Greetings, Torchers. As a newbie here I would like to say that I have followed your postings for quite some time (actually, since the demise of the "Soup") and now feel compelled to submit my own contribution.
I would like to call upon my fellow liberals to come out of the shadows and be as hysterical about some of our core beliefs as a number of conservatives seem to be lately. Why should they get to have all the fun? I thought we were supposed to be the radicals. Doesn't anyone remember the sixties?
Anyway, I'd like to be the first to congratulate my socialist/communist/the-guy-wasn't-even-born-here/pals-around-with-terrorists/he's-destroying-the-country/President for tricking President George H.W. Bush into signing UN Agenda 21 TWO DECADES AGO and waiting until now to unleash its devastation.
Brilliant strategy and obviously something we libs need to jump up and down about.
All this and more, cannot, and will not happen until and unless the Washington DC mentality changes drastically, That means cutting spending in every single category, including military and benefit agencies, cutting wastes, cutting gifts to foreign countries for the sake of charity and political gains/promises, cutting taxes on all Americans, cutting extravagant expenditures on bailouts and salaries to the leaders of our government and private sector wall street types, and also just being responsible to ourselves and our heritage. That mentality seems totally lost in the fray of ideologies and feeling good for the moment. It takes true sacrifice and determination to accomplish all this, and that my friends, Methinks, is all totally lost to the mainstream of today's fast paced society.
William, please please, please don't tell me you have a bunker on your property filled with jugs of water, dehydrated meals and ammunition??
" Jane, does your problem with 20 year-olds on disability include young soldiers with physical or mental wounds which will likely require many years of rehabilitation? Or are you conjuring the “Cadillac-driving welfare queen” made famous in one of Saint Reagan’s speeches years ago?"
The soldier on disability should be getting way better benefits than they do, they should be taken care of well by the country.
But the girl I speak of is ex-navy, a cook on a ship to be exact, never been in war, dis-honorable discharge, lied to the navy about being married when she got pregnant because if they had known she was married she would have had to ship out since the dad could have cared for the kid and she had two years left. So she got the discharge for being pregnant and unmarried and lost all benefits. So she says anyway, seems like they would have put her on shore duty and family leave, but I don't know much about how the military works.
Now she works min wage job and whines every time I walk in her workplace about this or that hurting and gimps around all fake like, but get around the corner and she don't see you anymore and she moves just fine.
We all have aches and pains but the witch needs to man up and not be a drain on the system.
As far as Reagan I am a bit young to know that, was just a kid back then. But I think that is the idea.
My mutts come up put their noses under my right arm and 'throw' my arm up in the air, over and over and over, until I pet them, makes it hard to use the mouse left handed.
Yes, dogs are the best, I have 4 (and 5 the other day when I held a escape artist runaway until the owner was found). My family doesn't call me crazy dog lady for nothing!
"The soldier on disability should be getting way better benefits than they do, they should be taken care of well by the country."
That's what I like to hear, Jane. Unfortunately, after every war, we have tended to fall short of giving combat vets the care that is needed. It took many years before the Veterans Administration acknowledged that the chemical known as "Agent Orange" was killing soldiers after they had returned to civilian life. The traumatic brain injuries and PTSD affecting today's combat soldiers will be the next Agent Orange type of crisis of huge proportions.
"But the girl I speak of..."
Yeah, she sounds like a real piece of work and I share your disgust with her behavior. Ok, she's one that you can send over to Mr. Bailey for execution. But, the Liberal part of me would like to discover the nature and sequence of events which motivated her to make so many bad choices in her life. On the other hand that sounds like a lot of work to me, so with her head.
Your dogs and mine must have attended the same "How-to-Train-a Human" workshop because that nose-flipping technique is identical to what my dogs employ. The staring-at-me-until-I-yield tactic is the other skill they seem to have mastered.
Tiger, we are much alike in our views. I tend to feel that thorny issues like poverty, welfare, under-education, school retention, etc, cannot be solved until we honestly assess, get to the root of, and correct the problem. For example, I cited my view in an earlier post that teen pregnancy and the destruction of family support systems is truly the root of many of our social ills, including under-education, welfare dependency, etc. We need to examine and implement holistic measures such as sound sexual education, access to reliable birth control, prenatal counseling and nutritional education, early childhood education, parenting classes, and so forth.
