Historic FORD plant shuts down after starting mfg. in 1925, another 800 JOBS LOST FOREVER!

Today marked the last day that the Ford Ranger truck plant in St. Paul, Mn. operated, thus putting another 800 loyal employees out of work. Another downsizing decision Ford made in light of slumping small truck sales in recent years. The plant had originally made the Model-T, then military tanks and other vehicles during WWII, then went into a number of other popular Ford cars until finally just producing the Ranger truck. Locals saw the decision of several years ago and made every earnest effort to hold the jobs and keep the plant open, it was delayed several times since, until today. Another sign of the times, where foreign products without fair tariffs and importation fees is ignored, while our very own Americans suffer. Thanks USA Gov't., for your continued ignorance, denials, and unfair trade acts against our people. Where does it end?


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A sad affair for the workers there, but Ford made this decision to not only be economically viable because of trade policies that have some elements of unfairness, but also because of bailouts given to the two other two Big Three car companies to keep them solvent (by giving them money from the taxpayers in one of those 'too big to fail' maneuvers that have been so common lately) making the domestic market also unfair to the Forders.  Ford is at least fighting through this long recession by making moves that are forced on them by the well-meaning but flawed government policies affecting foreign trade and big business bailouts.

Aquaman, I couldn't call up your attachment, so I looked up the piece and changed it to a link.

I just heard the other day that one of our fav. trading partners raised the tariffs on USA cars imported there to something like 30%, can't remember if it was China or Korea? They are still smart enough to protect their people and jobs, how come we can't return to this policy? Esp. in this drastic era of job losses? I say we are ALL getting skrewed by the USA policies/trade agreements. Until and unless it affects YOU at your job, no one cares. But when it DOES Affect YOUR JOB, then people finally wake up and complain. This is an issue that ALL Americans needed to address many years ago as a united effort. Otherwise, it will just keep trickling down to us all, one by one.


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