X, as long as I’ve been here and watched you call Shay a “perjurer” without a flinch, I’ve never delved into you being one too. (That was your business) You committed perjury when you listed your voting address at your parent’s house, while actually living on Dowland. Those papers are signed under penalty of perjury. You stated on here that you never physically lived there, but to register to vote in that precinct YOU MUST RESIDE THERE stated Under penalty of perjury. The city must not have caught it and I didn’t say anything because it was YOUR business. Statute of limitations should have passed by now. If I was part of the City or County as I have been accused of by Aqueerman, I surely would have contacted Spanolia to review this long ago.
Did you ever vote in the wrong precinct? That’s a crime too.
Reply by XLFD 2 hours ago
Still you claimed "You committed perjury when you listed your voting address at your parent’s house, while actually living on Dowland. Those papers are signed under penalty of perjury."
I considered my only 'static' residence to be at my parent's address, I would go there daily. The Dowland address was my work address where I managed the six apartments and yet spent the majority of my time. There was no willful deceit on my part, and no reason why I would even care at that time about which ward I was part of. I considered that my only truly fixed address.
Reply by XLFD 3 hours ago
There is no flinch in calling John Shay a perjuror, because he is. He swore in a court affidavit under penalty of perjury that the eleven records he gave to me in response to my FOIA lawsuit were the records I had sought in my FOIA lawsuit, knowing full well that many of them were not compliant (the extraneous records were to assist his legal defense), and full well that many that were compliant were left out-- almost twenty records with his signature on them and well known to him according to DDA records showing him at the meetings these things were decided.
As for what you wish to claim is my perjury, I will tell you what I've said before, I registered in 1998 to vote; at that time, and even now for most intents and purposes, my mailing address and the address on my driver's license was my parent's address in the sixth ward. Michigan law states that the same address must be used for voter registration and driver's license purpose.
So even if I wanted to register at the Dowland residence, which was used for apartments then, and more importantly where I had no actual 'apartment' at the time I initially registered, and several times thereafter, I would have had a conundrum, and would have been lying if I had said I was living at Dowland, even though I mostly slept there each night.
Permalink Reply by XLFD on February 29, 2012 at 1:28pm
Larry, please show me any document that I have posted that said I live in the Sixth Ward. For someone who said in another thread that:
"If my child were a minor and did something in school that is determined to be legal then you have no right to dig your little claws into our lives"
"if it were one of my children, I would be very concerned if XLFD or his assistant were using FOIA's to dig into my family's personal concerns."
"If that were my child I might become personally concerned about you and your assistant trying to dig into my child's behavior."
"I would become personally concerned about you or your assistant trying to dig into one of my child's behavior. I think you would too if it were your child."
"I would be very concerned as a parent of that student if XLFD or his assistant were trying to dig too deep in my child's behavior or our family's private affairs"
And asked inquisitively in that same thread about whether I had been a teacher or was still teaching, you are beginning to seriously creep me out, and not just with your inconsistency.
Reply by XLFD on March 3, 2012 at 10:52pm
That address is not my residence; more of a past (and sometimes present) mailing address that the county must have had on file. I had sent PA Spaniola an E-mail, and the PA doesn't like that form of communication, and sent me a letter to where I used to be registered. I had to re-register at the place I have physically lived at this whole millenium, 137 E Dowland Street, to be a candidate in the Third Ward.
Kudos to you, Dale, for finding the document Larry spoke of in the archives. It does make him a little less creepy. But also just remember that a mailing address can differ from a street address. I had my mail delivered to and originally registered at the Pine address, when there had been some problems with lost and misdirected mail at Dowland.
Permalink Reply by XLFD on March 3, 2012 at 11:47pm
RobbyK, Dale, and your brother Larry,
I appreciate your due diligence in coming on here and being concerned about my registration, but not about the disenfranchisement performed by the City leaders. Great priorities you have.
The fact is that I have lived physically at my current Dowland address since 1994, initially registered at my mailing address in Ludington town in 1998 and changed that at the beginning of 2011 to make sure I qualified for the office of Third Ward Councilor. The City of Ludington and most members of the LFD can vouch for me that the Dowland Street address has been my physical and primary mailing address since 2001.
I must submit that three members of the City Council, the City Manager, City Clerk, and Mayor all interviewed me for the Third Ward Councilor seat in April 2011. Councilor Castonia was the first, and none too politely, to point out my registration address was in error, a fact I corrected after the meeting, but amazingly I still didn't get the job, LOL.
