Gowdy to Gruber: Is your apology because you said it or because you meant it?

Stupid is as stupid does. Rep. Trey Gowdy questions Jonathan Gruber on his disparaging remarks calling the American people "stupid."
The Jonathan Gruber that showed up to be grilled by the House Oversight and Government Reform chamber was unrecognizable from any previous model. As cameramen snapped photos of him at his witness table, he fiddled with his watch. This was a chastened, cautious man with a modest-to-poor recall of numbers, whom no wonky reporter would think of quoting. It was if the man had been locked in a lightless cellar for a month, and had been dragged out, blinking, for his captors, as was clear from Gruber's pathetic opening statement. Read more: http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2014-12-09/the-threepronged-fourhour-grilling-of-jonathan-gruber

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Comment by XLFD on December 19, 2014 at 10:16pm

A party affiliation does not necessarily go a long way nowadays, most Republicans and almost all Democrats are for Big Government.  Witness the latest cop out by the Republican led Michigan Government (each branch now, each branch the next two years), where they decide the best way to solve the road problem is to raise the sales tax from 6% to 7%. 

Let's not discuss all of these giveaway programs like the movie, tourism, and other favored corporation subsidies which was never considered part of the government's business from this country's founding until the 'economic development' myth gained popularity in the 1940s and spread like wildfire since the 1980s. 

If we could actually see and fully comprehend the amount of waste in the State budget and somehow eliminate it, you could cut the sales tax back to 4%, fix the roads, and still run a surplus.

Comment by Willy on December 19, 2014 at 7:43pm

Side note: If the Republicans are so upset about the passage of Obamacare then why did they vote to fund it for another year? This gruber thing is all a big show. The Republicans are treating us like we are stupid as well. I guess we are stupid for voting for either party.  Not much separates these two anti American parties as far as ideology and goals anymore.

Comment by Willy on December 19, 2014 at 7:35pm

Has anyone noticed how this has deflected criticism away from the Democrats and Obama? The left thew Gruber to the Republicans who are easily distracted like children with a shiny toy. They ride roughshod over Gruber and tear him a new one then everything goes back to normal with the left limiting our rights and freedoms while the right shrugs their shoulders while saying "what can we do"?.

Comment by AQUAMAN on December 13, 2014 at 1:18pm

Gruber: what a bumbling boob this PH.D. is. And this is the type of fountainhead personnel that Obama seeks out for new legislation? The mindset of the future? The foundation for economic and societal progress? What Gruber stated in his former statements was exactly the truth, from his standpoint and condescending position with the Government. What his new apologies lack is the same candor from which he stands questioned about. He can't retract and fog the issues he so blatantly addressed earlier, no matter the current tactics to deceive. I guess we could only wish that everyone in the Obama administration was so candid. If so, there certainly would be no excuse for not starting the petition for Obama to be impeached immediately. Thanks for the incise videos X to expose another fake and traitor in our Federal midst. I'm "glub".

Comment by XLFD on December 12, 2014 at 11:33pm

 Another good exchange in the Gruber hearings was the exchange with Republican representative Tom Massie, where Massie quizzes Gruber about his own ethical-economical views and indirectly implicates Gruber as being some sort of eugenicist by using his own work.  What is "positive selection", a term Gruber used in his paper?  He doesn't seem to know now.

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