I know this person who got a bad rap from his local City Hall.  He had worked on the local fire department for years.  He was accused of an infraction of the law, which really wasn't breaking the law.  He fought the accusation of wrongdoing, and would up losing his public service job.  He and the City Manager had a very public battle over various issues that the person had with City Hall.   This person was so disgusted with local politics that he decided to run for office.

No, I am not talking about myself in the third person, I am talking about my fellow rebel, former police chief/current asst. fire chief of Wayland, Dan Miller.  Where is Wayland, and who the heck is Dan Miller?  Wayland is a community half the size of Ludington (4000 noses) south of Grand Rapids in Allegan County, and we had visited it often this spring, following the interesting political fight that occurred with their City Hall and Chief Miller.

The Ludington Torch first introduced it as a curiosity in  wayward-and-waylaid-in-wayland  we commented further on it in  the-tail-wayland-the-dog, did some research ourselves and put out  foia-follies-wayland reminding us that small town City Halls don't like question-askers.  We pointed out crazy policy of the retired and retiring City Manager's final punchline  hoffmeyer-s-april-fool-s-joke  and put out some unadulterated praise with the review of Dan Miller's sparkling personnel file  Small Town Hero.  In true heroic fashion, he has took it upon himself to run for mayor of Wayland to fight for transparency and help fix the problems that everyone-- who is not part of the problem-- sees.

So if you weren't following the Torch then and need some background, check out those in depth along with the links therein provided.  But a couple months ago, Dan, via his significant other Shawn had dropped me a line about coming up north to take a look at our area and talk about things with me.  I had been corresponding with them at times, and found the opportunity to meet with someone who I consider a hero (not only for his past, but for confronting City Hall bullies) and who has a similar background to me enticing.  I was also intrigued by his paramour and her back story, along with her meeting and talking with my girl and them swapping battle stories of those who stand by their stubborn partner when they dare to stand up to City Hall.

We met at the local Taco Bell parking lot, he was spot on time.  They immediately ingratiated themselves to me by giving me a t-shirt signifying I was part of the "Miller Mafia".  I thought it was very considerate, given I usually wear the same old shirts to City Council meetings.  We then embarked on a roundabout journey around the county in the Chief's vehicle, me serving as Sacajawea.  We wound up at the Ludington State Park, where we leisurely took the Island Trail.  During this time we talked casually about things.

We checked out other areas out there, came back cruised around Ludington City for a little while checking out some of the local points of interest, then headed down to the Buttersville peninsula and the Pump Storage Project.  Hungry by this time, we dropped by the Old Hamlin in downtown Ludington, where they once again ingratiated themselves by picking up the tab against my mild protestations.

By the time we were done eating, about six hours had passed, and they had stayed beyond what they had planned.  We begrudgingly went back to the Bell, made plans to meet again in the future down in his territory and bade them a fond farewell.

Dan impressed me greatly with his personality and his affable nature, the charisma that a mayor should always have up his sleeve.  But he coupled it with an 'everyman' quality which made talking with him feel like you weren't talking with someone who had been the police chief of a town for 35 years.  I normally couldn't carry on a 'natural' dialog with anyone I just met for six hours, but there was never any dearth of topics to discuss, most of which was not about our own travails or future with the Cities we serve.   Shawn had shown herself as very clever and a force to be reckoned with on her own, but also a very loving and supportive partner for the mayor candidate.

These weren't phony people, they weren't up here for anything other than to get away from their area and to talk with someone who could understand what they have been going through the last couple of years.  When I pressed him about what he will offer the voters of Wayland at the end of our repast, he replied simply:  transparency.  I believe him, because if he and Shawn had been any more transparent that day, I wouldn't have been able to make them out from the background.  This is the type of guy I would love to have for mayor or police chief here; a Sheriff Andy Taylor whose good-natured demeanor is accompanied by a serious devotion to the rules, even if his superiors ignore or twist them for their own benefit.

If the City Hall of Wayland feared his dedication to the townsfolk and the law before when he was the police chief, just wait and see what may happen if he becomes mayor.  Maybe then, when the chief executive (City Manager) is fired, the citizens of Wayland will hear about what the story is.  Maybe then, when the chief of police is fired, they will get something other than a long list of non-issues from some mercenary City Manager.   The two-term incumbent Mayor Tim Bala should be upended just on those grounds of secrecy and continued secrecy on issues that need to be broadcast to the people.

