Of the many myths and monster stories out there, the one that I believe to have the most credence is the legend of Bigfoot. He has many names of course besides Bigfoot, he's also known as Sasquatch, The Yeti and the Abominable Snow Man. Sightings of Bigfoot come from every state in the union other then Hawaii which obviously is many miles away from typical Bigfoot stomping grounds.... plus I don't think he could swim that far... lol. While the evidence isn't by any means 100%, there is evidence out there that while disputed, has never been debunked... that evidence would be the infamous Patterson film:
Many have tried to recreate a similar suit including some of the best costume designers in Hollywood yet none have been able to. If the film is a fake, why hasn't the costume used ever been made available? If the original costume was destroyed, why can't anyone make a copy? Granted the questions are many on both the authenticity side and by those who dispute the video, most likely those questions will be around for awhile.
If your interested in reading more about Bigfoot, you might enjoy checking out this website:
Permalink Reply by Dave on September 30, 2010 at 11:48pm
I find the subject interesting myself. Other monsters like the Loch Ness Monster have a certain air of possibility but when you take into consideration that there is simply probably not a big enough food source to keep any large animal like it fed. With Bigfoot, with sightings in every state, its quite possible it regularly migrates from location to location. I'm reading a book on Sasquatch right now which is mainly why I brought up the subject... been an interesting read so far.
Permalink Reply by XLFD on October 2, 2010 at 4:36pm
Since your recent shoe return saga and now your bigfoot interest, I am beginning to think you are obsessed with feet, much like I seem to be with those red octagonal things. Speaking of which, as our resident bigfoot expert, what would his shoe size be from some of the more believable footprints found?