Permalink Reply by XLFD on March 4, 2012 at 10:46pm
How many times do I have to tell you. That was not and never has been my residence, it has been a mailing address. The letter of trespass and the WSP never says I have the right to petition John Shay for entrance. I have done it in the past, but it has been ignored the last three or four times. I take that as him denying that right.
And why would anyone need permission to get John Shay's permission to enter the City Hall to vote? Bring up a valid point, please.
SO which one is it? “I considered my only 'static' residence to be at my parent's address” OR
“The fact is that I have lived physically at my current Dowland address since 1994" ????
I can provide the rest of the permalinks if you like. Interesting how you can file legal papers all the way up to the Michigan Court of Appeals but are incapable of filling out the Michigan Voters Registration Card properly.
Kind of takes away from his crying about people wanting anonymity. LOL!!! Now hes all for it, even to the extent of denying who he is!
Interesting time that you decide to post this drivel during the time I am at the city council meeting, which featured some contention about your hero, John Shay and your foil, me.
Because you seem to think it's important to quibble over what I called my address in Ludington, I refer to that one post you saved:
There is no flinch in calling John Shay a perjuror, because he is. He swore in a court affidavit under penalty of perjury that the eleven records he gave to me in response to my FOIA lawsuit were the records I had sought in my FOIA lawsuit, knowing full well that many of them were not compliant (the extraneous records were to assist his legal defense), and full well that many that were compliant were left out-- almost twenty records with his signature on them and well known to him according to DDA records showing him at the meetings these things were decided.
As for what you wish to claim is my perjury, I will tell you what I've said before, I registered in 1998 to vote; at that time, and even now for most intents and purposes, my mailing address and the address on my driver's license was my parent's address in the sixth ward. Michigan law states that the same address must be used for voter registration and driver's license purpose.
So even if I wanted to register at the Dowland residence, which was used for apartments then, and more importantly where I had no actual 'apartment' at the time I initially registered, and several times thereafter, I would have had a conundrum, and would have been lying if I had said I was living at Dowland, even though I mostly slept there each night."
So when you ask: Which one is it?: “I considered my only 'static' residence to be at my parent's address” OR
“The fact is that I have lived physically at my current Dowland address since 1994" ????"
The answer is both. Can you understand that? Consider a case of someone who may spend more nights at his girlfriend's address than he does at his own address where he receives mail and pays rent.
I was an apartment manager of the Dowland apartments who had all the 'finished' apartments filled in 1998. You see the problem with putting the Dowland place on my voter registration, when I couldn't get my mail delivered there? Continue bloviating about this if you want Melinda, I gained nothing from being registered in the sixth ward rather than the third ward, nor did I ever mean to deceive anyone.
EXACTLY why the form has a place for "mailing address" versus "residence". So voting in your Parents ward wouldn't help them at all? Sure! DEFINITELY makes ONE persons vote not count, that TRULY lives there.
Furthermore, you STATED you changed the MAILING ADDRESS due to mail issues, so you KNEW you lived on Dowland. "I had my mail delivered to and originally registered at the Pine address, when there had been some problems with lost and misdirected mail at Dowland" So this shows you were ALREADY using the Dowland address, and changed it. You didn't change it due to living at your parents, you changed it because it was getting "misdirected".
And here a list of where I sent it - %20jshay@ci.ludington.mi.us,%20jsteckel@ci.ludington.mi.us,drathsack@ci.ludington.mi.us,kwinczewski@ci.ludington.mi.us,ljohnson@ci.ludington.mi.us,mkrauch@ci.ludington.mi.us,ntykoski@ci.ludington.mi.us,gcastonia@ci.ludington.mi.us,kholman@ci.ludington.mi.us,rcox@ci.ludington.mi.us,prosecutor@masoncounty.net,sheriff@masoncounty.net,fknizacky@masoncounty.net,ludingtontorch@yahoo.com,sbegnoche@ludingtondailynews.com,patti@ludingtondailynews.com,editor@masoncountypress.com - The Ludington Torch address kicked it back.
Now, like a good politician, you're backing it off and hemmin n hawing for an explanation. So liberal of you! WHERE YOU GET YOUR MAIL DELIVERED HAS ABSOLUTELY NO REFLECTION AS TO WHERE YOU LIVE> Heres a copy of it. SIMPLE. Do you understand what "if different" means? Pretty self explanatory.
