LIAA's Agenda for Mason County: Introductory Power Point Presentation Explained!

On the afternoon of September 17, 2013 up to 25 public officers met at the Ludington City Hall to consider entering into an agreement with the Land Information Access Association (LIAA) for assistance in creating the comprehensive master plan for the City of Ludington (COL), the County of Mason (COM), and Pere Marquette Township (PMT).  I have asked for and received a little bit of information from this meeting, like some E-mails exchanged in preparation for this meeting, an invitation created by the Ludington Community Development Director Heather Venzke Tykoski and later communications referencing this meeting, but the roster of the meeting, and exactly what was discussed and negotiated is pretty much a mystery, because it wasn't a meeting open to the general public.


However there was one public record that was made available from that meeting, which led to each of the three public bodies (COL, COM, and PMT) entering into a multijurisdictional agreement along with latecomer Hamlin Township (who officially joined the bandwagon in December 2013).  An agreement that was made without any discussions at Ludington and only the peremptory vote sans discussion from the other public entity's governing boards.  The record made available was LIAA's introduction to themselves, their protocols, their objectives, and their goals.  This was in the form of a power point presentation (PPP) that was shown on September 17 to the many officials in attendance. 


For those unfamiliar with PPPs, they are kind of like a slide show, where slides are shown, and a narrator explains the slide and develops their narrative around it.  On the eve of the March 19 meeting of LIAA with the Planning Commissions and governing boards at 6 PM at the PM Township Building, I present it here, and since I lack the presenters narrative, I will develop my own. 



"Resilient communities are those communities that effectively adopt the concepts of sustainable development.  Both of these terms may be new to you, and are very hard to define, even for their proponents, but both seem to accept without argument that global warming (which they often replace with the synonym 'climate change' which is less controversial when weather records show that the world is cooling) is real and will lead to disastrous consequences in the near future. 

This PPP will develop the concept that proactive plans for something very unlikely to happen and which cost a lot more to the community in terms of their property, rights, and property rights.  For purposes of this presentation, my name is Joe."


"We are LIAA, a Traverse City company dedicated to making "innovative ideas for sustainable communities".  Our critics may say 'sustainable communism', but that falls outside of today's discussions.  Recent projects have taken place in Resilient Monroe, Michigan, where you can check out what we have proposed there if you have any further questions including our 62 page Climate Action Plan for them. 

Community challenges will come from those unenlightened souls that do not believe that humans are making the planet's climate much warmer to the point of crisis.  If anyone here does not believe all of our liberal scientists projections on climate change, please submit yourselves for further indoctrination, or please leave now.

Community Resilience is a measure of the sustained ability of a community to utilize available resources to respond to, withstand, and recover from adverse situations.  This requires control of those resources by the local government, and that's where you planners and board members make out.  You can control your neighbor's land, if you allow him to keep it."



"And the best way to foster and support greater civic engagement is to meet with officials outside of a public open meeting to explain ourselves, and to couch our intentions behind such terms as sustainable development, resilience planning, and smart growth, without explaining too much the underlying concept of socialistic control and invalid hypotheses they're based on.  Our private, non-profit status allows us to not be transparent to the people with all that public money we get from government agencies like yours."


"Our 20 years of experience in mapping and surveying has led us to figure out better ways for your community to use all that private land being improperly used, from our scholarly perspective, and the legal wherewithal to accomplish that goal."



"Look at all that we can do for you because of our computer savvy and resources.  It's a lot more than those stingy taxpayers will provide for you to inflict more restrictive zoning on them."


"Just in case you missed it the first time, I'll repeat this slide again, and once again say how civic participation is great when the 'civic' is not participating.  They sometimes have odd ideas, that is not one with the body of our dictates.  If you don't believe in climate change and the need to put our resources into creating policies for crises that will not occur, please leave now.  The officer will escort you out."


