Does he really care about the country he's POTUS of?

The Most Incorrigibly Political and America-bashing President

The Most Incorrigibly Political and America-bashing President

President Barack Obama has to be the most partisan and most ideological president we’ve seen in a long, long time. He cannot or will not refrain from injecting his partisan politics into almost every occasion.

Did he go to Mexico last week to improve our relationship with our southern neighbor or to use Mexico, as he does anything else he can find, as a political prop to bash Republicans and as a platform to criticize the United States?

What other American president has so often sidled up to foreign countries on the backs of his own countrymen? Obama’s defenders deny, hallucinogenically, that he apologizes for the United States, but our lying eyes keep telling us otherwise.

In Mexico on Friday, Obama, under the guise of who-knows-what, took the opportunity to stump for his latest policy obsession — gun control — to an audience that had nothing to do with it, unless you imagine that some of the people there will one day be granted amnesty in the United States by Washington’s ruling class and become voters who can pressure know-nothing GOP congressmen to confiscate the people’s arms.

Obama didn’t just offer a few throwaway lines at the issue, taking playful jabs at his Republican opponents. He actually seemed to be blaming Americans for the corrupt and violent Mexican drug culture.

He said, “Much of the root cause of violence that’s been happening here in Mexico, for which so many Mexicans have suffered, is the demand for illegal drugs in the United States.”

Can you believe that? Who thinks that way, much less a United States president? Whose team is he on? Whom is he fighting for? Wouldn’t you think that if the captain of our team were going to complain about problems between our two countries, he would direct his criticisms at those committing the crimes in their own country and those who also come to our country in droves illegally, even if the numbers have decreased recently because of Obama’s economy?

But no, it’s our fault. It’s always our fault, even when he’s the president. What an impotent guy he must be not to be able to have a more positive effect on us evil Americans.

But he didn’t stop there. Why should he have? He had a perfect platform to kill a couple of eagles with the same stone. He next took aim at America’s evil gun manufacturers.

He said: “Most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States. I think many of you know that in America, our Constitution guarantees our individual right to bear arms. And as president, I swore an oath to uphold that right, and I always will. But at the same time, as I’ve said in the United States, I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common-sense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people. That can save lives here in Mexico and back home in the United States. It’s the right thing to do.”

It is disgraceful enough that this American president would gratuitously paint America in a negative light before foreign people and their leaders (absent some egregious, deliberate action by the United States). But it is especially reprehensible that he attacked Americans and American gun manufacturers for the purpose of advancing his political and policy agenda in the United States.

If he wanted to apologize to Mexico, perhaps he should have started with Fast and Furious and the illegal guns his administration walked into Mexico without its permission or knowledge, which resulted in the death of some 200 Mexicans. But his apology ought to be on behalf of his administration, including himself and his attorney general, not America generally.

Do you get the impression, listening to Obama’s words, that he is highly frustrated with constitutional restraints that keep him from taking unilateral action to restrict firearms? We witnessed similar frustration from him on the constitutional obstacles to his taking action on immigration via the DREAM Act, just two weeks before he took unilateral and illegal executive action on it anyway.

Forget the birth certificate issue; this president has made it increasingly clear he doesn’t feel a sufficient bond with Americans or the American system to prevent him from rooting for the other team and lamenting our constitutional system the second he sets foot on foreign soil.

But foreign soil is not the only inappropriate venue Obama uses to wage partisan wars. On Sunday, he told Ohio State University’s graduating class that Americans who fear government tyranny are messing everything up and obstructing his enlightened progressive agenda.

Can he ever set aside his agenda for a brief moment? Can he ever pass up an opportunity to politicize?

I don’t believe I’m exaggerating when I say we’ve never seen anything like this before — not to this extent, anyway.

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Now he's starting to affect my home. I'm wearing out the mute on my remote.

Wonder if they have an Obama remote program I can get on?

ABC News reported the opposite of what you just said about his OSU address saying in its headline:  Obama Challenges Ohio State University Graduates to Become Active C...

What he said was:  "PRESIDENT OBAMA: Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that's at the root of all our problems. Some of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. They'll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices. Because what they suggest is that our brave, and creative, and unique experiment in self-rule is somehow just a sham with which we can't be trusted.

We have never been a people who place all our faith in government to solve our problems. We shouldn't want to. But we don't think the government is the source of all our problems, either. Because we understand that this democracy is ours. And as citizens, we understand that it's not about what America can do for us, it's about what can be done by us, together, through the hard and frustrating but absolutely necessary work of self-government. And class of 2013, you have to be involved in that process."

So become active citizens-- but not active citizens that are wary of your out-of-control government. 

Obama is such a conniver and liar. These collage students will truly demonstrate their ignorance if they believe Obama and continue to listen to the liberal press. He's setting them up and is trying to convince them not to challenge what the Government is doing. I hope this new generation wakes up before it's to late for them. And how appropriate that Obama is denigrating the U.S. while standing in front of a Mexican flag. A Swastika would not be suprising to see behind this illegitimate President.


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