In the continued quarrel between the Cole supporters and Fiers supporters about who has ran the more honorable and ethical campaign, there have been a lot of claims.  For the most part, I think most of these claims are personal, and viewpoint-driven.  But something that continues to bewilder me is the seemingly blatant personal attack that Kim Cole regularly does in a subtle manner in his "promise" ads:



This was clipped from Friday's COLDNews.  Sergeant Cole says:  "My promise to the people of Mason County:  I will restore pride, tradition and honor to the Sheriff's Office"  Emphasis added on the verb and abstract nouns of his promise.  Looking closer at the definitions of those terms:


restoreVerb:  1.Bring back; reinstate.   2.Return (someone or something) to a former condition, place, or position.

prideNoun: 1. A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect.

traditionNoun:  1. An inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior.

honorNoun:  1.  High respect; esteem

To restore these three abstractions, therefore, he is effectively saying that the three have been lacking in the current administration.  That Jeff Fiers has ran a sheriff's office where pride, tradition, and honor have been lost somewhere along the way.  Three questions to Kim Cole or his supporters about Sheriff Fiers:


1.  When has Sheriff Fiers not been proud of the MCSO, and the part he plays in it?

2.  What positive traditions of the MCSO has Sheriff Fiers eliminated or ignored during his one term in office?

3.  When has Sheriff Fiers been anything but honorable, to his office or to his subordinates?


And then one last question:


4.  How specifically will Sergeant Cole restore these when he gets to office, thus fulfilling his promise?


The statement Kim Cole makes in his advertisement is negative and insulting, and shows that he may just restore pride in the office, if we consider the fifth definition of pride, which is generally considered one of the seven deadly sins:  "an excessively high opinion of oneself; conceit."  

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Ok Ms Baker, I never deleted a comment I made actually.  Also, you never responded to the points I made earlier about Jeff and all of the things he didn't do and how he is only worried about the money more than his own men and women.  I don't want a deputy rushing to help me or a family member out with used breaks, tires or rims on their cars.  I don't want to be drowning and have a dive team deploy a boat that had a leak in it and hopefully it is safely patched up.  I don't want deputies to be paroling with a working radar or camera in their car.  But he "saved" money.  That money is coming in no matter what so why not use it to make your department safer and better.   Jeff is a nice guy and a very good road patrol officer I heard, but as a Sheriff you need someone who can be respected and understand how to run a department.  Jeff was offered a job and turned it down after he lost.  That shows me that he really doesn't care and now just wants the County to waste thousand and thousands of dollars to hand count every ballot.  Obviously, he doesn't care about saving money as much as we thought now does he?

With all of the bashing on the site the torch is more like everyone throwing more gas on the fire. The poles are closed. and later on tonight the lines in the sand will fade. And yes it is always fun to be on the side that is winning. and God only knows what is best for the residents of Mason County so now all we can do is Pray.







































































I agree about the bashing going on. Collectively, the residents of Ludington have made their landslide choice independent of all the bashing.

It is over.

I am not even going to respond to your ridiculous comments because you sir are a LIAR "you did not delete your comments" I do not argue with out right LIARS because it is a waste of my time !!!

Really, funny, I replied to the exact comment that is suddenly "missing"!

Get off it Baker you are starting to sound very sophomoric in your rants
Cole is ahead 16/25 precincts by 70%

Whaaaaaaat did you expect Chucky and Sean, you had the most Union Monies, illicit signage, propaganda, outright fear mongering tactics, and constantly sabotaged a decent God-fearing man with integrity. But, the "REAL dumbed-down idots that will also vote for an extended Mayoral term limit", will succumb to more dumbed-down ideas, and Ludville's locals will plunge even further. Or will it's Phonies that participate in "dirty filthy politics" prosper into eternity, with Nepotism, and injustice for ALL?  CLFD, you have participated in many attacks on persons on this forum, and to no avail., as positives and simple logic have confounded you time and again. I suggest YOU be more Positive, and correct your ill-feelings, paranoia, or go to a more progressively liberal forum that welcomes you're juvenile posts. JMO, and good day sir, you have nothing of substance to offer here anymore, imho.

I have a large area that is blank right above the clfd comment to brubaker am I the only one ? Wondering if I am missing someones comment ? To you Chuck I have not had any rants on here just honest statements of which none of you cole supporters can say ! He may have won but an awful lot of people made it out to write a mans name on the ballot because he has earned alot of respect.I truly belive that within the next four yrs most of the people that voted for cole will regret it.So I will sit back now and watch it all on fall apart with cole at the reins.It was nice to talk with all of the people here that acted and talked like adults.As for all of the children that lied and bashed Fiers and his supporters constantly...I belive in carma :) Goodbye and Good Day.

It's "karma" my spelling had been corrected many times on here do I feel turnabout is fair play....your right many did turn out for the write in, but many more turned out for Cole to defeat the write in.

yes, the screen is messed up, not sure why, can't seem to fix it in any way. Maybe the poster hit the return key alot extending the length of the reply section but no text is there just "returns". And I can't do anything about it without deleting the entire comment.

Finally it is over, Jeff put up a good fight and a lot better turnout for him than I expected.  Hopefully certain people can accept defeat, again and move on with their lives.  A Baker, you may think people will regret their vote? Yeah maybe  there will be that regret their vote,but there will be people who definitely won’t regret it.  That is how it goes when you vote for politics.  I mean, I voted for Jeff four years ago, and now I did not vote for Jeff.  So everyone should accept defeat, again and have respect for both candidates.  Like I said, Jeff put up a good fight in the end for being a write in but just not enough support.  Kim Cole is a great person and is going to be a very respect Sheriff by his employees and by 68% of the County.  Instead of bashing a person you hardly know, respect the position and respect Sheriff Cole just like you respect Jeff.  None of us understand what being a patrol officer is like and what they have to deal with every single day. How many people in this forum have actually sat down and talk to Cole and ask him about the law suit or about what is going out in the department?  Or has it been all hearsay from Jeff supporters?  There are two sides to every story.  So, instead of trying to drag his name and credibility through the mud, do some research on him.


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