On May 5th, 2021, somebody not only made two strong social media declarations against the City of Scottville and the way they do things, but also hand-delivered to city hall a notice of intent to file a lawsuit against them if their official behavior did not improve and proper investigations were not performed.  Your first guess as to who this individual would be might likely be the rabble-rouser that got unlawfully tossed out of a meeting three evenings ago for having made a sign that accurately portrayed a section of the city charter.  You would be wrong.

The person in question has recently inserted herself in Scottville politics, originally stepping forward to serve as a city commissioner back in November 2020, when the leaders of Scottville acknowledged that they had an opening they assuredly knew about several months earlier (more on this later).  The commissioners voted unanimously for the other citizen that applied, Bruce Claveau in December.

She then continued to pay attention to city business and applied for the city manager spot that opened after the commission unceremoniously dumped Courtney Magaluk.  After sending her resume to Arch Staffing, they promptly sent her an email back noting they received her submission for the position.  She would hear nothing else.  Her application would never be considered by the city commission, who only reviewed the three they eventually interviewed and a fourth who requested anonymity.  

Tarra Anne Perez (picture below) was not that anonymous person, and yesterday she had a coming out party of sorts as regards the City of Scottville and a host of various issues she has with the priorities, leadership, and conduct of city hall.  She notified her friends of what she did with a rather long post on social media, where she said:

"Dropped off a letter of intent to sue in Scottville today for several issues. One being I applied for city manager job and later found out that the board only was given 4 applications to review by a third party source. I don’t recall seeing a vote that allowed them to go through an employment agency to begin with.

I may be wrong on that but regardless when you are advertising yourself to be an equal opportunity employer you need to be give equal opportunity. That temp service wasn’t even in Scottville and I also learned that the former city Manager that worked for Scottville is employed now at same agency.

It was said she had nothing to do with this job search and the $5,000 paid for their service was returned to city. How though is equal opportunity given if the board isn’t given all 17 applicants to review. I may not have the business experience or education experience as chosen new hire, but I do live here and pay taxes that pay for that position. I do know the issues up close and personal that affect this city and people in it.

I also put in for commissioner and neither open seats for mayor or commissioner seat that were suppose to be temporarily filled by commissioner vote were put to public vote at yesterday’s elections. My taxes went up $400 dollars and for what? Do we even need to pay over $60,000 a year for a city manager or pay for a full time chief of police when the job can be done by one person? No! Absolutely not!

Prior to hiring a city manager to begin with this town did just fine with a mayor and a city manager is for larger cities. We don’t even have the population here to be considered a city. I have somehow become the unofficial person people come to with complaints. I have neighbors and citizens in this town asking me all the time what can be done. We are spending half of our resources still on these sewers yet aren’t even keeping up with the maintenance. There are holes all over our streets, water caps overturned, sewers clogged with debris, destruction to yards from snow plows, etc!

If you do need emergency help 9 times out of 10 it is the sheriff department arriving or state police. Another new police cruiser is on the streets and another officer hired for school! Ok. Sending kids to police and putting them in court system is the most irresponsible solution to the problems many kids that are acting out are facing at home due to poverty! Children are not criminals.

Our town is a dilapidated disgrace and we are charging citizens for blighted properties when the city itself is a blighted mess. We have to pay extra to commute for jobs, to the stores, for medical care, and have the highest tax rate in the three surrounding counties. My house payment should’ve been around $400 and a year later it is over $800 because of the extreme taxes we are paying. I have to pay extra for insurance as well living here.

A lot of us here are living at or below poverty levels and paying outrageous amounts of money for services that should be included in our taxes. A job paying that much should be offered to someone who does live here and who does actively shop small and invests back in the community whenever I can. Every bit of economy that can be kept here needs to stay here.  How do we know other Scottville residents didn’t also apply.

We have natural spring water sources in Scottville and pay to drink chemically treated water that for all we know is our recycled sewage at rates that are extreme. My largest utility bill is water and sometimes I pay as much as $200 a month. I pay for garbage monthly and we don’t even get clean up days. It’s over $300 for a small dumpster! I shouldn’t have to pay that when I’m paying outrageous taxes already and neither should anyone else. Clean up days once upon a time was a community event!

How do we know our water isn’t getting contaminated when water caps are overturned and the solution is put a safety cones over them in the middle of the street. We pay full time for maintenance crews! The list goes on and on.

If anyone else has complaints and feels isolated by the way they have been treated get at me and we will figure out a solution together. I’m over it! I can’t afford upkeep on my home or repairs that need to be made. Will they condemn my house next and boot me out like they did to my neighbors?

Look how we treated last manager. Fired her on maternity leave when she was doing a good job. Who fires a woman like that during a pandemic when the deadline wasn’t even on the calendar yet! How can I feel safe as a single mom knowing the men in control have zero empathy for human life!

