What do the following people have in common: Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite, David Koresh, and Ludington Mayor Mark Barnett?
The first four are definitely famous for being cult leaders, but you may have some reserve about that association with our honorable mayor even with his obsession over instituting the deer cull. Over the last few months it has become more apparent, and at the January 22, 2024 council meeting, it became almost a certitude as all the signs of a cult were there for all to see.
What is a cult? This article notes there are several telltale signs to look for, let's look at each and their applicability to our hypothesis that our mayor might be leading a cult.
1) Cults ignore or distort the gospel of Jesus Christ: Scripture approves hunting but says nothing good about those who kill animals indiscriminately and/or with no intention to eat the meat (see Proverbs 12:27). The Bible indicates God looks on the heart and motives of men when it comes to how we treat His creatures and that we shall be judged for it. We should not expect the cull to be called off by city leaders even if we find through environmental testing that the venison would be unsafe to eat. The mayor has said as much in his comments at meetings, claiming this is a public safety issue, not some sort of project to feed poor families. Killing for killing's sake is not Godly.
2) Cults are led by a dynamic, charismatic leader who controls and manipulates his followers: Surely, the primary catalyst that changed the votes of four councilors from being against the cull last January to being for it nine months later was Mark Barnett's leading the charge forcefully in September with still-unsupported anecdotes that gave them cover enough to vote against a supermajority of their constituent's wishes.
3) Cult leaders grew up in a Christian environment: As seen in the picture above, Barnett has been active in a local church and many credit his victory over an agnostic incumbent as in his ability to get out many of the area's religious folks to make a difference in the off-year election. Barnett would bring back the tradition of having an invocation at the beginning of meetings, including that 9-11-2023 meeting he told some whoppers and directed the council to restart an indiscriminate killing of deer who cross into the city limits.
4) Cult leaders tend to ignore, confuse, demean, or add to Bible teachings: the main dicta of Barnett's deer death cullt is to not only kill as much of one of God's creatures (deer are spoke favorably of in the Bible at many places) but to endanger our youth by having the slaughtering of innocent animal life take place adjacent to school property and despoil the eternal peace of our forebears in a consecrated graveyard.
5) Cult leaders use devious methods to trap, deceive and confuse their followers: Few things are more devious than telling unsubstantiated (and some have been found false) stories to gain your objective under the guise of it being for public safety, when you know that your land will host the cull and then not even admit to that after it's been uncovered, so your minions stay loyal and think you are being slandered.
These loyal cull-tist minions came out this Monday night, and we've seen them before either echoing Barnett's narrative or telling us their own First World problems with deer trespassing on their lands. Like Squeaky Fromme and Sandra Goode stand strong with their man Manson (seen below during that cult leader's trial), Judith Dila and Angie Beyer have stayed true to their mayor and his cause. Let's take a closer look:
Dila: (6:20 in) "I'm here because of what I saw in the paper, a couple things, different things, I've seen in the paper that are very upsetting to me. The first one is an ad in the paper that says (she reads this ad in total):
Dila (continues): "And I gave this to a friend to read who had been out of town, and I said "well", she read it and was terrified, she said "Oh my God, what does this mean, I can't go back and forth to my house? Am I at risk here? This is an adult who lives on Lakeshore Drive, it's ridiculous... I can't even fathom that the LDN published such crap, IT IS CRAP!
And it makes me very, very angry that this would be in the paper, that someone would pay for this and the LDN would accept their money, because IT ISN'T TRUE! And I said to her, this is not true. Nothing has been decided; I've been to these meetings. I have listened to everybody discuss, all the council discuss, and they are just at that point.
This is not true; but she was ready to believe it. And I'm thinking how many other people were ready to believe it. And so I guess what I'm asking from the council is that somebody from the council will write a reply to this. I think this is dangerous. I do. I think there is too many guns on the street already, and at any point in time something could flare up, you know, that we should hold people responsible for such STUPIDITY. "
You may recognize Judith as the widow of former LDN Columnist George Dila, which made her irritation at the newspaper all that more pleasing to my ears, because what she said was crap; it wasn't true. Dila either is talking on behalf of Mayor Barnett (who declined to speak on this or any other topic all night and used her as a pawn) or has the naive belief that city hall lays out everything that it is going to do at these meetings. They don't, in fact all they have done is approve a deer cull without any specifics during the last year, we've had to do multiple FOIA requests and subscriptions to keep up, but let's look at the ad she found so objectionable and show that it is 100% true.
In our 3-part article Cull Places we discuss 6 of those places and their Work Initiation Form for the deer cull, the 1202 Kenowa property was a late add to this list and we have the WI form for that, this address abuts the school forest. The locations are legit, and once you read the contract with the USDA: Cooperative Service Agreement and the cull talking points, you find that people without any minimal skill set can shoot their suppressed rifles at any point of the day and they can do so on the back of vehicles, meaning that their shots will put the neighbors of these properties in great danger. State law says hunters need to give likely-inhabited buildings 450 feet (about a block and a half) clearance, unless they have their owner's express permission. But this isn't "hunting", it's "wildlife management" so those safety rules need not be followed by those federal agents unfamiliar with our area.
I heard the word "STUPIDITY"-- so summoned, I had to get up at that point and say my unrelated comment. Stupidity is saying what she did either knowing it is completely false or believing it is true because she heard it from the mayor using her as a tool. But real stupidity is advocating strongly for the hired guns for this deer cull all along and then at the end of your statement say an obligatory: "I think there is too many guns on the street already." Hunh, what are these strangers bringing in, Judith, slingshots?!