But the City Council's and Mayor Bala's silence on these issues, and silence before the throngs of Wayland citizens who came forth to question these firings should announce loudly and clearly, that they no longer wish to represent the people, and they should be replaced with the three citizens coming forward to try and replace them, with Dan Miller in the vanguard, who promise transparency and answers to all.  Not more obstacles and more questions.  Keep your fingers crossed that Ludington will be blessed with those who care enough to replace the Old Guard in our City Hall.  Read more here about these patriots:  http://www.wayland.townbroadcast.com/content/city-government-transp...

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Be careful, or no kewpie doll or cotton candy for you, Mr. Gable.  Or is that more of a carnival?  It becomes a joke, when you can't even support your own assertions, I think.  But... 


Frankly, I don't give a damn!  Wait, that's your line. 

No more Flippen Miller (Bozo) Time!!!! SEE YA!

Regardless of whether or not a FOIA would be returned before election, it might be a good idea just to get the "generalized" terminology clarified for Mr. Gobble, Gobble, I mean Gable.  Since it's consuming him more than us I vote he figure it out himself then provide us with details of what the City provides to him.  I would suggest that each case include a incident number, date of incident, date of discharge, the officer's name taking the complaint, as well as dates that that officer followed up on the incident they were in charge of. 


I'm neutral on this Miller situation so I requested that you post some information that would show that your side of the argument has some merit. Posting a clip from who knows where with an ambiguous statement is hardly information that backs up your concerns. Give some details with links to back up your position if you want people to take you seriously. Ranting and raving doesn't help convince others that you have legitimate complaints regarding Mr. Miller.

You sound a little upset.  Almost like it's personal.  Might you really be the current Mayor, Mr. Bala?  I was simply stating a comment about the restaurant.  No need to be belligerent.  


If the Wayland Fire Station abides by election laws of Michigan such as :  allows access for all, disallows campaign paraphernalia for all, has the entrance to it is over 100 ft. from the restaurant across the street's campaign signs, etc., then what uneven playing field is there? 

In my case, I had made enemies with the Downtown Ludington Board for pointing out their ethical and legal lapses, so I knew any supporter of mine down there who flew my colors would be ostracized and blackballed worse than Freda's. 

But you don't want to explain why Miller is the devil incarnate, and you don't want anyone to explain their point of view, so maybe you should visit his opponent's website, other than a forum where viewpoints do get contested and weighed on their actual merits.


Good job. Thanks for the video posting.

If you would have put 1/16th  the effort towards someone with 1/128th the character, you WOULD have been successful. But you had to lay it on the line for a washed up used to be, who maybe,,, at one time was some one? But he will never be anything more than a "Bozo" from now on. KMA Miller. "You crossed the flippen line." Not so funny now. Is it MORON? I mean Bozo, LOL!!!!


Your crazy-talk shows exactly what type of person composes the anti-Dan Miller forces.  The City of Wayland had plenty of chances to make a reasonable case against Chief Miller including a state police investigation, one that I reviewed and concluded there was nothing just like they concluded.  

A figurehead City Manager fired him for a lot of nothing, after a spotless 40 years of service to the Wayland community.  You may have a personal grudge against him, and he did come up short in the mayoral election, but you have to remember that two potential reformers were elected into the City Council, and that Dan Miller has the basis for some compelling litigation regarding the handling of his dismissal, if he decides not to ride off into the sunset quietly. 

XLFD, Don't give 2 shits what you have to say about his possible litigation or whatever. 2for2 We won u lose. Twice No More Flippen Miller time. Took the wind out of his sails. First come pride then the fall. And he fell hard. It was a site to see. Or at least be a part of. That narcissistic basterd can do whatever he wants from here on in. Maybe if he trys again, maybe Clark will be back again, but 2for2 is pretty good for now. 

Well one way to look at it, with Mr. Miller out of a job, Clark your honey (his ex wife) will receive much less in child support. They do reduce child support when a job is downsized or eliminated.  So nice job. By getting "friends" to fire Mr. Miller in an act of vindictiveness  the kids will suffer. I have a feeling Mr. Miller will have enough income to live on.  Congratulations for personal jealousy decrease the quality of life for the children involved.


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