It’s disgusting the way we are treated here and there is so much that can be done to revitalize this town. The community does want to get involved but nobody feels safe going to city. That’s a problem, a big one and I’m not standing for it! We have great people here that shouldn’t be struggling so damn hard to make ends meet!"

The Ludington Torch was intrepid enough to get a draft of her intent to sue, which she had dropped off at Scottville City Hall.  In a social media post which has since been set to 'private', she related that when she dropped her document off at city hall, she was surprised that all of the personnel she saw there were not wearing masks.  Both city hall and Mason County Central Schools are adamant about mask wearing when you go on their property, local businesses are held to being fined and worse if they allow their employees to do their work without masks, but if city officials are following their own protocols, they should be masked up when working in gatherings at city hall, as they do, sometimes for the full day.

What follows is her intent to sue (with some minor edits of spelling and grammar). Some of her points are stronger than others, some might not seem to be developed fully.  However, a good attorney could review what she is presenting and develop a compelling lawsuit over some of the issues.  They could further review what city hall has been doing that is totally unlawful and/or against the city charter and strengthen the points made.  Frankly, I don't see the current city clowncil taking her seriously at this point, which will wind up being just one more mistake they make. 

                                                INTENT TO SUE

"On March 29, 2021 at 12:09 P.M. I applied for the city manager position through Arch Staffing (see attached) whom was hired by the city of Scottville to collect applications for said position. The city reviewed four applications and to best of my knowledge one chose to remain anonymous. Knowing I applied, I questioned whether I was the anonymous applicant. I then found out that there were at least 17 applicants for this position and that only 4 were submitted to the board of commissioners through Arch Staffing. All applications should’ve been reviewed by the city. It is my intent to sue for loss as a tax payer in this city whom was encouraged by members of the community to apply for this position that was not given an equal chance for the position to which my own personal tax money goes forth in paying for salary of said position. The $60,000 or more a year position should’ve been offered to a member of the city before offered to outside sources especially when that income would be used to invest in businesses right here in the city that I live. We need every bit of economy that is available to us.

Further, as a taxpayer, our streets are crumbling, repairs aren’t being made, and I question, along with members of my community if this position is even a necessity as for the past few months the police chief has been able to run both positions that we taxpayers are paying full time salaries for. The application review was done in closed session as well as the decision to oust the former city manager. If legal proceedings are being followed then there is zero reason to have these sessions closed from the public. There has been complaints about FOIA requests not being followed and a lot of people in community, me included are questioning the legality of what is being done in our city as we are continually seeing our taxes go up and the city as a whole depreciate in property value. Nothing is being done to increase property value in this city and all our taxes just went up again! Over 1 million a year in revenue is reported on website and in meantime we can’t even fix potholes or sewer caps. Our water prices keep going up when we have natural spring water sources in this town. We need a person in position that is aware of the problems the people face as this is our city. 

I am requesting the city immediately stop all further negotiations with chosen applicant, and that all applicants are interviewed by the commission and that every person that applied be given the equal opportunity for said position as there may be more than just me that reside within Scottville that may be better suited for position. I am also requesting a private investigation from a neutral agency be hired to review all decisions made while the chief of police was acting as manager to include whether it was right to fire the city manager Courtney Magaluk that he filled in for. In addition I’m requesting an independent study to determine whether or not either position of chief or manager is cost effective for the very small amount of people residing in city limits. Whether a police force is needed at all when 9 times out of 10 when a 911 is placed it is the sheriffs department responding or state police.

I question the legality of the firing of Courtney because at same time the overlooked e-mail was discovered I E-mailed the city about my interest on the board of commissioners and was not given a zoom link to participate in meeting. Nobody followed up with me to date and that is just as much as an injustice to the city when all interested parties in positions to serve are not given equal chances to do just that.
I also question why these temporary positions are not on the ballot for today when this vote is for public elections and why the public does not get to choose the open seats available that were suppose to be filled temporarily and by looking at state website the elections for today are for small town government officials.  A competent board, manager, and chief should be looking out for the people and their rights to vote for their elected leaders. Who fires a pregnant woman in maternity leave in the middle of pandemic? Who makes a family homeless in the middle of a pandemic? These actions are not ok, nor are they humane or representative of the people of Scottville. We care for each other and many of us here have bonds that go back decades. This is our home, our city, our government, and we aren’t even allowed to participate actively. I have a request into Attorney General’s office to conduct investigations as well.

I further intend to sue for damages to my home, health, and safety by city neglect at property of 404 Main Street. I would like a full investigation into that as well. Why did we condemn a home and kick a family out but leave pets inside to die? Further why when a police report was made why did the city manager say the property was sold when the city itself condemned it? Why was Matt Murphy showing up with a weed whacker and destroying flowers that some of us in the community have enjoyed for decades to threaten and intimidate? Who made the call to leave a garage door open for cats to get out, but no follow up to care? Why my daughter found a mummified looking deceased cat and when complaint was made to animal cruelty the evidence of deceased animal removed? Why were the cats that became an issue with health and safety to remove a family then free on streets and causing damages around neighborhood and homes trying to survive on their own in the streets? 