"See how extensive our efforts are to better our communities throughout Michigan.  Do you think that all of these dots on the map would be there if climate change crisis policies were not real and economically feasible?  We look forward to adding an extra dot or two on the map for Mason County, and it will cost only a token amount footed by your constituents to do so-- and they will think they are getting a great deal too.  We won't discuss any of these projects on the map in detail, however, just note they have done awesome since we've helped them."


"Look at all of the pretty pictures at these various places.  That could be Ludington, Pere Marquette Township and Mason County.  Disclaimer:  the money we receive from you will not be going towards these projects, just our consultation."


"You wouldn't think global competition would be a big factor here in Mason County, but we work also on the global level at our company, since our initial directive for our existence was passed in the United Nations in 1992 under the name Agenda 21.  Based on sustainable development, it says the government is a better judge of property use rather than individuals operating in their best interests under market principles.  And local governments are the best way to get this put in practice universally, just like our friends at ICLEI proclaim through their efforts."




"Climate change is real and made by man.  Going into the winter of 2013/2014, I can assuredly predict that it will be a mild one in all respects for this area.  And don't be fooled by all that emergency dredging that the State of Michigan did this year because of all-time record lows of water levels in Lake Michigan/Huron, half of the county will be underwater if we don't plan for resiliency.  And don't forget all those massive storms that have not hit us in the last nine years, making it the longest time in recorded history by far that the US has not been hit by a category three storm or worse.  They are just saving themselves to hit us all at once."



"This graph is one we show to try and explain how global warming is real and related to the activities of man, but it really only shows how statistics can be used to show just about anything, including what we are trying to sell you here about warming trends.  The only scientist of the Greenpeace Movement may tell you its a scam, but who are you going to believe?  We have our own scientist that believes it is a problem, after all."


"But here's definite proof of global warming, er climate change, look at this graph about Great Lakes ice coverage.  At this point in time, September 2013, I predict there will be about 10% ice coverage on the Great Lakes this coming winter [EDITOR NOTE:  Ice coverage this winter peaked at 92% as late as March 6!]

"Frost free seasons (days from normal) across the Great Lakes region seem relevant, but I absolutely have no idea where this comes into play for showing global warming, er climate change, except to predict that this winter will be warm and mild along the Great Lakes region  [EDITOR'S NOTE: wrong again.]."


"A four to eleven degree temperature increase is forecast between now and 2100 according to this unattributed model based on unattributed climate science.  Forget that such models have been wrong almost 100% of the time, we are extremely confident of this model, and our progressive scientists approve it."



"Again, forget that there has been no category three hurricanes or other extreme weather phenomena has occurred for nine years in the US other than extreme wintry conditions, global warming, er climate change, will catch up to us eventually.  Our unattributed model says it is so."



[EDITOR'S NOTE:  Oops, that prediction model wasn't in the slide show.]



"Those same unattributed climate prediction models that are wrong nearly 100% of the time, predict all this warmth, warmth, and more warmth and lots of droughts.  [EDITOR"S NOTE:  Tell that to Coloradans and those in the Southeast US for 2013].



"More unattributed climate models indicate milder winter temperatures.  Trade in your snow shovels for suntan lotion.  When we get together in March of next year, we can discuss just how terribly warm and mild this winter to come was."



"This graphic shows Michigan moving towards a hotter climate.  We will eventually have the same climate as Oklahoma.  Honest; our unattributed models show this is the case.  Our goal is to have Michigan take a trip into Canada, because we must be in agreement that we need cooler temperatures."



"We brainstormed at what some impacts of climate change might be that would be adverse.  There would of course be no advantages.  You may laugh at some of the piddling impacts we have listed here, or the specious reasoning that often accompanies it, but we did the best we can, assuming the worst case scenario-- which won't likely happen."


"Ten slides on global warming, er climate change, and its effects are enough for now.  Undoubtedly, the uneducated public will scoff at such things anyway, because they are not as smart and handsome as the officials I see in this audience.  Now let's discuss why you have to adapt these unattributed climate models and unlikely climate scenarios into your planning process."



