Back in the winter of 2016, James Jensen of the Mason County Historical Society made a presentation to those interested in the history of street names in Ludington. If you missed that, he drafted a very good article in this weekend's 'From the Historical Society' feature in the local paper that went over that topic (at least for the northern part of Ludington) very well in just a few columns of newsprint.
Those familiar with Ludington know that we haven't just named our streets after numbers or trees-- okay, we do have some of those-- but we seem to have a lot that are named after local historical figures. Many of us just aren't that well versed in the early history of Ludington to recognize some of these names and surnames that became thoroughfares and few of those early settlers still have the prominent presence they once did in Ludington. Do you know any Quevillons or Resseguies?
What Jensen has done is create an entertaining and informative article that clears up some of the questions you may have over who or what that Ludington street is named for, concentrating his focus on the northern section. There is no such informative guide currently that I can find on the internet (including the paper's publicly available sections), and so allow me to share Mr. Jensen's research with you.