try this its awesome



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... continuing from the Phish Thread....


There was only suppose to be one more shuttle flight after the upcoming flight later this month, just within the last week or so though they added one more flight, which looking at the calendar over at the NASA site, is right now scheduled for June 28th. I'll have more vacation available then so might have to look into going to that.. it would be interesting. I've been to Kennedy Space Center a couple times but neither time was there a shuttle on the pad, so it would be nice to actually see one on the pad.

I remember seeing one when I was a kid, my grandparents went to florida for the winter and it seems like we watched the shuttle launch right from their park where they lived. Must have been 1982 or 86 or something like that.

This is what it looks like.  It is about as close as they let you get.  This was taken with a telephoto lens.

I've heard that you can feel the ground shake just a little if your close enough.. not sure how true that is. Somewhere I have a few shots from my visits down there.. think the last time I was there I got a couple nice shots of the launch pad without the shuttle sitting on it.

On a side note, the last time I was down there at the space center, I walked out of the bathroom and ran into someone I know from my old hometown.. turns out they were down there on vacation too. So weird to run into someone like that so far from home though.. definitely did a double take.

Here's a couple I got too for the record.
Some others of the visitor center too at KSC.

A different NASA


LOL...Have to say I like the lip stick shuttle better.


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