Jesse Ventura: Conspiracy Theory - POLICE STATE/FEMA CAMPS

Jesse Ventura: Conspiracy Theory - POLICE STATE/FEMA CAMPS

This episode aired once, then was removed from ever airing again due to pressure from the US government, that alone should tell us a lot! As of right now it looks like the show will NOT return for a 3rd season due to TOO much pressure from the government. Again, that should tell you ALL you need to know about all these episode AND the content they cover.

"Police State" It's been said the government has a plan to declare martial law and round up millions of United State citizens into concentration camps. Jesse may have found a conspiracy in plain sight as he investigates the proliferation of law enforcement Fusion Centers around the country. And they may be connected to hundreds of detention centers ready to accept prisoners at the stroke of a Presidential pen.

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It's too bad we'll be held in different sectors, Brian.  Very interesting.  Some of these recent laws such as the NDAA have some really scary provisions and lax definitions of terrorism, which allows government officials to detain you for activity which is Constitutionally protected.  So my FOIA requests make me part of the problem... but then all those city officials that signed the mayor's petition may have to look over their shoulder too. 

We do not know who the bad guys are anymore. We had a guy here get drunk and pour gasoline on the hospital helicopter. Then he lit it on fire. They charged him with comitting a terrorist act. He is a well known person here who has drug and alcohol problems. He is not a terrorist. 

Too bad Jesse Ventura can't help you deliver some of those FOIA requests.

I think if Jesse Ventura got in Mason County Prosecutor Paul Spaniola's face, he'd stammer out just about anything.  I complain about John Shay, but Paul takes the cake in abusing the FOIA law, I'm compiling a three part FOIA appeal concerning that guy.  Just in case you don't know him, here's a brief glimpse.

BTW, that dirt and seed forensic work is why he says they can't release records concerning Ariel Courtland, and any others involved in the Baby Kate case. 


A bit off subject but here goes anyway.. when I was young, think around 17.. I went to a WWF event in Kalamazoo. As I walked to a door I noticed someone walking up behind me so I held the door. The person behind me turned out to be Jesse Ventura. For some reason he had came to the 'public' doors instead of going to a backstage entrance.. the person working the door directed him to the proper door.

Another one of my random ramblings.. haha.

Always good to hear a Jesse Ventura story. 


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