In western Europe, teen pregnancy is almost unheard of. Why? Because these countries have practical, no-nonsense and realistic approaches to sexuality and birth control, and do not try to assign religious values to the matter. It is expected and accepted that young people are going to explore their sexuality, and the use of birth control is encouraged and easily accessible. It is expected that ALL children will receive sexual education, both in the school and in the home. In our country, many school districts are banned from teaching birth control in the schools and MUST teach abstinence. While in a perfect world, abstinence might be the ideal, it is most certainly not the reality. With my own children, I did not relish the thought of them having sex before they reached adulthood, but I'm not an idiot, and I daily see the very sad results of early sexual exploration without birth control. I made darn sure that my children had a sound sexual education and instant access to birth control should it be necessary. Interestingly, many moral conservatives feel this approach is "encouraging" sexual activity. Just as interestingly, two of my three children waited until adulthood before engaging in such practices, so that theory is pointless.
"I tend to feel that thorny issues like poverty, welfare, under-education, school retention, etc, cannot be solved until we honestly assess, get to the root of, and correct the problem."
Mr. Bailey thinks we've run out of time to fix all these problems which President Obama probably created and continues to relish. Get ready to duck and cover.
People outside the social services field don't understand why there is such a high burn-out rate among our workers. If the terrible stories in the case histories of clients don't get to you, then the frustration of trying to provide services with limited and ever-shrinking funding will. I don't know how many times I was told by State or Federal officials that there was simply no money available and that agencies would have to simply "tighten their belts," which translated to cutting programs and staff. The numbers of clients increases, but now go and fix it with even fewer resources.
I don't know how you survived being a single parent and doing all that you did. My wife and I raised three boys and that wasn't easy with both of us in harness. I don't know how anyone can do it alone and survive the ordeal.
I'm glad the only thing you have in common with Mr. Bailey is age. I was worried that he was going to claim some cosmic connection with you and lure you to the dark side.
Oh LORD no! I do consider myself, however, an "accountable liberal," if that makes any sense. I don't even know if it's a real term. I just made it up to satisfy myself. I'm sure it makes sense to you, however. I'm sure it does not to a few others on this page.
Perfect example of how the "Left" uses racism to divide the Country.
In my opinon the "Baby Boomer liberal progressives" have been America's curse. Spoiled x-hippies that never got their heads out of the drug induced fog they exhaled. Our curse is now in charge of this country and our future. These people never grew up but we still handed them the keys to the front door of the White House, our National secrets and security. We're in deep sh_t.
New keyboard & mouse to get used to, does my F & f work now?, yup. I must admit, the ole fart Tiger kinda kicks the debate up a notch or two. Getting back to what Jane said, yeah, it's bigger than both these current parties have us believe or need to know. What looms on the horizon by the liberal progressives is obvious if the last four years says anything, and yes, I too feel we are in deep doo-doo now for sure, just a matter of the clock ticking in our disfavor. William does a favorable and impressive narrative of this over and over, which only reinforces the debate against progressive policies for socialistic programs that have failed for over 50 years, but why stop now, we can keep this up forever right? Just keep the printing presses filled with ink and paper and we'll be ok. I can only see the USA getting more divided than united, and that's not what a good President should be doing and accomplishing for the good of the people. The unfinished business that began in 2008 hasn't begun to be attended to, and so it goes, down the slide we slip and more people suffer.
So, Aquaman! “Ole fart” is how you refer to someone who kept the world safe for democracy by stemming the tide of Communism? Someone who kept the dominoes in Asia from falling in succession thereby setting the stage for peace with honor? Someone who sent jihadists from the Middle East and the Horn of Africa to Muslim heaven? Someone who tracked guerrilla fighters in Central America? The person Jack Nicholson was thinking about when he told Tom Cruise about men with guns standing guard on a wall? This is the person you would slander with a reference to a gaseous substance which affects global warming that certain science fiction writers claim doesn't exist? Really?
Well mister, you just bought yourself an extended stay in the reeducation camp. When the rest of your Conservative Klan, I mean clan, have completed their sentences and go skipping merrily out the gates hoping to volunteer for any number of Progressive causes, you’ll still be strapped in the chair watching videos. I have some Keith Olbermann commentaries that you’re just going to love.
Since my comments are apparently putting a serious dent in your beer stash, I thought you’d appreciate something from “Murphy’s Laws of Combat,” a guide for soldiers in Vietnam. Here’s one of the more popular rules: “Beer math is 2 beers x 37 men = 49 cases.”
Ah, Keith Olbermann.......
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