, Protestant, Christian and so on,

Can anyone please explain the similarities and difference of these. To me all but the first believe in Jesus and the M/I are into mohammed?

What else?

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Actually Muslims/Islam believe that Jesus was a prophet, and the blessed mother Mary is revered in Islam.  All of them believe in God - the Arabic word for God is Allah. People of Jewish faith don't believe that Jesus was the son of God. All of them have some sort of commandments or credo to live by. Some of them have at one time had extremist among their members that bastardize the words or meaning behind their Holy Book to fit their personal inner hatred of others.

It's hard to summarize with some quick words and without any bias but here's a useful link to compare religions, it has the most popular of the worlds practiced faiths in chart form telling the basic beliefs and practices and linking to further sources.


But it does lump most of Christianity (including Catholics and Protestants) under one roof.  To get a better understanding of the differences between Christian faiths, here is a good page for comparing their beliefs, practices, and stands on different topics for nine sects of Christianity.


Hope these charts help you out Jane.  Many of the Christian faiths are subtle.


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