Well, its been just over a year now since president Obama's landmark health care reform bill was signed into law and as Nancy Pelosi alluded to, now that the bill is signed, we see what's in the bill. Needless to say, I am not a fan of the bill.... nor does it seem that a great number of people in general as poll after poll has shown.
I was never against there being some reforms in regards to the health care system as there was and still is issues with the system. To try and do things the way that the democrats did it though was simply to much. A favorite quote I liked to use when the bill was being worked on by the democrats was that a person would not rearrange the furniture by burning down the house.. it seems so that's exactly what the democratic majority felt the need to do. It would of made more sense to leave aspects of health care that were working as they were and work on those that actually needed the reform done.
Now that the bill is a year old, we are starting to see that there were of course things stuck in it that were done so in a 'sneaky' way... as there is already been some funding of some aspects. We are also finding out that some of the numbers thrown about to make things seem more fiscally friendly by the democrats were now not what they seemed as some of the numbers were 'double' counted as admitted to my the secretary of health Sebilius (think that's how you spell her name).
Like it was said repeatedly when the bill was in the process of being put together and after it was voted on... the bill needed to be read, by everyone connected with it so they would know exactly what was in it. By not reading it, it makes those involved appear amateurish in what they do in my opinion.
Dave we tried to warn "them" about what was hidden in those 2000 pages, and I feel that ended up closing down LT. Meanwhile, today I read that after 2014 Medicare will not be available until we reach 67. They predicted that will cause those between ages 60-67 an added $2000 in medical premiums not counting co-pays, doctor visits, and of course non prescription coverage...YET how many billion was removed from Medicare to cover abortion in inner city clinics?
Linda started another thread about her frustration for getting help with help for her child's medical care. I believe the snail pace and decreased help is part of the great health care bill. Granted MI has responsibility for that, but I think at one time there was federal funding to assist. Fed funds have cut for child medical care so that reflects in MI poor economical state.
There will be many "surprises" the greatest advocates will be surprised at. Look how many will never live to age 70 when they will be eligible to retire and if all goes according to plan medicare will also kick in at age 70.
everything will be moved up, SS, Mecicare, etc. The people in Wash. stole the SS trustfund, thanks to LBJ. Then proceeded to rob medicare for their PONZI sceme, now have to extend the age to which you can recieve iether to continue the sceme. Its going to ruin any chance of a good life for my grand children. They won't even be able to dream of a life as good as I have had, which wasn't that great. By the time they are adults, the tax rate will be over 50%, may even be closer to 70%.
They claim SS and medicare will have to change just to servive. Whats wrong with cutting some social programs that they have so many of? You ever notiv\ce there is never any mention of them being cut, always the same two programs???
One thing i never understood is why people think they even can survive on SS.
I was taught that SS is only a supplement to a person real retirement funds. We learned that people are responsible for saving there own money and that they should plan to live off of the money they saved on their own over the course of their careers. We learned that SS is only there as 'a little something extra' and that it is not in any way meant to be a persons actual retirement income.
I think(aside from stock market loss) that way too many people actually expected that they could live on social security when they retired and they never were taught that it was never meant to be anything a person could live off.
Why weren't all the people who are now depending on SS taught many many years ago that SS is not meant to be ones retirement in whole and that they were supposed to save on their own. I mean we are talking about people who graduated anywhere from 40 or more years ago and nobody ever told them that they should save for there retirement? Is it something wrong with the education systems way back then?
( I am not talking about the bilking of SS but only focusing on the aspect of it never being intended to be a person sole means of survival at retirement)
Because many of us lost everything in the stock market bust. Then once we reach age 55 or over, we find ourselves unemployed and have to pay our own healthcare for what was the next 10 years now it will be 17 years out of pocket. Adding to that this is the age our bodies need more surgeries, health issues start cropping up and many have no coverage. During those twilight years of trying to get or keep employment, most are underemployed or work when they can so effectively the final social security income is reduced!
Personally I experienced all of the above and have several years of this to look forward to. I've not had dental care since 1998 cause can't get coverage. The cheapest private insurance I can find only covers 75% of hospital bills and is over $550 a month. (over 55 you know and health risk)
Last year our medical bills ran us over $18,000. That eats what savings are left and remember that is in 1 year. Mulitply that by 10 years if Medicare is available @ 65. Hubby gets medicare so that's why our medical costs are so "low" last year. Otherwise we'd be paying out of pocket almost $1,000 a month just for prescription not covered by personal health insurance. (We also pay over $300 a month for his Medicare premiums so our total health care premiums per month alone = +$800 a month)
This year, Co-pays have increased to $30 a visit for each Medicare visit to Doctor. This year for Hubby we have had almost $85k in hospital bills, ER visits, prescriptions, Dr. visits and it has only started. He had a bone marrow biopsy today ($$), he had blood transfusion last week, for the next 3 weeks he will have iron transfusions and we've not gotten the co-pay bills for that yet. Last I've had to max out charge cards and remorgage to pay medical, heating bills, because I used up the over (almost) 1M we had saved...and lost to market crash, real estate crash and spent on medical expenses.
PLEASE do not be so quick to judge those who will have to survive on social security because they had to use their earnings and savings to survive until they reach the age they can get a little called social security. Many paid into the funds large amounts of money for over 45 years. There should be plenty of money for medicare and large social security incomes without making seniors live destitute. If the seniors had been able to invest their own money they'd have much more to live on now. When I made top $ I paid almost $1000 a month into the fund. Now when I reach the age of retirement I will only receive $600 a month?
BTW...It was originally intended to give all seniors a comfortable life once retired with enough social security income guaranteed.
I still find it informative that Medicare funds went to fund abortions in inner city clinics. Take more away from seniors to kill unborn babies whose mothers live in poverty. I remember another leader who just openly eliminate an entire class of people and the world went to war against him.
I am not judging, And your situation is very crummy as you did what was supposed to be done and things did not work out. I apologize if I hurt your feelings as I was not meaning it that way.
It is not right that older people can't get the medical care they need (or someone any age for that matter). And people should not be forced to use there investments or houses and such as a way to pay for medical care. That stuff should be protected and not count against someone for getting medicaid.
Didn't anyone hear the news friday? the little tid-bit in OBcare, giving 5BILLION dollars to the unions , GE , and others, to suplement the medical cost of early retirees ( 56-65) till they reach medicare age. Wonderfull back door deals to pay for votes? 1.8 billion already paid out to UAW-aflcio.
The tax payer takes it again, to supplemant unions who didn't set back enough to cover their members medical expenses.
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