But women weren't the only ones that were drinking the Kool-Aid of the deer death cull-tists this night, following me came the self-proclaimed honorary mayor of Fourth Ward sounding a lot like the regular mayor:
Chuck Sobanski: (12:40 in) "I live two blocks away from Copeyon Park, I welcome the deer cull. It ain't gonna bother me. It ain't gonna hurt me. It ain't gonna do nothin'. It's gonna take away some deer, that's a problem. And if anyone thinks they are not a problem, then we ought to take all the deer in Ludington, take them to the people's houses. Have them put up a fence and have them in their yard. I'm tired of deer ruining everything. And people say "They're nice, they're so nice". The hell they are, they're a nuisance. And I'm happy for the council to take action. Thank you."
Chuck is surely channeling his deer-hate, but I don't think he's thought this through. The city is not trapping deer and moving them, they are killing them with extreme prejudice. And we can't trap deer in the city. In the city code you are forbidden to feed deer on your property so you can't bait them, nor can the city since they are expressly forbidden to feed wild animals in parks, beaches, or cemeteries. Nor can you put wild animals in a pen on your yard. If we have the USDA come in and trap deer, so that they can move them to the east part of the county, you're looking at spending a lot more than just shooting them dead.
The meeting didn't really see anything arise about the deer cull other than the city manager informing them that surface, water and soil testing would be done in the coming weeks and that they've already got approval for the cull to continue through the end of March (note, he reported it could take place that late in the past). Judith Dila would get up once again at the last comment period and laid it on very thick:
Dila: (44:20 in) "I've been here a few times, for different things, watching the council work and I come from a big city, I grew up in Detroit, I lived in New York City, and my husband and I lived in Denver for quite a long time, before we moved here and I'm so impressed with all of you, and it is so enjoyable to come and watch you and listen to you and see how you interact with one another with such respect, and how appreciative I am to live in a city and for all of you, so when I see an article in the paper that want to recall our mayor, it's very upsetting, and the person that did that is here today, and I hope that he's watching and listening and taking all this in, because I think that we have elected very honest people, that are only working for our good and I do want you to know I appreciate it."
Judith, I was watching, listening, and taking all this in, and I momentarily wondered how much of your comment was written by your deer death cullt leader. And because I was so moved, I moved to the podium and spoke on the topic you so politely introduced for me:
XLFD: "When I get the language approved on my recall petition of the mayor and deal with appeals, if any, I will start looking for signatures primarily in the 2nd, 4th, and 6th Wards. Why, you may ask? Simple: recruiting. Councilors Winczewski, Stibitz and Bulger in just a little over a year into their term have done quite a lot of objectionable acts.
They each purposefully voted to raise our taxes by nearly $300,000 last year without any hesitation or discussion. They each accepted a fraudulent definition of commercial property to include a school and its playground twice in order to give two grifters from Grand Rapids decades of tax breaks at all of our expense. They each properly voted to suspend the deer cull on school property last January, but then they each betrayed the public by voting for it in October on the urging of Mayor Barnett, who forgot to tell all of us that the cull would take place on his property abutting school grounds and in a cemetery. I say betrayed because the city's own non-scientific survey in 2022 showed 49 people enjoyed seeing deer in the community, twelve didn't, that's over 80%. They each supported using general funds to subsidize enterprise funds, unfairly competing with our private campgrounds and marinas.
People don't like hearing about their taxes being raised, those taxes going out of the city through the use of fraud, their children endangered on school grounds, their ancestors getting gunshots and gore from the deer that they love on their headstones, and they assuredly won't like the part you all played in it. [END Comment]
That got Squeaky's friend up out of her chair, and after letting everyone know that my words inspired her, she began her speech targeting the same ad shown earlier was 100% true, and like her friend, she didn't prove any of it was untrue but found it distressing nevertheless:
Angie Beyer: "I wasn't going to speak, but here I am. I've been here a multiple number of times advocating the deer cull, and those of us who are affected by the numerous deer, know what I'm talking about. Some of us don't, so be it. However, what's dear to my heart tonight is that abhorrent ad in the newspaper, the ad that was in last Friday's paper. Of course, it was against the deer cull. I felt there was a lot of wrong, misleading information. I looked up most of the addresses, others I knew where they are, and that ad was so over the top, I find it appalling. Thank you."
I respect Angie's "A" adjectives, but what is abhorrent and appalling about the ad is that it is, as noted, 100% true, and like good deer death cull-tists you have shown that you have been completely indoctrinated by your cullt leader to reject reality. Angie, Chuck, and Judith, you will be so thoroughly rewarded in your own way as deer death cull-tists if this $20K cull goes through and they bag even just one deer to satisfy your blood-lust and lack of real empathy for the good in this world.
And that's because your exalted deer death cullt leader, wouldn't do what that nasty devil said he had done, even when you see the Work Initiation Form your idol signed for his own property and reviewed all those meetings where your most-holy never declared that his eminence would benefit from the service your lord so strongly advocated for. No, your divinely blessed mayor will make all those nasty critters go away if it takes a couple of deer culls each year on his property overlooking school grounds and the Lakeview Cemetery-- and get more guns off the street too.
I'm in favor of the cull. However, I think it should be "executed" during the next siting of the Hale-Bopp comet.
For Heaven's Gate, I love this comment. Well played, Barney!
In my next article, I will be relating a protracted dialog that happened yesterday just after a committee meeting with Councilor Moonbeam, her ten years on the council has seriously brainwashed her in a big way-- although I must admit, she was pretty wacky when she was fresh. She's totally hard-wired with a program that denies objective reality, a 'Stepford Wife' totally devoted to her husband, the City of Ludington, and whose sole goal seems only to feed the beast in control.
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