What about Kaye Holman, City Councilor at large, her personal living and voting situation which was revealed some time back here on the Torch? She claims to live in the city of Ludington, at Sherman Oaks is it? Yet, it's well known and reported, not gossip, that she frequents and stays in Hamlin Township in sin with some boyfriend. (He must need an eye exam imho). Isn't she no longer a resident of the city? That being said, if so, then she is on the city council illegally! She is supposed to be living at her declared residency, full time, year around. Yet, she appears not to be. So, what now? Should she legally resign? Should her status be revealed, and her resignation/firing from office be done now? I think this Holman issue is much more of a solid and critical issue than any of X on the residency issue for sure. She is afterall, swearing on an oath of legal residency too, and is an officer and council member voting on city of Ludington issues, while all along, she isn't qualified to do so. So, if you want a pound of flesh Melinda, go get Holman first, as see how far you get with that injustice and fraud on the public.
LOL. You're off topic Sister, but if that's true, then YES to most of your statements. Wow, I say a few things about some maggot I grew up with n knew about his past history and get threatened with being banned. We know who YOU kneel in front of.
Wow Aq, Why anyone has that much hatred and vicious mental disorders, is only known to you. Feel sorry for anyone that lives with absolutely no soul nor heart in their body. Your mind is fried to the maximum. Get off the illegal or legal drug overdosing.
A bit of history from the last millennium:
I had moved into the Dowland apartments in summer 1994 after my brother brought it with the understanding I would manage and fix up the apartments, and received some mail at an apartment I lived in until 1995, while my parents were living in Scottville. Time elapsed, I did my job well enough to get all the apartments rented, my parents moved to Ludington in 1994/1995, originally in the third ward, at 106 East Foster Street, a place you may know by another name now.
In July 1995, I was hit by a van and thrown 70 feet while serving as a seasonal park ranger early one morning, driven by a very drunk tourist with his niece and nephew in tow. Over the next year, I was cared for by my parents over at 106 East Foster to recover from my various injuries. I changed my mailing address to Foster, because I had serious mobility issues, but I still had mail going to Dowland, some of which I wasn't getting.
That may even be the place where I initially registered, since my parents brought the Pine Street place in late 1998 after being forced out of their old place by eminent domain. I now am returning the favor and caring for my parents, and fighting back against an often tyrannical city government. Of course, if and when the address changed on my driver's license to Pine Street from Foster, my voter registration did likewise.
Feel free to FOIA the SOS for my voter registration, Melinda, you have me curious as to what was the sequence of events seventeen years ago. There is no better way to find if I perjured myself, I can guarantee you at the time that I did not knowingly swear falsely (the definition of perjury) as to my address-- unlike Shay did in his affidavit-- and you might find some other thing I may have misremembered over that long time.
This is YOUR fact "The fact is that I have lived physically at my current Dowland address since 1994" not mine. That's why I wasn't sure if you were a Liar, perjurer Or both. Were just your legs staying with your parents?
Technically, that statement of mine is erroneous simply because of the several months of convalescence I had at the Foster house in 1995/1996, but otherwise true. I still retained a living space at Dowland during that time, which I lived in by myself before the accident, which I regularly visited after a few weeks of recovery. As noted this space was eventually fixed up for a paying renter.
But you never lived where you registered "please show me any document that I have posted that said I live in the Sixth Ward" and "That address is not my residence; more of a past (and sometimes present) mailing address that the county must have had on file" and "How many times do I have to tell you. That was not and never has been my residence, it has been a mailing address" BUT then you state "I considered my only 'static' residence to be at my parent's address" so, my question is, where is this "static" residence? What "WARD" exactly? Because we know it couldn't have been the Sixth Ward. You only need to tell me once in regards to this statement "How many times do I have to tell you. That was not and never has been my residence, it has been a mailing address."? And exactly which WARD did you change it from in 2011?
Melinda, your argument at best one based on semantics. To my memory, I registered to vote when the only address I had to my name was at my parent's place which I regularly visited, but seldom slept at. Dowland was where I spent the majority of my time.
Research the word residence in a legal dictionary and note that people can have multiple residences: "A person can have two places of residence, such as one in the city and one in the country but only one domicile. Residence means living in a particular locality, but domicile means living in that locality with the intent to make it a fixed and permanent home.
Residence merely requires bodily presence as an inhabitant in a given place, whereas domicile requires bodily presence in that place and also an intention to make it one's permanent home..".
I never considered making Dowland my permanent home until well after I registered to vote, but I was a resident there and at my parent's house. Semantics. Do you think Richard Singleton lied when he put down that he didn't have a mental disorder on his concealed carry application? I don't.
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