When a complaint was made to state police two weeks ago Matt Murphy told the state police the house was sold which was a lie. Property records still have the house in the name of Becky Dodson. How is is being sold when it was condemned and if that was to be the outcome why did we invest our own money and resources into any actions involved with that house if if was to be given to county and why did we not work to help our neighbors to begin with. That’s what we the people of Scottville do.

Further why are we not following our own public charters and allowing members to speak up at beginning of meetings and throwing people out of public meetings for bringing attention to these things. Why is any cop allowed to sit in a public office with a gun attached to their hip or attend meetings with guns in plain view? Why are people who do speak up being continually threatened? Why do I as a private citizen have more people asking me what can be done and why do these people not feel safe getting involved in their own government?

Why are services like garbage being charged more and more and the services becoming less and less? Why are people being ticketed for trash when they don’t have means or money to pay for dumpsters because the services we pay taxes for keep getting cut? Why are there so many complaints against police misconduct and who is investigating these complaints? Why are police not out in mornings or afternoon conducting traffic at crosswalks across highways when we don’t have bussing. Why aren’t they patrolling when our kids are going to and from school? Why are they not more involved in keeping our children safe when we are paying them to patrol our streets? Why some mornings can kids wait 15 minutes to cross in a public crosswalk?

I have suffered extreme distress due to the negligence of the city and the way I’ve been treated as a taxpayer. Who is to say I won’t have my house condemned next or any other person because we can’t pay water and taxes and these salaries that clearly aren’t benefiting the members of the community or the property value of community. What if I die will my home be stolen and sold privately through courts? Will my kids get kicked out On streets? Will my animals be killed? Why are my children seeing animal cruelty by the police? Why do I have to get clean drinking water from our natural spring because our tap water is so disgusting and makes me feel ill yet pay over $200 sometimes for a bill. Why do I have police knocking on my door for my children riding their bikes in parking lots when it’s against law for them to be on sidewalks and unsafe for them on public streets. My son can easily die as a result of an accident with a lot hold as he can being hit by a vehicle but I’m treated as negligent when I am trying to find him solutions as riding a bike is a positive sensory stimulation to his special needs? Where’s the playgrounds or activities for kids to stay active and busy? Where are community events we hosted since the start of this town not done since we no longer have money for them? Why!?

We literally have holes everywhere and sewer caps falling apart and I’m paying monthly for that service. I intend to petition community for class action suit on that as all of our health and safety is at risk having loose caps and holes in street. How do we know contamination isn’t getting into our drinking water when the equipment isn’t being cared for? Why do we have highest tax rate in the three surrounding counties and we get new police cars approved but zero being done to keep up with repairs we do need? 

Why are we ticketing home owners for blighted property but not taking care of our sidewalks, curbs, or other blights here within the city? Why is the media on board and blocking people for public comments when they don’t agree with something being done? 

I’m giving 30 days for city to proceed correcting these issues and hiring independent investigators. If contract for employment of city manager is made without proper review of all applicants I will move forward immediately.

I request monetary damages to my home be paid immediately for cat damage. It was a direct result of city negligence after condemning a home saying it was unlivable because of cat issues.  We have found cats in walls, basement, garage, in the insulation, etc. I estimate it to be over $300,000 which my insurance has as cost for total rebuild of my home. Every wall and wire needs to be checked. That’s just to start. I’ve had a child bitten by a cat that was abandoned and will request compensation for her injuries as well at $200,000. Further I will request all legal fees be paid for as well since I am giving ample opportunity to city to correct these issues on their own accord without court involvement.

Thank you, Tarra Perez"

No, thank you, Tarra Perez for rising up against the current city commission and holding them to account for their actions, inactions, and misconduct.

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Good going Tara. She looks determined. We definitely need more like her and you X.

Always happy to showcase upcoming talent in the arena of grassroots citizen involvement with local governments, especially when their objectives and intents are designed for improving their community like it appears that Tarra is concerned about.  The problem usually arises, once they get their footing, that officials and their apologists rally against them, chasing them from the field.  I don't see her shrinking from the field very easily.

One of the big reasons I have kept the Torch burning all of these years is so that I could not only document my progress, my successes and my victories, but also document my mistakes, my regressions, and my failures.  These are all instructive and all will be encountered in any lengthy pursuit of reform or justice in local governments.  

Tarra has already helped me adapt my strategy in Ludington in order to get more government accountability, allowing me to take a stronger tact in getting the city council out of the realm of cyberspace and back into the city council chambers.  I will illustrate how that worked later on today.


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