Back on the night of March 12th, I came very close to being shot by contracted killers hired by the City of Ludington (COL) to shoot deer in Cartier Park.  I entered the park at 5:45 PM that day, intent on spoiling bait piles and chasing out deer from the area before the cull was set to begin.  At multiple meetings, found in the minutes and recordings of those meetings, the public was told deer cullers would do their business in the middle of the night, and that the COL would make sure it was done safely.  They lied. 

I was lucky to have seen the culler's ATV in broad daylight through the trees before he saw me.  He would take 8-10 shots before I was able to clear the area, one which had me dive for cover.  I was fortunate enough to be 'rescued' from fatal harm by the Ludington Police Department, only to be treated not as a near-victim of gun violence by their hired killers, but as a common criminal guilty of being in a public park where guns are not allowed but gunfire was happening all around me.  I was given a letter of trespass that stated I could not set foot in Cartier Park for a month.

As concluded in my account of what happened that night:  "The letter of trespass says that I disturbed the peace, but the only peace that was disturbed that night was my own, by the city's contracted killers acting well before darkness, threatening my life by acting against what the city told us all.  I was enjoying a city park in broad daylight, entering the park through a location where there was no barriers or signs alerting me to any danger.  I then had my ID taken from me and was considered guilty of a crime and given punishment without any due process.  That punishment was to keep me out of a public park that my taxes are used to pay for maintenance, upkeep, and this year, bloody murder of cute animals and near murder of a lesser-cute me." 

In the six months since, I have railed against the COL's negligence in this forum and at meetings, carelessness that nearly cost me my life.  No apologies and no admissions that they could and should have done a better job of securing the area and minimizing the probability of a human casualty.  As noted, I saw another person in the middle of Cartier Park scant minutes before I saw their ATV.  The COL have been quiet-- until now.  I received this from the local district court this morning:

For those who don't believe that lawfare ( the use of legal systems to damage or delegitimize an opponent) has been used against Trump and many of his supporters, please understand that the state or the city can come after you if you stand in their way, just like they are trying to do here.  They are charging and trying to prosecute this citizen for two misdemeanors that do not seriously apply.

First off, they are charging me with operating a vehicle with a revoked or suspended license in the vicinity of Bryant Road.  The night of March 12th, my vehicle was nowhere close to Bryant, parked at my business, but beyond that I have never had my license suspended or revoked before or since.  Had the LPD (or the Mason County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) who made the report) checked in with the Secretary of State's office, they would have found this out, but alas, facts don't matter when you're making lawfare.  

Second, the letter of trespass for a public park issued by LPD's Captain Haveman was given without any form of due process and without any recognized authority for doing so.  The ACLU explains more in detail, but the whimsy of a police captain to draw up a "letter of trespass" on the spot for a public park and give it to a victim of the COL's negligence is a preposterous abuse of civil rights.

Incredibly, they have so much wrong on just one piece of paper.  The range in the dates this occurred are off, I was at the park the night of March 12th, walked the park on the next day, talked with Mitch Foster who said I could continue looking for indications that any deer died in Cartier Park that night (I found no sign of gore or deer-moving with a very thorough search the morning after, inconsistent with cullers who claim to have bagged around 20 in the 76 acres of Cartier Park that night).  The summons says the event(s) took place the week after, they sent it to an old address. 

Foster, city manager at the time, allowed me leeway to look around that morning after the cull, despite the illegitimate no-trespass order.  Although neither him nor Haveman have any authority to take away due process for a near-victim of their recklessness, it makes any sort of claim to a trespass the day after more specious.

I sent the MCSO a FOIA request today to receive a report on this particular incident, which will, of course, be one-sided since I was never contacted in any way by the MCSO, despite seeing the sheriff regularly at meetings, and talking with him twice for one hour each in regard to my public extortion complaint.  This topic, however, never came up.  This spiteful bit of lawfare indicates all cogs of our local justice system is more system than justice.

Speaking of which, should this arraignment be passed up to the circuit court, will Judge Susan Sniegowski properly recuse herself from the case since her husband, Tom, is one of the witnesses?  If her recent corrupt actions are any indication, she won't.

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Thanks Willy. And that video, so true unfortunately for Ludington. I think there is some element of a few not highly-educated Councilors being honestly ignorant at times of the law, but Paid Attorneys should correct and lead properly.

In Ludington, it has been a Structural (leadership) issue mostly, imo. And X had been the watchdog because LDN/MCP has always been in bed with COL paying their wages (ads), as far as I remember.

Next it comes down to a COL gang-mentality spreading lies about X in order to cover up. Look at how many court cases X has won at his own expense (even in a somewhat biased small area) when he has uncovered the corruption and wrong doing.

Fortunately there have been some righteous Judges in the past. I think the COL with rally cries of Karen and Wally are in high gear now to get the Courthouse and Sniegowski corrupted to once and for all try to put an end to Tom Rotta.


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