It's no secret, I like to mask debate.  Sadly, however, I seem to be only able to do so by myself since I trust in what decades of scientific studies, the CDC, the WHO, and even Dr. Fauci trusted before April of this year:  that healthy people wearing masks in a community setting does nothing positive for public health or safety.  

When the pro-maskers run out of improvised 'mid-2020' science to back up their assertions, the people who would put masks on healthy people hanging out with healthy people either 1) assign supernatural powers to the novel coronavirus or 2) just simply use the government's edicts to back up their claims.  In Michigan, that's not difficult as Governor Gretchen Whitmer has made a handful of mask mandates in her record numbers of executive orders.  The mask debate ends with cold hard science, losing to colder, harder politics or to the same junk science which claims race riots are a public health curative, but protesting lockdowns is the devil's work.

In Mason County, the City of Ludington and the local chamber of commerce teamed up to hand out informational signs to local businesses, free of charge, for them to place on their business' entrance(s).  The signs avoid any kind of mask debating by not even trying to claim that masks are for public health, rather they push the narrative that wearing a mask in Mason County businesses is the law and there is a $500 fine for those who break it.  You see these free signs on many businesses in the area telling you to mask up, or else.

July 10 COLDNews article announces:  "Local business owner, Nick Tykoski, owner of Safety Decals in Ludington stepped forward to support the effort and is producing “Mask Up Mason County” signs for Mason County businesses, free of charge, according to a press release from chamber of commerce.

“Our small businesses have been devastated after weeks of being shut down and the politicization of masks has made the reopening process difficult for businesses who are doing all they can to keep their employees and patrons safe,” stated Brandy Miller, president and CEO of the Ludington & Scottville Area Chamber of Commerce, in the press release. “We are really grateful to Safety Decals for helping us spread this important message to keep our community and businesses open”.

At the Ludington City Council meeting held by Zoom prior to this announcement, we find that the ever-generous-sounding Nick Tykoski, wife of the Community Development Director, was paid $165 for the 'free' signage.  None of the DDA board meetings held during this year, discussed this purchase, so CDD Heather Tykoski spent those public funds on the free signs from her husband without any type of backing from the DDA: 

  This is the typical graft and corruption that has been part of Ludington politics over the years, not even an industrial-sized bottle of sanitizer will get rid of it anytime soon.  It is common for thieves and highwaymen to wear masks, so one shouldn't be surprised of the pro-mask position of the City, in making a resolution mandating masks in public settings and creating a 'free' sign for businesses that does the same. 
Neither of them grant our visitors or locals any type of choice in the matter if for some medical reason they cannot wear a mask, nor do they offer an exemption or alternative if one believes it violates their Constitutional rights.  Each of the mask mandates in the executive orders offer these exemptions and several others.  If you cannot tolerate wearing a mask due to a medical condition, these signs are effectively saying that your 'type of people' cannot use the facility.  That's discrimination.
I refuse to enter any business that uses the 'free' Safety Decals sign for that reason, and I encourage others to boycott these businesses until they take the signs down and moderate their message to reflect the full executive order.  Remember the truism I hinted at earlier that the wearing of masks by healthy people in community settings is not about public health, it's a lot more than that, which is why our corrupted local government is pushing it.
Wearing a mask in public at this time is a symbol of submission to the state.  Wearing a mask in public depersonalizes yourself and your view of others.  Wearing a mask in public allows people to anonymously take part in riotous and criminal activities they wouldn't otherwise take part in.  Wearing a mask in public can be deleterious to your personal health.
After picking Kamala Harris for his veep choice, Joe Biden stated that if he were president that he would have a national mandate to wear masks outdoors for the next three months minimum:
The next day (Friday, August 14th), I walked the Ludington breakwall out to the lighthouse.  Due to high water issues, one can only travel on the middle part of the breakwall, once you round the turn, this surface is only about 6 ft. wide and slippery on the edges.  You can't pass another person going either way without violating social distancing rules, which suggests that one should be wearing a mask if they travel that route.
Going to and back from the lighthouse, I passed 212 people outdoors, usually doing so while within 3 feet of them; each of these people likely had similar numbers on their trip.  Of those 212 people, 205 people were walking without a mask on.  Nearly 97% of these folks were repeatedly violating social distancing without wearing masks.
If I may generalize, the 200+ people not wearing masks were having a good time of it:  talking, smiling, laughing, taking selfies, etc.  The seven masked individuals consisted of two groups of three and one on his own.  I heard not a peep from them, and they appeared nervous rather than happy, though it was hard to tell with their face covered.  
It's hard for me to imagine after that trip (and other prior trips where I haven't seen any masks) that declaring a national outdoor mask mandate would appeal to very many people, but Biden wants to get in his own mask debate with President Trump who has eschewed such a mandate and allowed states and individuals to make their own health care decisions.
If you want to wear a mask when you go out in public out of concern for your or others' safety, then do so.  If you want to force me to put a face covering on, however, I'm sorry, but you'll have to hear and see me mask debate.

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I was wondering when somebody would comment on the double entendre I included in the title and in the introductory and concluding paragraphs.  Another interesting debate went down in Florida's 18th district

This public spectacle involved hour long coverage of Brian Mast debating with that Baer lady present.  CBS12 will air anything during ratings week.

X, that makes you the consummate Mask Debater. 


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