I just could not take it anymore. The “white noise” of news channels, political talk shows and podcasts became too much. I gave myself a self-imposed respite. The rules were simple, don’t watch or listen to them over the Summer. I have spent the last couple of months reading books. If you knew me, rock bottom for me is reading.
Time once spent listening or watching the constant deluge of “Orangeman bad” or “No collusion” were spent reading the latest Michael Connelly novels. His Harry Bosch novels are my favorite. There were several Martin Duggard novels read as well.
Not the “killing” novels with Mr. Bill, but Martin’s books of early explorers. I recommend giving yourself a “time out” and reading one. “The Explorer’s” is quite good. No, I don’t have an Amazon link for you to “click”. No financial benefit for me. I must disclose I know Martin “Marty” Duggard. I met him while we were both students at Northern Michigan University. We have remained friends to this day. I guess that is one thing to keep in mind while your loading up your Kindle with his books.
The Summer was going quite well, then it happened. By mistake but it did. I happened to be skimming Ludington Daily News and caught the “cross-fire hurricane” of gun control editorials. After reading three of the pieces, I thought I would weigh in on the subject or subjects that were brought up. Let’s get started on the topics
New gun laws are not going to solve the problem. Limiting access or outlawing guns to responsible gun owners will not prevent the criminal element from obtaining them. Mental health services or “red flag” interventions maybe be effective for the exception but not the rule. On the other hand, I really do not understand the need to own an “assault style” weapon. Wasting money and ammo on paper targets at the range is not a good use of either one. Another argument is family/home security. I guess, but an AR would not be my protector of choice. But don’t worry, I don’t want to take away your guns. Here is the real cause of mass shootings. Evil.
Evil will always find a way. If not a gun, a pressure cooker, an airplane or a rental truck parked next to a Federal building. Of course, the suicide bomber wearing a vest, maybe at a wedding reception. There was a time on this Earth where none of these weapons existed, yet danger presented itself in the form of an apple.
Next topic is Mr. Steve Begnoche’s “On the Other Hand” op-ed from Wednesday, August 14, 2019 from The Ludington Daily News. He would suggest that one form an opinion by seeking additional information and face opposite opinions. “Test your beliefs by considering opposing options and engaging in friendly conservation with those who think differently” (Begnoche, LDN, 08/14/19). Much easier said than done in the current political climate.
How does one from an opinion? By gathering information from places we agree. First and for most, the “mainstream media”. I would gather most of our major political beliefs come from opinions expressed by MSNBC, CNN, FOX or a talk show. Unfortunately, this is not reporting. It is mostly “news spin”. “Accountability is the American way: a free press with pesky reporters asking fair but difficult questions and citizens who are free to disagree with the government” (Begnoche, LDN, 08/14/19). We don’t have “pesky reporters” asking questions anymore. “Reporters” getting answers to questions seem to skew the truth for a narrative. “Facts are facts. But the choice of what facts to present and how to frame the story around the facts can lead to point-of-view reporting that Fox and CNN both are guilty of” (Begnoche, LDN, 08/14/19).
Mr. Begnoche has this suggestion for the reader, “Study issues and viewpoints. Think. Question. Know where information is coming from. Vote. Then stay engaged” (Begnoche, LDN, 08/14/19). Although good advice, its difficult to achieve. Here is why.
After studying an issue, your going to have questions. To get the “best” answer, go to the source. The individual, department or a public relations person. Tell them your just an “interested citizen” and ask your questions. You’ll get the most expedient answer available. Unsatisfied, you come up with a better “title” for yourself, an “independent reporter”. Now they will take you seriously. Ask your questions, the typical response will be “what’s your deadline”. Eventually, your faced with your final option. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Now, you must decide how personally important this information is to you. FOIA requests can be a long and costly process. Seeking the truth and nothing but the truth is easier said than done (sometimes).
I see one of the latest tactics to sway the Trump voter is “soul shame” them. According to some, this election is for the “soul of the nation”. As Mr. Barham wrote in his reader’s response letter, “Democrats, Republicans and independants (sic) disgusted by Trump’s use of race as a wedge cannot pretend this is a normal election. Anyone tempted to support Trump because of his economic or foreign policies should be constantly reminded that his is not an a la carte menu. If you plan to vote for Trump because of his tax cuts, or example, or his uncritical support of Israel, you’re also voting for his racism. This is nothing less than a fight for the soul of the nation. Everyone needs to take a stand” (Roger Barham, LDN, 08/14/19, “Trump supporters need to understand taking bad with good”). Maybe inadvertent but Mr. Barham is stating any vote no matter the reason is a vote for racism. Sorry, I’m not sure how I can have a conversation where I am a racist from the start. A bit difficult to get past that obstacle, but that could just be me.
“The soul of the nation” rests in the hands and hearts of Trump supporters. It really rests in all of us. We all should make an informed decision. Remember, a vote against President is a vote for the Democratic Party. Before you “sell your soul” to the Democrats, I suggest reading my article on Maxine Waters. Be careful who you give your soul to, bad and good on both sides. Also, I don’t think giving your soul to a candidate is worth it. Just vote for the one you like, it’s cheaper in the long run.
For every “article” I have written, I have three times as many stuck in limbo because the “truth” is difficult to obtain. Asking questions to ascertain the truth maybe interpreted as an agenda by the interviewee. The truth is a la carte. Just because your correct on one subject does not mean your correct on all subjects. Most people do not have to time to investigate the truth. That is why we rely on news outlets. For all their bravado of being “pesky reporters’, they’re all bark and no bite.

~Aloha BR

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I had a bit of a struggle dealing with the title, since often "truth" is defined as a fact or belief that is accepted as true, but I think I get the point.

Two news agencies can get the same set of facts, and yet write two very different articles where they each choose a different subset of facts to ignore, a subset to report on, and a subset of facts to develop with their biased viewpoint.  Honest reporting is hard to come by, I can't always claim it myself, because I do a fair share of commentary when the facts lead me to a conclusion of which I then try to share fairly and truthfully, with facts only being ignored if they are totally irrelevant.   

Well stated Barney. I think Begnoche never practiced what he preached and still doesn't. How anyone can run a news agency which has spewed out convoluted information sprinkled with half truths  can possibly  look back and think they have accomplished fairness is beyond me. I understand he had to kiss a lot of rears to sell advertising space but what he did to promote journalistic deceit should forever condemn him to the scrap pile of journalistic malpractice


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