The federally-created Council of Governors has a meeting scheduled for tomorrow. This is the group of 10 governors (always five Republicans and five Democrats) that gives the federal government the states’ perspectives on national security issues.

This is also the group that Governor Snyder said he wanted to conduct a review of federal security policies after the self-proclaimed most pro-immigration governor called for a “pause” in resettling refugees from Syria and other Middle Eastern countries after last month’s terrorist attacks in Paris, Beirut, and Egypt.

Back in September, Snyder said he wanted the federal government to send more Middle Eastern refugees to Michigan under an Obama administration program that would bring ten-thousand refugees to the U.S. next year.  Despite Snyder's trepidations after Paris, there are still refugees from Syria and the Middle East coming and resettling right now under existing – and, apparently, acceptable - security protocols.  Meanwhile, Snyder under pressure from progressives and unconditional pro-immigrant groups seems to be backpedalling on his early rhetoric, so as to look more understanding and inclusive.

Feel secure about letting Syrian refugees in your neighborhood yet?  While xenophobia is not typically an admirable trait, it is often necessary for survival and prosperity.  If we had the  logistical capacity to map a refugee's history, the uncanny ability to know their intentions, and the social resources to assimilate groups of people who have no real understanding of America, then bring them on. 

But we have neither of those three available.  We cannot even properly take care of our own people that come back from the conflicts in the Middle East.  Accepting more responsibility when you cannot even handle your current responsibilities is just... irresponsible. 

Nowhere was that more in evidence than what happened at the end of last week in the US Congress hearings.  A senior official from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) testified and showed that the agency had no knowledge or control over the statistics regarding these refugees. 

A senior official at the Department of Homeland Security admitted the agency has no clue how many Syrian refugees have entered the United States in the past year, while under fire in an intense congressional hearing Thursday.

Kelli Ann Burriesci, deputy assistant secretary at DHS, told the House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee DHS doesn’t know how many Syrians entered the United States or how many Americans left the United States for Syria in the past year.  Here is a compendium of that hearing:

If you feel these snippets were taken out of context, Trey Gowdy also re-grilled her on the topics:

Obviously, the department of our government that oversees these refugee immigrants are as ignorant as the people that would blindly accept immigrants without any vetting, whether they be from Syria, Mexico, or come to our doorsteps draped in an ISIS flag.  Their main campaign tells us that if we see something fishy, we should say something.  There is definitely something fishy here.

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This is nuts. Where are the Conservatives who should be leading instead of following behind these progressives picking up their sh_t and thinking how much they are accomplishing. The Republicans act like big shots at the committee meetings but that's all for show. The question is what the H_ll are they doing about all of this. Nothing. We have liberal/progressives who resemble Communists and RINO's who are closet progressives. 


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