Apparently the president of MSNBC is a bit of a comedian. In response to an opinion piece in the USA Today that dealt with who to blame in regards to Tucson, the writer of the piece compared Olberman and Maddow to O'Rielly, Beck and Rush, here's what Mr MSNBC said in reply:
"We all must do better. However, those that you compare us with are wholly partisan and assume everyone else is malevolent. MSNBC presents analysis and opinion based on fact. Distinctions matter, Al. Shame on you."
— Phil Griffin, president, MSNBC
I about busted out in a laugh when I saw the words "MSNBC presents analysis and opinion based on fact". I think all news media is biased in one way or another. Mr MSNBC is living a delusion if he thinks his network is any different.... or he hasn't watched the Maddow or Olberman show... or the Ed Shultz show for that matter. Shultz is just a nut.