As many of you have probably seen on the news here the last few days, the Obama administration has opted to not defend the Defense Of Marriage Act, otherwise known as DOMA, any longer... basically because they believe that it is unconstitutional. Although President Obama himself said that he believed a marriage to be between a man and a woman, this new stance seems to go against that ideal. One of the things that supporters of gay marriage will often mention is that in their interpretation of things, the constitution offers equal protection under the law. With that, supporters of gay marriage believe that marriages of gays in states that allow them should be honored in all states. Here's where Pandora's Box comes into play.

By using that interpretation, things could open up.... a lot more then what some of the more liberal people expect. Should states that do not honor gay marriage licenses be made to honor those licenses, then perhaps a state that does not honor concealed weapon permits should be made to honor those licenses. Or how about states with medical marijuana laws? If you have a pot card in one state, then other states must honor those as well. Take it one more step, perhaps in these financially troubled times states stop honoring teaching certificates... so that if your a teacher and you want to move to another state, well then you'll have to be certified in the new state and will have to of course pay for this.

Myself I don't particularly care what people do in their bedrooms or where ever else... I just assume worry about myself and let others worry about themselves. All I'm saying here is that this whole thing could be one of those situations where that old saying comes into play "be careful of what you ask for because you might just get it".

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You are correct in the fact that I wouldn't want to deny anyone their rights.   The whole mother/daughter/father/son idealogy doesn't really hold any credence for me, I cannot see a 18 yr old falling in love with their parent or a parent falling in love with their child.

Just in case Lisa, I want you to know, I must respectfully agree to disagree with you on this subject, nothing personal, I would hope. I just have strong feelings for certain subjects, this being one, along with illegal immigration, unwinnable and exhaustive overseas wars that fill the coffers of arms makers, while our young get killed needlessly, unjust taxation, over-unionization to gain unfair wages and prop up/elect political leaders, dirty underhanded politics, both local, statewide, and national, and maybe just a few more, here and there. Go ahead and support gay marriages, just don't get violent and aggressively passionate like the Kalifornia kids that plagued many cities over the new laws there, and elsewhere. There were very good and long-term rules, laws, ethics, morals, and rights by our forefathers in this country set before us many centuries ago for a good reason, they worked for the majority, mostly all. This new concept of appeasing the entire public to what a very few in the minority want, because they yell and scream from one end of the land to the other in small groups being filmed by TV, is also a travesty upon this land, and is biting us big time in the butt right now. Divide and conquer is not what the Nation needs right now, it's unity and winning that counts for all of us now, imho.

It happens too much actually ..and when it does it is still one of the only taboos that the liberals have not embraced as a gene that did not develop right at birth.


That is what happens when the psychological community go down the path of born that way... No one has yet found the gene that supposedly makes this so.. So why not hide all manor of behavior under the banner of born that way?

Before anyone shrugs that idea off.. look at how emboldened everyone from the Transvestite to the Man boy love Association get every time the normal man /woman marriage issue get further degraded.

If someone is a transvestite it does not bother me, now the whole nambla thing is very disturbing to me. But I think they should be allowed to have their parades just for the plain fact - so the rest of the world would see who they really are and know to keep their children away.

The think about that philosophy, is it in some cases encourages far more deviant behavior and these people feel justified by the fact other behavior is ( considered more egregious  than there particular issues.

A good example is the murderers in prison will even pick on a rapist as it makes there own deviance seem less evil. I know you will see the comparison as less that perfect but I have noted the same thing with how even people in the LGBT community sometimes treat those in the T category... Not too well at all really.

Well I have to say I would not be upset if the world was rid of pedophiles - by any means.
Thanks Guido, a light at the end of a tunnel of Luv? Born that way is a fairy tale, and those whom espouse to it know it all too well, but would have us believe in the tale, repeat a lie over and over, it becomes truth...........rofl. Lest we have some common sense and sobriety on this matter of fact fib. To some, any sexual orientation is acceptable, to the silent majority, Ha~!
Lisa, you world of ideas and morals,  just encourages pedophiles, by all means.


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