"You can see that we are good at what we do, because we have corporate partners via the Kresge Foundation, state government partners from the DEQ, and university partners from the U of M, whom I predict will win the Rose Bowl this year [EDITOR'S NOTE:  MSU went and won].  Could a group of charlatans and quacks have such prestigious partners?"




"The best reason for planning is to prepare for the worst, no matter whether that worst never happens, or is not even likely to ever happen.  This is the meaning of resilience and the necessary reason to invoke socialism.  Remember, you as part of the government wind up winning power and property in such a system.  If you don't join our mindset, you will be on the losing side."




"In our view resilient communities will have the above virtues, but some will say in reality a 'resilient community', based on socialistic concepts of common property and repressed individual rights will fail like all such systems eventually do, and have less of the attributes listed.  Our view is an enlightened brand of socialism that will surely succeed."


"Economic resilience could be looked at as government getting too involved with private enterprise, such that partnerships between the two lead to the community running the businesses and controlling the wealth.  From each according to his ability, to each according to his need, will lead us away from the horrors of unbridled capitalism envisioned by those who want to take the government out of the marketplace."




"Mix socialism with climate action plans to create a sense of civic engagement, even if the civilians object.  They will love to get involved when these plans get implemented, but they often do so negatively.  For those without such enlightenment as us, we may need to create laws to share their property with the rest of the community."




"Use Michigan's Planning and Enabling Act wisely to wrest the people's property so it can become the PEOPLE's property-- under our control, don't worry about that.  Resistance to change (i.e. the community stealing their property) will happen, we must be prepared to quell such disturbances."

"You will notice that our work plan includes no mention to the public of our global warming, er climate change, discussions or the necessity for redistributing property under our enlightened direction.  This must be withheld from the public and minimized wherever possible, for they sometimes fail to reason the necessity of being resilient or their property being managed by the community rather than their selfish self."



"To be able to take advantage of our generous offer, you need to join as one now, sign agreements before the year's end, and get on this schedule to expedite our planning.  Notice all of our areas only move forward, because our plan only moves forward."


"Here is what we have to get this effectuated.  A Community Planning Committee made up of mostly appointed local officials and citizen engagement, that must be firmly controlled and maintained so that we can control the conversation.  Make sure any Community Action Teams created are made up of forward thinking individuals on-board with the program."


"To show that we are doing something we will be publishing a lot of material that makes it look like the $180,000 invested in this project will be well spent.  The actual benefit of this will be that we can sneak in a variety of unpopular policies and protocols into these master plans so as to consolidate resiliency into your community."



"Here's a bunch of university experts and state bureaucrats who are given titles involving management, dynamics, analytics, and planning.  Use them as you need them to establish global warming, er climate change, and the science of planning to the public.  Any of these distinguished individuals can lend an air of authenticity to your goals to the press and the members of the public who still believe in global warming, er climate change."




"Any questions?  Okay, great.  Your mission now is to sell this project to all governing board members who were not able to attend, sign an agreement with us, and we will eventually coordinate a plan to get the local media and as many businesses we can who are likely to benefit from the implementation of the objectives on our agenda 21, er agenda.

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That was a long but hilarious read. You missed another calling and that would be a writer.

The video below explains the real reason for Global warming

Definitely a contributing factor.  The recent cooling must correspond to the large amount of baby boomers getting past menopause.  Thank you very much, Willy, for the compliment.

Check this out tonight at 6:00 PM at the corner of Iris Road and the PM Highway at the basement of the PM Town Hall, and share your impression.

Check what out?

The LIAA had another meeting of the County/City/Township Planning Commissions and Boards tonight.  It finished at 7:30 PM.  Interesting stuff, I will share some of the proceedings tomorrow.  Several members of the community showed up.


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