Another dog and pony show. Brought to you by your senate finance commitee.

Again the senate finance commitee hauls oil executives to washington for a hearing. This stuff happens so often that these guys should be on a first name basis.

The senators all know full well the real problem gas is so high, but, these hearings sure give them some face time. They know its supply and demand!

I had to laugh at senator( Jay Rock a fella ) telling oil exc's that people have to feel pain before there are good times. Meaning  you and I at the pumps.

If he really believes this, why douesn't he give up his trust funds? Compliments of standard oil.

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That's the government way; get a committee together to show that they care about the problem, and justify giving themselves more illegal power and funding to exacerbate the situation. 

If most of the congressmen did some serious navel-gazing, they would find out that they are a big part of the problem. 

As much as most people dislike the oil companies, they are sometimes victims of circumstance. The oil industry is probably one of the most taxed industries here in the states. Not only do they get taxed on a federal level, they get taxed on a state level and I'm sure probably on a local level too in some areas. Sure, its hard to feel sympathy for companies making $10 billion or more, I don't think anyone feels sorry for the companies in that regard. That said, with all the fee's and taxes and this and that and companies like GE that actually make more then the oil companies do for the most part while not paying taxes, I don't know if most of these oil companies are quite the evil corporations that they are made out to be.

That 10 billion you speak of is after tax's, the four major oil company's paid in a total combined tax of around 54 billion. Thats with a B.

The congress voted a bill to reverse O's moratorium on drilling, which we all know won't get pass the senate. Also, O says it will not give the states involved a chance for feedback. Code for envirolist..

I think that several elected gov (privelaged) ones have a lot of the stocks free or baught at a low price.  BOTH SIDES


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