I'm hoping to reinvigorate Dave's Movie Group here with a new discussion of romantic movies. Boy, we sure got a lot of choices on this subject. All kinds of great actors and actresses that come to mind. Maybe the fairer sex will participate here moreso than not, I hope. I am also a sucker for a good romantic plot and chase. Well, we're open to any movies that are rated G, M, or R. Let's see how Torchers feel about these movies. Thanks.  

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Another older movie I really liked at the time was: Pretty Woman, Richard Gere starred along with Julia Roberts. I kinda thought Angela, Sheila, Mary, and Masonco might like romances too, but haven't seen any posts yet. Huh?
The AFI, American Film Institute named 100 best romance movies out of 400 nominees. The top three were all old films: 1) Casablanca, 2) Gone with the Wind, 3) West Side Story. My favorite Bogart romance was rated #14) The African Queen, dated 1951, with Bogart and Hepburn. That actual boat is still alive and well. I saw it in the mid 90's while visiting the Fla. Keys. It was docked in Marathon and being used as a tour boat for admission charges. Of course I can't show my pics here because it was before digital cameras. If I ever find those pics., I'll try to scan them to the pc and share. Thanks.
Yes, indeed, I do like romances, Aqua. I just never take the time to read the group posts here, so my reply is late. (Better late than never, though.) Nowdays, we call romances "chick flicks." I certainly respect a man who enjoys romance movies!
Just saw a newer 2008 movie last nite: Beer For My Horses, it starred Toby Keith and Willie Nelson, both cw stars in their own right. Great action/romance theme I recommend to viewers that appreciate quality.
I saw that one some time ago Aqua, and while I don't remember the particulars I really enjoyed it.
Ted Nugent was also in that movie.. only had one line at the end.
I didn't see TN there! Where wolf TN? Toby was a sheriff deputy in love with a girl kidnapped across the border, by a Mx. brother to a drug dealer incarcerated by Toby's boss. Toby took the captive Mx. to barter with the bro. across the border for his gf, succeeded in the exchange, and left some dead ones behind in the process. Kinda like the old Clint Eastwood in action today. And I have to admit, the acting was very good, even for a singer. And of course Willie had a good part, and did a great job too in the movie.
Ted played "Skunk" I believe the name was. He was in most of the movie but just didn't say anything til the end. Never quite figured out why they didn't give Ted more speaking lines but I guess they had their reasons.
I loved that Monster Truck they used going into Mx., plus that cast of carnival characters that WIllie belonged to. Anyone remember that old film Stroker Ace? Burt and Loni? I just saw that the other nite and was pmp funny, and a corny type romance too.
The New Avengers movie, not so new now, pretty GOOD I thought! Just saw it again the other nite, and not too shabby either! Uma and Dwight!
Saw an oldie last nite named The Winning Team, dated 1952, starred Ronald Reagan and Doris Day. It was the story of Grover Cleveland Alexander as a farm boy turned professional pitcher baseball player. It was set in circa 1911-1919 era, but it was quite good for it's day. Reagan did a fine job and played the part out well.


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