Debtroit: How to Handle Their Impending Insolvency

It is a valid premise to presume that Detroit is destined to drown in debt, one of the big problems is whether they will take the rest of the state of Michigan with them.  Despite subsidization by Lansing from the rest of Michigan, the political structure of Detroit isn't likely to develop the will to make a workable solution that addresses what needs to be cured.

There is basically three choices, allow an Emergency Financial Manager to do their best (with no guarantee of success, and the loss of local sovereignty for over a half million people), allow for more subsidization (with probably the same results from prior support), or listen to Mitt Romney's headline, and let Detroit go bankrupt.  This may be rough for many at first, but may be the only solution that has more power than a band aid.  The following article from Bloomberg by Shikha Dalmia aired just recently.

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has postponed his decision to appoint an emergency manager to deal ... Detroit's fiscal crisis. He was expected to act after a state audit last m...

The main issue that Snyder, a Republican, will ultimately have to confront is whether to put Detroit through a political managed bankruptcy or a conventional Chapter 9 court process.

The audit pegged the city’s annual debt-service costs alone at $597 million, while its three biggest sources of revenue generate only $538 million. Worse, the value of the city’s net assets, which in 2010 were worth $265 million, has collapsed and they now have a negative value, the report said.

More urgently, Detroit will run out of operating cash before the fiscal year ends in June (although that didn’t stop it from handing out year-end bonuses to nonunion employees). Snyder had allowed Detroit to borrow $137 million through a municipal-bond sale on the state credit card last summer. Before the funds could be released from escrow, however, the city was supposed to meet prescribed restructuring goals under a consent agreement.

The city failed, no surprise, thanks to squabbling between a dysfunctional city council and Mayor Dave Bing. The council even blocked Bing's effort to hire a private law firm to help overhaul contracts with unions and vendors, even though the city has little in-house expertise to handle something this technical and complex.

The upshot was that the state has halted the release of $30 million of the bond money. Bing is planning to stretch out his meager resources by furloughing the city’s 11,000 workers for long periods, starting this month, but no one believes this will delay the inevitable. Short of a federal bailout or divine intervention, Detroit will be insolvent within a matter of months.

In a "prepackaged" bankruptcy, as opposed to a conventional process, deals are cut with as many creditors as possible in advance of a court filing and followed quickly with a plan for reorganization. This would put the burden on Snyder for negotiating "haircuts" with public-employee unions, investors and vendors. Detroit would be the largest U.S. city to undergo anything like this, and Snyder would be in uncharted legal territory.

Every decision he makes would be politically fraught. President Barack Obama was criticized for offering a better deal to the United Auto Workers than to secured creditors during the auto-industry bankruptcy. Should Snyder do the opposite and favor secured creditors over public unions -- either because it is legally the right thing to do or to keep Detroit’s future borrowing costs low -- he will be accused of crony capitalism, especially given his background as a business executive.

Indeed, city leaders regarded even the original consent agreement, which came backed by the state credit card, as an affront just because it required them to clean up their books under state oversight. Protests broke out. Jesse Jackson flew in to join a coalition of pastors, civil-rights leaders and local officials condemning the alleged assault on the city’s democratic rights. "We are prepared to go from education, mobilization, litigation, legislation, demonstration and civil disobedience," Jackson said.

That showdown would pale compared with what would happen when Snyder tries to get public unions to accept pennies on the dollar in order to reduce the city's crippling legacy costs. Many in Detroit still believe that the city is going broke not because it overpromised but because of meddling from Lansing, Michigan's capital. Consider what a union representative, Ed McNeil, said at a recent city council meeting.

"We're going to get the people out of Lansing out of Detroit," he said. "If we get them the heck out of here, we won't be broke."

A conventional Chapter 9 bankruptcy would be legally arduous because each side will mount pitched court battles to get a bigger portion of the spoils. But unions will have a harder time protesting the final outcome. And if they do and enhanced security becomes necessary -- not a remote possibility given the fierce public-union demonstrations that erupted in Lansing when the Legislature passed a right-to-work law -- it would be much better if a judge orders it rather than Snyder.

Politicians, even well-meaning ones, can't save Detroit. Any salvation will have to come directly from the courts.

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I feel bad for Detroit's citizens. Even though I did not live there, I spent a lot of time in Detroit when I was a youngster because some of my mothers family was from there. I miss the old town. The people that remain are in essence, trapped by homes that have devalued to the point of worthlessness and many of the residents must leave Detroit everyday to work at jobs outside of the City because there are just no available jobs inside the City. The fact that idiots Like Jessie Jackson are sticking their noses into this situation will assure that any outside influence to affect a solution will be labeled as racist as long as white people are involved.


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