One more ethical local fire fighter has bitten the dust down in Pentwater.  It started Tuesday on a Facebook page of The Pentwater Daily News Herald Journal Tribune Beacon


has your vehicle broken down and high gas prices driving you nuts, no problem become a Pentwater Fire Department and they'll give you a truck to drive and provide gas.
offer only valid if your father is the township superviser.


A few replies followed among these:

 Joe Pentwater according to my facebook sources this has been going on for month's, as well as a few other things that are a bit wierd. My sources say that we shouldn't worry because there is always a Pentwater DPW truck parked at the station during working hours and have spotted the DPW worker sitting there for hours on a laptop instead of working. Why fix potholes when you can get paid to watch porn or check facebook using the library wifi. It's only tax payers dollars being wasted and they do that alot around this village.


 Another firefighter who was released earlier for passing out candy during a parade, Deb Millard (her story found in the archives of that facebook page) informed us on Thursday January 6th (followed by a reply from the 'paper' and the firee):

Deb Millard Well now what do we have here. Because this paper {the facebook page} found an opinion and wrote it's own details about a firefighter using a dept vehicle my husband, Bear Millard, was suspended from the Pentwater Fire Dept. today by none other than Terry Cluchey. He refused to answer any questions and stated that "You can discuss this..." at the big meeting we will have in "a few weeks". The suspension is indefinite, read "terminated". When asked where he got the information that led to the suspension, Terry replied "It was handed to me". When asked who it was he replied "I can't tell you that. Suspicious yes, underhanded yes, shady yes, rediculous well I can't even begin to describe.   

The paper caught on and did it's own digging and watching, it isn't difficult to see when the truck and driver are all over town every day and the truck sits at the FF's house. When your officers are doing the wrong thing and get caught it, shouldn't the person in the wrong be the one punished? Shouldn't the chief be fixing the problem so he doesn't have to worry about "stories" being broadcast all over the internet about the corruption and mismanagement of the department you head? Realization eludes these people. Interesting how this department can be called to a fire and be deemed ineffectual...every time. Obviously the safety of the residents of this village and township are of no concern to them. Valuable and trained firefighters are so easy to come by around here, especially when the 2 in power make it so easy to like them and are such competant leaders, wouldn't you say? The road to rediculous is paved with the leadership and assinine behavior of these two "men". When this statement is "delivered" to you, make no mistake, this was written with full knowledge that you watch our every move, you are a poor leader, we are the most interesting and worthwile projects you've ever had, and that is about all of the repect you will ever deserve. Trade in your fire helmet, you are ineffectual and sad.
The Pentwater Daily News Herald Journal Tribune Beacon Well it looks like we have another story. Our hopes are that you do not believe this is our fault and we would love to work with the two of you to spread this whole preposterous witch hunt to the four corners. We have readers in Australia. With 10,000 readers a day this is sure to blow up in someones face.
Bear Millard
hey guys that's the way the cookie crumbles. I saw something that I felt was wrong and called it. It has been a pleasure serving this community and I'll keep you all posted. Did any of this fix the problem? No. Hey if it looks this bad to m...e and I am on the Dept think how bad it looks to John Q taxpayer or Joe Pentwater. I am hoping when I do finely get my meeting this can all be worked out and I can remain on the Dept., if not have I got some stories,videos and documents for you guys as I won't have to fear retaliation or cost me my Job. Keep up the good work and I might need a job are you still hiring? To my wife's comment above....geesh tell em how you really feel! Love ya and your candy.
The Pentwater Daily News Herald Journal Tribune Beacon ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST. Due to the fact that we found an opinion (thanks Deb) and ran with yet another story of Pentwater Fire Departments misappropration of funds and misuse of equipment by people on the fire department, another skilled and honest firefighter has been lost to us, the taxpayers.
A few hours later we have the latest update after the FD meeting:
Deb Millard
According to firefighters that were at the monthly meeting of the PFD last night. The wife of the firefighter who has been seen since Aug. using fire trucks as his own personal vehicle is the one who copied Bear Millard's entire page and then sent it to the township the asst. chief and chief, thus moving the story into the "mainstream media" and ensuring that more people got to see it than those of you who read the paper. Bear Millard was suspended for "The information going out to the mainstream media". This wife is also the daughter-in-law of the township supervisor. The same township supervisor that told Deb Millard, when she was terminated for passing out candy, that he or the township can do nothing in regards to the FD as it is a "separate entity". The same township supervisor who, we've heard through the grapevine, is being sued for telling the same line to another person. The same township supervisor who's son is the one using the truck for personal use. In effect, Mr. Millard was punished for an officers wife's emotions and poor judgement. Interesting.
The corrupt continue, the virtuous fall.  Small city life.  Does anyone care though?

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I had a request by my dudettes to do my world famous (infamous?) scalloped potatoes and ham tonight, so I missed out on the "Slaughter in Pentwaughter" that took place at 7:00 PM tonight.  Anybody there that wishes to comment, please do.  I am very curious.
There is a synopsis over at FB on the PWHTJB page, open the comments to see it. Ain't got time to bring it over here. maybe XFFDM will give us an insider view?
Whats happening with each and every bracnh of local goverment arounf here?  Each are too busy strutting there stuff and not doing whats right.  The courts can't save them everytime, as Indian Summer showed.  Then they continue to harss them with a wasted appeal.  Mason Co people; let your county commissioers hear you. 
Exactly what I and many others have been saying Fruitpacker, strutting their stuff and being condescending and just plain STUPID, has and continues to be fashionable. The ONLY time I see anything different happening, is when the locals get on their HIGH HORSE and come down to the meetings and MAKE SOME NOISE, to contradict their future and past actions. Time to take the City and County BACK for the majority and citizens that pay and support the BOZO's that are still in office taking unfair advantage. I saw you and many others last June at the MCBC meeting at the Courthouse on the Wind Turbines issues, and see how Successful we all were when we stood our grounds? That particular appeal on Indian Summer is ridiculous, and just shows how Huge their EGOS are when soundly and rightly defeated, even by a Local Judge, pathetic and worthy of Recall Petitions imho.


You sound like someone that may be in the know about the situation with Indian Summer and the County.  Is there anything you want to get out about that situation?  From what I read, the Hackert-owned business is getting an inordinate amount of heat on this, and I doubt the county has anything new for, and worthy of, the appeal.   If they do, it seems a shame they weren't able to throw the taxpayers a bone at their last December meeting.  Looks like throwing good money after bad. 

We have one or two threads deeper in the archives on this topic.  If you do a search over the forum use the words 'Indian' or 'Hackert'.


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