Please be aware that LAS - esp Franklin elementary have a few parents that are offended by people who like to exercise their right to free speech. So next time you pick your child up, remember to keep your opinions to yourself - no matter what they are - you may just get called into the principal's office and told to stop!!!

Also - if your child goes missing don't expect them to call the cops right away like the should.  My friend's child along with 2 other children went missing for over 10 minutes after recess was over before the teacher noticed they were gone.  Do you think the cops were called? Hell No!!!  The teacher (if you can call her that) finally noticed that 3 girls were missing from her classroom over 10 minutes after recess was over!!!!! thankfully the girls were found safe and just hiding in the bathroom, but who knows what could of happened to them in that time frame????  Mr. Dekuiper and Mrs. Large claim the teacher handled it the correct way and nothing further was done about the situation.  LE was contacted and sheriff Fiers stated LE should have been called right away and that a complaint with CPS could be filed and that this needed to be made here it friend doesn't have an account on here so I am doing it for her

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You are correct, Josephina; have a nice day yourself, elsewhere. 

I see your point, but here if you're not compliant or even ask too many questions and say the word like "mob mentality" they say it doesn't exist. Now on the other hand, if you use "gang mentality" as Aqua did, and you're on their side, you get called "patriotic". I'll be more specific.

Aqua said:

"Awfully fancy talk coming from all three stooges, as they take turns at bat. Gang mentality? Pure as it gets."

Reply by XLFD:

 "Aquaman, you're a true patriot and have the mentality to get at the head of the mob, LOL."

Some how I seem to recall another forum being taken off of LDN for this very thing. At least this is how it started.

I for one enjoy a good debate, but seeing as how I haven't lived in Lud. for many years, I have no opinion on alot of the topics brought up, because I don't know all the facts. Majority of topics are local. 

RobbyK, here is a link to what was actually stated there by both parties you mention.  Aquaman said quite a bit more than what you said, and the breadth of his rendition was patriotic.

For your continued disingenuity, here's the door.  Observe proper safety protocols on your way out.


Ty  but there seems to be many doors to this place!

you know me? HA!!! THEN get your facts begin with my A$$ isnt big....its smaller then the average onto another part of this discussion......I dont tell lies or rumors, like I said before, I tell the story from my point on view - what I SEE or HEAR or EXPERIENCE AND I use my name - not some made up screen name to hide hide behind it because you are afraid to say who you really are.  My threads and comments are my opinions - and if you dont like what I have to say then dont read them - its that easy --- its funny that it took you this long to respind to a post that was put up here weeks ago.  Did it take you THAT long to try to come up with something to say to me?  Be an adult and say it to my face...........  I believe you were the one to start the bashing on here, no me.  And dont worry I will leave LAS when the time comes..............i love children, sounds like you dont love yourself

You GO Girl, Angie makes some points from the heart, and soul too, imho. And THAT makes all the DIf. imho, cause it's not BS! That's right Robby Bobby K., gang mentality is what it is, on YOUR PARTS, according to your own gen. BS, it's too hard to believe, and comprehend, and digest, without a Ralphy. FYI, Ralphing, is that adult term that means PUKE! BTW Angie, your body parts are never in question here, not in this TORCHER forum, we don't consider that relevant to material facts nor debate, never did, but the SOUPERS ALWAYS DO! How BOUT YOU DALE?

since when did a$$ become a cuss word? its said on the news the radio and Tv all the time - if it were a cuzz word then it wouldnt be allowed

get it straight


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