The reason our Government is not working is because of the attitude of the Democrats and Republicans. The problem is the entitlement attitude. Both parties consider themselves entitled to run the country. Both parties think it is their right to control our Government instead of a privilage to represent the American people. Each party counts on voters apathy and occasional disapproval of the other party to gain power during alternate periods of voter discontent. Both parties take advantage of this to push their own agendas which in most cases does not coincide with what voters want. If the Tea Party does in fact organize and sponser candidates, we will see both Republicans and Democrats attacking the Tea Party ideals and principles in order for them to retain power because this current governing state of affairs is not about what is good for America but what is best for the Democratic and Republican parties.
Permalink Reply by XLFD on December 15, 2010 at 11:00am
If your premise is correct, RJE, we should find out before the elections of 2012. Will the elected Tea-Party-friendly Republicans go mainstream or convert the old guard network of Republicans more to their point of view? I see the two factions unifying in those two years to battle their common menace while both are advancing their own interests, but there will be friction.