In the last few days, Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown Law student appeared in front of congress to talk about how students should have their birth control needs taken care of. She suggest that many of her fellow students are having a tough time being able to afford birth control/contraceptives. She says the cost per year is about $3000 for most students on average.

I don't know, maybe its just me but I'm having a hard time having sympathy for anyone going to a prestigious law school that isn't exactly cheap. To go to Georgetown Law, you figure about $60,000 to $70,000 for your education. Figure in as well that your most likely going to be able to get a decent job once your out (take note occupiers... this is the type of education you get if you actually want to have a shot at working when you get a degree). IMO, unless you have a medical condition that warrants the use of the pill or some other medical condition, your on your own to purchase your birth control/contraceptives. They have no more right to have their birth control paid for then you or me. Anyhow, if they choose to get 'physical' and engage in certain activities, there are other things a couple can do that doesn't involve intercourse... there is plenty of fun to be had that doesn't include penetration.

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Ovarian cancer isnt fun. As I said, I don't want to pay for "pregnancy control" myself.



How did Fluke work for a scholarship? Not only is she getting a free education she also wants free birth control pills. I think her accetance speech at graduation will be, me, my, mine, give me, I want, I deserve, I'm entitled, you owe me, where's my pill's I've got a  date with Obama to help screw the American taxpayer.


Some people excel and are deserving, even some with money. You dont think ANY kids deserve scholarships? Never said she deserved free pills. Thats not nice to say is it? Its like me saying I think youre mom had a date with Obamas dad. Youre putting the onus on that girl ust because she spoke her opinion. Do opinions scare you? Congress listened, she didnt change the world.


Democrats listened but nobody with any brains did. I know a lot of people who excel, so, do they all deserve to receive  thousands of dollars free without working for it?  Stop and think. Someone has to pay the bills. Someone, many someones, are paying for her education. The only thing people deserve is the right to be able to obtain, that which they desire, by working for it themselves and not by freeloading off someone elses back unless that back voluntarily offers the benefit. Your thinking like a socialist.

If someone wants to willingly give their time, money and resources to people so they can go to school or have sex or whatever then they are certainly entitled to do that. People have to have some sort of personal responsibility though, not everything can be free.. it just doesn't work as the people in Greece and other countries have found out.

As far as what Rush said, well, Rush is paid to give opinions and make news and that's what he did. Do I agree with what he said? No. Do I understand what he was trying to get at? Yes. To be quite honest, I haven't listened to Rush in a long time as I find him to basically be a wind bag. He still has his legion of fans but can't say I'm one of them.

So, If I want to take the pill to keep acne from being a disaster on my face or I want to take it to make my period more consistent/predictable  or take it to prevent major period cramps does that change peoples opinion of whether they want to pay for it for me? Do you have a problem paying for others diet pills, those are optional right? so why not be against paying for those, or pain pills like celebrex that cost $6 a pill? Should 'the public' decide whether *anyone* has a choice in medications, or should the public only pay for those that are neccessary, and if so then what is really neccessary? Antibiotics? Insulin? Thyroid meds?

Aren't ALL medications a 'choice'?

If someone needs the pills for medical reason such as Ovarian complications a doctor will prescribe them but you know that 99% of the pills sold are for birth control and that is what Religous orginizations do not want to contribute to. I don't believe in providing men with Viagra either when they could just as easily be using a popsicle stick secured with bailing wire.

and what about paying for those gastric bypass surgery, that is a lifestyle choice isn't it, food is fun,so by helping those who are overweight from overindulgence of the taste buds pay for there surgery we are condoning the immoral lifestyle of the glutton right? (some of course have medical condition leading to weight issues but most are hand to mouth literally responsible)

Same thing applies. If it's a medical problem it should be covered. Anymore examples?

Well, as far as the question of gastric bypass being covered goes, I guess I'd answer that this way... we all need food to eat and granted their are many people out there that over indulge, myself included. Indeed some people are predisposed to weight issues from a number of medical reasons. Many doctors won't do the gastric bypass until a patient has already started to make a lifestyle change of eating healthier and exercising/losing weight. That said, as enjoyable and fun as sex is, we don't have to have it. Most of us of course do have and enjoy sex. Sex is a choice where food is a necessity.

As Willy mentions, this isn't about legitimate medical conditions. If your a woman that has a medical condition that warrants the use of contraceptives then by all means I think your insurance or what have you should take care of it.

If your a woman that is solely using the contraceptives for birth control then all I am saying is that you should be responsible for the purchase of the contraceptives just as a guy should be responsible too, I'm not trying to lump this all on women by any means.


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